Gênesis 20

1 Partiu Abraão dali para a terra do Negebe, e habitou entre Cades e Sur; e peregrinou em Gerar.
2 E havendo Abraão dito de Sara, sua mulher: É minha irmã; enviou Abimeleque, rei de Gerar, e tomou a Sara.
3 Deus, porém, veio a Abimeleque, em sonhos, de noite, e disse-lhe: Eis que estás para morrer por causa da mulher que tomaste; porque ela tem marido.
4 Ora, Abimeleque ainda não se havia chegado a ela: perguntou, pois: Senhor matarás porventura tambem uma nação justa?
5 Não me disse ele mesmo: É minha irmã? e ela mesma me disse: Ele é meu irmão; na sinceridade do meu coração e na inocência das minhas mãos fiz isto.
6 Ao que Deus lhe respondeu em sonhos: Bem sei eu que na sinceridade do teu coração fizeste isto; e também eu te tenho impedido de pecar contra mim; por isso não te permiti tocá-la;
7 agora, pois, restitui a mulher a seu marido, porque ele é profeta, e intercederá por ti, e viverás; se, porém, não lha restituíres, sabe que certamente morrerás, tu e tudo o que é teu.
8 Levantou-se Abimeleque de manhã cedo e, chamando a todos os seus servos, falou-lhes aos ouvidos todas estas palavras; e os homens temeram muito.
9 Então chamou Abimeleque a Abraão e lhe perguntou: Que é que nos fizeste? e em que pequei contra ti, para trazeres sobre mim o sobre o meu reino tamanho pecado? Tu me fizeste o que não se deve fazer.
10 Perguntou mais Abimeleque a Abraão: Com que intenção fizeste isto?
11 Respondeu Abraão: Porque pensei: Certamente não há temor de Deus neste lugar; matar-me-ão por causa da minha mulher.
12 Além disso ela é realmente minha irmã, filha de meu pai, ainda que não de minha mãe; e veio a ser minha mulher.
13 Quando Deus me fez sair errante da casa de meu pai, eu lhe disse a ela: Esta é a graça que me farás: em todo lugar aonde formos, dize de mim: Ele é meu irmão.
14 Então tomou Abimeleque ovelhas e bois, e servos e servas, e os deu a Abraão; e lhe restituiu Sara, sua mulher;
15 e disse-lhe Abimeleque: Eis que a minha terra está diante de ti; habita onde bem te parecer.
16 E a Sara disse: Eis que tenho dado a teu irmão mil moedas de prata; isso te seja por véu dos olhos a todos os que estão contigo; e perante todos estás reabilitada.
17 Orou Abraão a Deus, e Deus sarou Abimeleque, e a sua mulher e as suas servas; de maneira que tiveram filhos;
18 porque o Senhor havia fechado totalmente todas as madres da casa de Abimeleque, por causa de Sara, mulher de Abraão.

Gênesis 20 Commentary

Chapter 20

Abraham's sojourn at Gerar, Sarah is taken by Abimelech. (1-8) Abimelech's rebuke to Abraham. (9-13) Abimelech restores Sarah. (14-18)

Verses 1-8 Crooked policy will not prosper: it brings ourselves and others into danger. God gives Abimelech notice of his danger of sin, and his danger of death for his sin. Every wilful sinner is a dead man, but Abimelech pleads ignorance. If our consciences witness, that, however we may have been cheated into a snare, we have not knowingly sinned against God, it will be our rejoicing in the day of evil. It is matter of comfort to those who are honest, that God knows their honesty, and will acknowledge it. It is a great mercy to be hindered from committing sin; of this God must have the glory. But if we have ignorantly done wrong, that will not excuse us, if we knowingly persist in it. He that does wrong, whoever he is, prince or peasant, shall certainly receive for the wrong which he has done, unless he repent, and, if possible, make restitution.

Verses 9-13 See here much to blame, even in the father of the faithful. Mark his distrust of God, his undue care about life, his intent to deceive. He also threw temptation in the way of others, caused affliction to them, exposed himself and Sarah to just rebukes, and yet attempted an excuse. These things are written for our warning, not for us to imitate. Even Abraham hath not whereof to glory. He cannot be justified by his works, but must be indebted for justification, to that righteousness which is upon all and unto all them that believe. We must not condemn all as hypocrites who fall into sin, if they do not continue in it. But let the unhumbled and impenitent take heed that they do not sin on, thinking that grace may abound. Abimelech, being warned of God, takes the warning; and being truly afraid of sin and its consequences, he rose early to pursue the directions given him.

Verses 14-18 We often trouble ourselves, and even are led into temptation and sin, by groundless suspicions; and find the fear of God where we expected it not. Agreements to deceive generally end in shame and sorrow; and restraints from sin, though by suffering, should be thankfully acknowledged. Though the Lord rebuke, yet he will pardon and deliver his people, and he will give them favour in the sight of those with whom they sojourn; and overrule their infirmities, when they are humbled for them, so that they shall prove useful to themselves and others.

Chapter Summary


This chapter relates the removal of Abraham to Gerar, Ge 20:1; the king of Gerar's taking to him Sarah, whom Abraham had called his sister, Ge 20:2; who is rebuked of God for it in a dream, Ge 20:3; for which he makes an apology that is admitted, only he is ordered to restore to Abraham his wife, Ge 20:4-7; and accordingly early in the morning he called his servants, and acquainted them with what had happened, Ge 20:8; and then sent for Abraham, and expressed his resentment at his usage of him, Ge 20:9; which Abraham defended as well as he could, Ge 20:10-13; the issue of all which was, great kindness was shown to Abraham, and his wife restored to him, though with a reproof to her from the king, Ge 20:14-16; upon which Abraham prayed for the healing of Abimelech and his family, in which he was heard and answered, Ge 20:17,18.

Gênesis 20 Commentaries

The Almeida Atualizada is in the public domain.