Gênesis 30:32

32 Passarei hoje por todo o teu rebanho, separando dele todos os salpicados e malhados, e todos os escuros entre as ovelhas, e os malhados e salpicados entre as cabras; e isto será o meu salário.

Gênesis 30:32 Meaning and Commentary

Genesis 30:32

I will pass through all thy flock today
Not alone, but Laban and his sons with him; removing from thence all the speckled and spotted cattle;
that is, such as were black and had white spots on them, or were white and had black spots on them; and the "speckled", according to Jarchi and Ben Melech, were such as had small spots on them; and the "spotted" were such as had larger: and all the brown cattle among the sheep;
the russet coloured ones, or the "black" F15 ones, as some render it; and so Aben Ezra, and who makes mention of another sort, called "barud", which signifies spotted with white spots like hailstones, but is not to be found in the text here, but in ( Genesis 31:10 ) ; and besides coincide with those before described: and the spotted and speckled among the goats:
that had larger and lesser spots upon them as the sheep; and [of such] shall be my hire;
not those that were now in the flock, but such as were like them, that should be brought forth for the time to come; which seems to be a strange proposal, and what was not likely to turn out much to the advantage of Jacob; but he knew what he did, and very probably was directed of God, if not in a vision, yet by an impulse on his mind, that such a method would be right, and would succeed; see ( Genesis 31:10-12 ) .


F15 (Mwx) "nigrum", Montanus, Fagius; so R. Sol. Urbin. Ohel Moed, fol. 98. 1.

Gênesis 30:32 In-Context

30 Porque o pouco que tinhas antes da minha vinda tem se multiplicado abundantemente; e o Senhor te tem abençoado por onde quer que eu fui. Agora, pois, quando hei de trabalhar também por minha casa?
31 Insistiu Labão: Que te darei? Então respondeu Jacó: Não me darás nada; tornarei a apascentar e a guardar o teu rebanho se me fizeres isto:
32 Passarei hoje por todo o teu rebanho, separando dele todos os salpicados e malhados, e todos os escuros entre as ovelhas, e os malhados e salpicados entre as cabras; e isto será o meu salário.
33 De modo que responderá por mim a minha justiça no dia de amanhã, quando vieres ver o meu salário assim exposto diante de ti: tudo o que não for salpicado e malhado entre as cabras e escuro entre as ovelhas, esse, se for achado comigo, será tido por furtado.
34 Concordou Labão, dizendo: Seja conforme a tua palavra.
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