Malaquias 2:3-13

3 Eis que vos reprovarei a posteridade, e espalharei sobre os vossos rostos o esterco, sim, o esterco dos vossos sacrifícios; e juntamente com este sereis levados para fora.
4 Então sabereis que eu vos enviei este mandamento, para que o meu pacto fosse com Levi, diz o Senhor dos exércitos.
5 Meu pacto com ele foi de vida e de paz; e eu lhas dei para que me temesse; e ele me temeu, e assombrou-se por causa do meu nome.
6 A lei da verdade esteve na sua boca, e a impiedade não se achou nos seus lábios; ele andou comigo em paz e em retidão, e da iniqüidade apartou a muitos.
7 Pois os lábios do sacerdote devem guardar o conhecimento, e da sua boca devem os homens procurar a instrução, porque ele é o mensageiro do Senhor dos exércitos.
8 Mas vós vos desviastes do caminho; a muitos fizestes tropeçar na lei; corrompestes o pacto de Levi, diz o Senhor dos exércitos.
9 Por isso também eu vos fiz desprezíveis, e indignos diante de todo o povo, visto que não guardastes os meus caminhos, mas fizestes acepção de pessoas na lei.
10 Não temos nós todos um mesmo Pai? não nos criou um mesmo Deus? por que nos havemos aleivosamente uns para com outros, profanando o pacto de nossos pais?
11 Judá se tem havido aleivosamente, e abominação se cometeu em Israel e em Jerusalém; porque Judá profanou o santuario do Senhor, o qual ele ama, e se casou com a filha de deus estranho.
12 O Senhor extirpará das tendas de Jacó o homem que fizer isto, o que vela, e o que responde, e o que oferece dons ao Senhor dos exércitos.
13 Ainda fazeis isto: cobris o altar do Senhor de lágrimas, de choros e de gemidos, porque ele não olha mais para a oferta, nem a aceitará com prazer da vossa mão.

Malaquias 2:3-13 Meaning and Commentary


This chapter contains a reproof both of priests and people for their sins. It begins with the priests, Mal 2:1 and threatens, in case they attend not to glorify the name of the Lord, they and their blessings should be cursed, their seed corrupted, dung spread upon them, and they took away with it, Mal 2:2,3 and the end of this commandment being sent them, of giving glory to the name of God, was that the covenant might appear to be with Levi, or him that was typified by him, Mal 2:4 of which covenant some account is given, with the reason why the blessings of it were given to him, with whom it was, Mal 2:5 who is described by the true doctrine he preached; by the purity of his lips; by the peaceableness and righteousness of his walk and conversation; and by his usefulness and success in turning many from sin, Mal 2:6 and it being part of the priest's office to preserve true knowledge, and communicate it, it is the duty of the people to seek to him for it; since he is the messenger of the Lord, Mal 2:7 but as for the priests of those times the prophet respects, they were apostates from the way of the Lord; made others to stumble at the law, and corrupted the covenant; and therefore became contemptible, base, and mean, in the sight of the people, Mal 2:8,9 who are next reproved for their marrying with those of other nations, idolatrous persons; and using polygamy and divorces, which were a profanation of the covenant of their fathers; a piece of perfidy and treachery among themselves; an abomination to the Lord; a profanation of his holiness; and led to idolatry, Mal 2:10,11 wherefore they are threatened to be cut off from the tabernacles of Jacob, and their sacrifices to be rejected; insomuch that the altar is represented as covered with weeping and tears, because disregarded, Mal 2:12,13. The reason of which was, because marrying more wives than one, and these strange women, was dealing treacherously with their lawful wives; was contrary to the first creation of man, and the end of it; and therefore such practices ought to be avoided; and the rather, since putting away was hateful to the Lord, Mal 2:14-16 and the chapter is concluded with a charge against them, that they wearied the Lord with their wicked words; affirming that the Lord took delight in the men that did evil; and that there were no judgment, truth, nor righteousness, in him, Mal 2:17.

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