2 Samuel 8

1 Sucedeu depois disso que Davi derrotou os filisteus, e os sujeitou; e Davi tomou a Metegue-Ama das mãos dos filisteus.
2 Também derrotou os moabitas, e os mediu com cordel, fazendo-os deitar por terra; e mediu dois cordéis para os matar, e um cordel inteiro para os deixar com vida. Ficaram assim os moabitas por servos de Davi, pagando-lhe tributos.
3 Davi também derrotou a Hadadézer, filho de Reobe, rei de Zobá, quando este ia estabelecer o seu domínio sobre o rio Eufrates.
4 E tomou-lhe Davi mil e setecentos cavaleiros e vinte mil homens de infantaria; e Davi jarretou a todos os cavalos dos carros, reservando apenas cavalos para cem carros.
5 Os sírios de Damasco vieram socorrer a Hadadézer, rei de Zobá, mas Davi matou deles vinte e dois mil homens.
6 Então Davi pôs guarnições em Síria de Damasco, e os sírios ficaram por servos de Davi, pagando-lhe tributos. E o Senhor lhe dava a vitória por onde quer que ia.
7 E Davi tomou os escudos de ouro que os servos de Hadadézer usavam, e os trouxe para Jerusalém.
8 De Betá e de Berotai, cidades de Hadadézer, o rei Davi tomou grande quantidade de bronze.
9 Quando Toí, rei de Hamate, ouviu que Davi ferira todo o exército de Hadadézer,
10 mandou-lhe seu filho Jorão para saudá-lo, e para felicitá-lo por haver pelejado contra Hadadézer e o haver derrotado; pois Hadadézer de contínuo fazia guerra a Toí. E Jorão trouxe consigo vasos de prata de ouro e de bronze,
11 os quais o rei Davi consagrou ao Senhor, como já havia consagrado a prata e o ouro de todas as nações que sujeitara.
12 da Síria, de Moabe, dos amonitas, dos filisteus, de Amaleque e dos despojos de Hadadézer, filho de Reobe, rei de Zobá.
13 Assim Davi ganhou nome para si. E quando voltou, matou no Vale do Sal a dezoito mil edomitas.
14 E pôs guarnições em Edom; pô-las em todo o Edom, e todos os edomitas tornaram-se servos de Davi. E o Senhor lhe dava a vitória por onde quer que ia.
15 Reinou, pois, Davi sobre todo o Israel, e administrava a justiça e a eqüidade a todo o seu povo.
16 Joabe, filho de Zeruia, estava sobre o exército; Jeosafá, filho de Ailude, era cronista;
17 Zadoque, filho de Aitube, e Aimeleque, filho de Abiatar, eram sacerdotes; Seraías era escrivão;
18 Benaías, filho de Jeoiada, tinha o cargo dos quereteus e peleteus; e os filhos de Davi eram ministros de estado.

2 Samuel 8 Commentary

Chapter 8

David subdues the Philistines, the Moabites, and the Syrians. (1-8) The spoil dedicated. (9-14) David's government and officers. (15-18)

1-8. David subdued the Philistines. They had long been troublesome to Israel. And after the long and frequent struggles the saints have with the powers of darkness, like Israel with the Philistines, the Son of David shall tread them all under foot, and make the saints more than conquerors. He smote the Moabites, and made them tributaries to Israel. Two parts he destroyed, the third part he spared. The line that was to keep alive, though it was but one, is ordered to be a full line. Let the line of mercy be stretched to the utmost. He smote the Syrians. In all these wars David was protected, for this in his psalms he often gives glory to God.

Verses 9-14 All the precious things David was master of, were dedicated things; they were designed for building the temple. ( 2 Samuel. 5:21 ) of gold he dedicated. Thus, in the conquest of a soul by the grace of the Son of David, what stands in opposition to God must be destroyed, every lust must be mortified and crucified, but what may glorify him must be dedicated; thus the property of it is altered. God employs his servants in various ways; some, as David, in spiritual battles; others, as Solomon, in spiritual buildings; and one prepares work for the other, that God may have the glory of all.

Verses 15-18 David neither did wrong, nor denied or delayed right to any. This speaks his close application to business; also his readiness to admit all addresses and appeals made to him. He had no respect of persons in judgment. Herein he was a type of Christ. To Him let us submit, his friendship let us seek, his service let us count our pleasure, diligently attending to the work he assigns to each of us. David made his sons chief rulers; but all believers, Christ's spiritual seed, are better preferred, for they are made kings and priests to our God, Re. 1:6 .

Chapter Summary


This chapter gives a relation of the wars of David with his enemies, and his victories over them, particularly the Philistines, Moabites, Syrians, and Edomites, and of the spoils he took from them, and of the presents made to him by others, 2Sa 8:1-14; and of his righteous administration of government, and of the principal officers in his court and camp, 2Sa 8:15-18.

2 Samuel 8 Commentaries

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