Daniel 2:24

24 Por isso Daniel foi ter com Arioque, ao qual o rei tinha constituído para matar os sábios de Babilônia; entrou, e disse-lhe assim: Não mates os sábios de Babilônia; introduze-me na presença do rei, e lhe darei a interpretação.

Daniel 2:24 Meaning and Commentary

Daniel 2:24

Therefore Daniel went in unto Arioch
Into his apartments at court, or wherever he was in quest of the wise men, of which Daniel had knowledge; this he did as soon as the secret was revealed to him, though not before he had given thanks to God: whom the king had ordained to destroy the wise men of Babylon;
this is a description of Arioch, from the office assigned him by King Nebuchadnezzar, who had appointed him to see this his will and pleasure accomplished: he went and said thus unto him, destroy not the wise men of Babylon:
that is, do not go on to destroy them, for some he had destroyed; this Daniel said, not from any special love he bore them, though some of them might have been his preceptors in the language and literature of the Chaldeans, and so he might have a natural affection for them, and indeed might say this out of common humanity; but this did not arise from any love he had to their wicked arts, which he abhorred, but from love of justice; for, however wicked these men might be, or however deserving of death on other accounts, yet not on this account, for not doing what was impossible for them to do: bring me in before the king, and I will show unto the king the
that is, of the dream, and that itself: by this it seems that Daniel, as yet, was not so well known at court, nor of so much esteem and authority there, as to go in to the king of himself, but needed one to introduce him; and which confirms what has been supposed on ( Daniel 2:16 ) .

Daniel 2:24 In-Context

22 Ele revela o profundo e o escondido; conhece o que está em trevas, e com ele mora a luz.
23 ç Deus de meus pais, a ti dou graças e louvor porque me deste sabedoria e força; e agora me fizeste saber o que te pedimos; pois nos fizeste saber este assunto do rei.
24 Por isso Daniel foi ter com Arioque, ao qual o rei tinha constituído para matar os sábios de Babilônia; entrou, e disse-lhe assim: Não mates os sábios de Babilônia; introduze-me na presença do rei, e lhe darei a interpretação.
25 Então Arioque depressa introduziu Daniel � presença do rei, e disse-lhe assim: Achei dentre os filhos dos cativos de Judá um homem que fará saber ao rei a interpretação.
26 Respondeu o rei e disse a Daniel, cujo nome era Beltessazar: Podes tu fazer-me saber o sonho que tive e a sua interpretação?
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