João 20:28

28 Respondeu-lhe Tomé: Senhor meu, e Deus meu!

João 20:28 Meaning and Commentary

John 20:28

And Thomas answered and said unto him
Without examining his hands and side, and as astonished at his condescension and grace, and ashamed of his unbelief:

my Lord and my God;
he owns him to be Lord, as he was both by creation and redemption; and God, of which he was fully assured from his omniscience, which he had given a full proof of, and from the power that went along with his words to his heart, and from a full conviction he now had of his resurrection from the dead. He asserts his interest in him as his Lord and his God; which denotes his subjection to him, his affection for him, and faith in him; so the divine word is called in Philo the Jew, (kuriov mou) , "my Lord" F24.


F24 Lib. Allegor. l. 2. p. 101.

João 20:28 In-Context

26 Oito dias depois estavam os discípulos outra vez ali reunidos, e Tomé com eles. Chegou Jesus, estando as portas fechadas, pôs-se no meio deles e disse: Paz seja convosco.
27 Depois disse a Tomé: Chega aqui o teu dedo, e vê as minhas mãos; chega a tua mão, e mete-a no meu lado; e não mais sejas incrédulo, mas crente.
28 Respondeu-lhe Tomé: Senhor meu, e Deus meu!
29 Disse-lhe Jesus: Porque me viste, creste? Bem-aventurados os que não viram e creram.
30 Jesus, na verdade, operou na presença de seus discípulos ainda muitos outros sinais que não estão escritos neste livro;
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