1 Timóteo 5:3

3 Honra as viúvas que são verdadeiramente viúvas.

1 Timóteo 5:3 Meaning and Commentary

1 Timothy 5:3

Honour widows that are widows indeed.
] Who those are, see in ( 1 Timothy 1:5 1 Timothy 1:9 1 Timothy 1:10 ) . The honour to be given them is not a putting of them into the office of a deaconess, in the church; which office, some think, is referred to in ( Acts 6:1 ) ( 1 Timothy 3:11 ) ( 5:9 ) , and did obtain in some of the primitive churches; and it might be that some of these widows, the apostle here and hereafter speaks of, might be preferred to the rest, and be set over them, and have the care of such, who were more infirm; but then this could only be the case of some, whereas the honour here spoken of is what is to be given to all that are really widows; and therefore rather regards some external honour and respect to be shown them, by words and actions; and especially it designs an honourable provision for them, and maintenance of them; in which sense the word is used in ( 1 Timothy 5:17 ) ( Matthew 15:4-6 ) . So, with the Jews, giving gifts to persons, and making presents to them, is called honour. When Manoah asked the angel's name, that he might do him honour, when his saying came to pass, ( Judges 13:17 ) the sense, according to them, is F17,

``that I may inquire in what place I may find thee, when thy prophecy is fulfilled, and give thee (Nwrwd) , "a gift"; for there is no honour but what signifies a gift, as it is said, ( Numbers 22:17 ) , "honouring I will honour thee".''
So giving gifts to the poor, or providing for their maintenance, is doing them honour; and that this is the sense here, appears by what follows in the context.

F17 Bemidbar Rabba, sect. 10. fol. 199. 4.

1 Timóteo 5:3 In-Context

1 Não repreendas asperamente a um velho, mas admoesta-o como a um pai; aos moços, como a irmãos;
2 �s mulheres idosas, como a mães; �s moças, como a irmãs, com toda a pureza.
3 Honra as viúvas que são verdadeiramente viúvas.
4 Mas, se alguma viúva tiver filhos, ou netos, aprendam eles primeiro a exercer piedade para com a sua própria família, e a recompensar seus progenitores; porque isto é agradável a Deus.
5 Ora, a que é verdadeiramente viúva e desamparada espera em Deus, e persevera de noite e de dia em súplicas e orações;
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