Levítico 16:32

32 E o sacerdote que for ungido e que for sagrado para administrar o sacerdócio no lugar de seu pai, fará a expiação, havendo vestido as vestes de linho, isto é, as vestes sagradas;

Levítico 16:32 Meaning and Commentary

Leviticus 16:32

And the priest whom he shall anoint
Whom God shall anoint, or shall be anointed, that shall succeed in the high priesthood, as Aaron's sons did, the eldest of them, and none but such were anointed: and whom he shall consecrate;
or fill his hands, by putting the sacrifices into them; (See Gill on Exodus 28:41) and (See Gill on Exodus 29:9) (See Gill on Exodus 29:24); by which, and by anointing him, and clothing him with the priestly garments, he was consecrated and installed into his office, in order to minister in the priest's office, in his father's stead:
a son of an high priest was always preferred to any other, and to him it of right belonged to succeed his father in his office: and such an one, thus consecrated, shall make the atonement;
on this day of atonement; not a common priest, but the high priest only; so Jarchi observes, this expiation of the day of atonement was not right but by an high priest; for the whole section is said concerning Aaron, and therefore it must needs be said of an high priest that comes after him, that should be as he was: and shall put on the linen clothes, [even] the holy garments:
that is, on the day of atonement; in which clothes all the service peculiar to that day, as it was done by Aaron, so it was to be done by all his successors.

Levítico 16:32 In-Context

30 porque nesse dia se fará expiação por vós, para purificar-vos; de todos os vossos pecados sereis purificados perante o Senhor.
31 Será sábado de descanso solene para vós, e afligireis as vossas almas; é estatuto perpétuo.
32 E o sacerdote que for ungido e que for sagrado para administrar o sacerdócio no lugar de seu pai, fará a expiação, havendo vestido as vestes de linho, isto é, as vestes sagradas;
33 assim fará expiação pelo santuário; também fará expiação pela tenda da revelação e pelo altar; igualmente fará expiação e pelos sacerdotes e por todo o povo da congregação.
34 Isto vos será por estatuto perpétuo, para fazer expiação uma vez no ano pelos filhos de Israel por causa de todos os seus pecados. E fez Arão como o Senhor ordenara a Moisés.
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