Isaías 7

1 Sucedeu, pois, nos dias de Acaz, filho de Jotão, filho de Uzias, rei de Judá, que Rezim, rei da Síria, e Peca, filho de Remalias, rei de Israel, subiram a Jerusalém, para pelejarem contra ela, mas não a puderam conquistar.
2 Quando deram aviso � casa de Davi, dizendo: A Síria fez aliança com Efraim; ficou agitado o coração de Acaz, e o coração do seu povo, como se agitam as árvores do bosque � força do vento.
3 Então disse o Senhor a Isaías: saí agora, tu e teu filho Sear-Jasube, ao encontro de Acaz, ao fim do aqueduto da piscina superior, na estrada do campo do lavandeiro,
4 e dize-lhe: Acautela-te e aquieta-te; não temas, nem te desfaleça o coração por causa destes dois pedaços de tições fumegantes; por causa do ardor da ira de Rezim e da Síria, e do filho de Remalias.
5 Porquanto a Síria maquinou o mal contra ti, com Efraim e com o filho de Remalias, dizendo:
6 Subamos contra Judá, e amedrontemo-lo, e demos sobre ele, tomando-o para nós, e façamos reinar no meio dele o filho de Tabeel.
7 Assim diz o Senhor Deus: Isto não subsistirá, nem tampouco acontecerá.
8 Pois a cabeça da Síria é Damasco, e o cabeça de Damasco é Rezim; e dentro de sessenta e cinco anos Efraim será quebrantado, e deixará de ser povo.
9 Entretanto a cabeça de Efraim será Samária, e o cabeça de Samária o filho de Remalias; se não o crerdes, certamente não haveis de permanecer.
10 De novo falou o Senhor com Acaz, dizendo:
11 Pede para ti ao Senhor teu Deus um sinal; pede-o ou em baixo nas profundezas ou em cima nas alturas.
12 Acaz, porém, respondeu: Não o pedirei nem porei � prova o Senhor.
13 Então disse Isaías: Ouvi agora, ó casa de Davi: Pouco vos é afadigardes os homens, que ainda afadigareis também ao meu Deus?
14 Portanto o Senhor mesmo vos dará um sinal: eis que uma virgem conceberá, e dará � luz um filho, e será o seu nome Emanuel.
15 Manteiga e mel comerá, quando ele souber rejeitar o mal e escolher o bem.
16 Pois antes que o menino saiba rejeitar o mal e escolher o bem, será desolada a terra dos dois reis perante os quais tu tremes de medo.
17 Mas o Senhor fará vir sobre ti, e sobre o teu povo e sobre a casa de teu pai, dias tais, quais nunca vieram, desde o dia em que Efraim se separou de Judá, isto é, fará vir o rei da Assíria.
18 Naquele dia assobiará o Senhor �s moscas que há no extremo dos rios do Egito, e �s abelhas que estão na terra da Assíria.
19 E elas virão, e pousarão todas nos vales desertos e nas fendas das rochas, e sobre todos os espinheirais, e sobre todos os prados.
20 Naquele dia rapará o Senhor com uma navalha alugada, que está além do Rio, isto é, com o rei da Assíria, a cabeça e os cabelos dos pés; e até a barba arrancará.
21 Sucederá naquele dia que um homem criará uma vaca e duas ovelhas;
22 e por causa da abundância do leite que elas hão de dar, comerá manteiga; pois manteiga e mel comerá todo aquele que ficar de resto no meio da terra.
23 Sucederá também naquele dia que todo lugar, em que antes havia mil vides, do valor de mil siclos de prata, será para sarças e para espinheiros.
24 Com arco e flechas entrarão ali; porque as sarças e os espinheiros cobrirão toda a terra.
25 Quanto a todos os outeiros que costumavam cavar com enxadas, para ali não chegarás, por medo das sarças e dos espinheiros; mas servirão de pasto para os bois, e serão pisados pelas ovelhas.

Images for Isaías 7

Isaías 7 Commentary

Chapter 7

Ahaz threatened by Israel and Syria; and is assured their attack would be in vain. (1-9) God gives a sure sign by the promise of the long-expected Messiah. (10-16) The folly and sin of seeking relief from Assyria are reproved. (17-25)

Verses 1-9 Ungodly men are often punished by others as bad as themselves. Being in great distress and confusion, the Jews gave up all for lost. They had made God their enemy, and knew not how to make him their friend. The prophet must teach them to despise their enemies, in faith and dependence on God. Ahaz, in fear, called them two powerful princes. No, says the prophet, they are but tails of smoking firebrands, burnt out already. The two kingdoms of Syria and Israel were nearly expiring. While God has work for the firebrands of the earth, they consume all before them; but when their work is fulfilled, they will be extinguished in smoke. That which Ahaz thought most formidable, is made the ground of their defeat; because they have taken evil counsel against thee; which is an offence to God. God scorns the scorners, and gives his word that the attempt should not succeed. Man purposes, but God disposes. It was folly for those to be trying to ruin their neighbours, who were themselves near to ruin. Isaiah must urge the Jews to rely on the assurances given them. Faith is absolutely necessary to quiet and compose the mind in trials.

Verses 10-16 Secret disaffection to God is often disguised with the colour of respect to him; and those who are resolved that they will not trust God, yet pretend they will not tempt him. The prophet reproved Ahaz and his court, for the little value they had for Divine revelation. Nothing is more grievous to God than distrust, but the unbelief of man shall not make the promise of God of no effect; the Lord himself shall give a sign. How great soever your distress and danger, of you the Messiah is to be born, and you cannot be destroyed while that blessing is in you. It shall be brought to pass in a glorious manner; and the strongest consolations in time of trouble are derived from Christ, our relation to him, our interest in him, our expectations of him and from him. He would grow up like other children, by the use of the diet of those countries; but he would, unlike other children, uniformly refuse the evil and choose the good. And although his birth would be by the power of the Holy Ghost, yet he should not be fed with angels' food. Then follows a sign of the speedy destruction of the princes, now a terror to Judah. "Before this child," so it may be read; "this child which I have now in my arms," (Shear-jashub, the prophet's own son, ver. ( Isaiah 7:3 ) ,) shall be three or four years older, these enemies' forces shall be forsaken of both their kings. The prophecy is so solemn, the sign is so marked, as given by God himself after Ahaz rejected the offer, that it must have raised hopes far beyond what the present occasion suggested. And, if the prospect of the coming of the Divine Saviour was a never-failing support to the hopes of ancient believers, what cause have we to be thankful that the Word was made flesh! May we trust in and love Him, and copy his example.

Verses 17-25 Let those who will not believe the promises of God, expect to hear the alarms of his threatenings; for who can resist or escape his judgments? The Lord shall sweep all away; and whomsoever he employs in any service for him, he will pay. All speaks a sad change of the face of that pleasant land. But what melancholy change is there, which sin will not make with a people? Agriculture would cease. Sorrows of every kind will come upon all who neglect the great salvation. If we remain unfruitful under the means of grace, the Lord will say, Let no fruit grow on thee henceforth for ever.

Chapter Summary


This chapter contains a prophecy of the preservation of the kingdom of Judah, from its enemies; a confirmation of it by a sign; and a prediction of various calamities that should come upon it, antecedent to the accomplishment of that sign. The enemies of Judea are named, and the besieging of Jerusalem by them, and the date of it, which was without effect, are mentioned, Isa 7:1 the fear and dread which seized the house of David upon the news of this confederacy, Isa 7:2 the orders given by the Lord to the Prophet Isaiah, to take with him his son, and meet Ahaz, at a certain place pointed at, Isa 7:3 whose errand was to comfort him, and exhort him to be quiet and easy; since the conspiracy formed against him should be fruitless, and the kingdom of Israel should be broken to pieces, Isa 7:4-9 after which the king is put upon asking a sign of the Lord, for the confirmation of it; which he refusing to do, under a pretence of tempting the Lord, is reproved; and a sign nevertheless is given; which is that of the birth of the Messiah of a virgin, who would be truly God, as his name Immanuel shows, and truly man, as his birth, his food, and gradual knowledge of good and evil, prove, Isa 7:10-15 yea, it is suggested that the deliverance of Judea from the two kings of Syria and Israel should be very speedy; even before the young child Isaiah had with him was capable of knowing to refuse evil, and chose good, Isa 7:16 but as a chastisement of the house of David for their incredulity in this matter, and slight of the divine goodness, various things are threatened to befall them, before the birth of the Messiah; even such as had not been since the revolt of the ten tribes; as that their enemies, the Assyrians and others, should come upon them in great numbers, and fill all places, so that they would be in the utmost distress, and not be able to escape, Isa 7:17-19 there would be a great consumption of men of all sorts, high and low, signified by shaving off the hair of the head, beard, and feet; so that the few that remained would enjoy plenty, Isa 7:20-22 and for want of men to till the land, it would be covered with thorns and briers; and because of wild beasts, the few men in it would be obliged to defend themselves with bows and arrows, Isa 7:23,24 and yet, after this, the land should become fruitful again, before the Messiah's coming, Isa 7:25, as some interpret it.

Isaías 7 Commentaries

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