5 Uplifting Reasons to Receive God’s Grace and Mercy

5 Uplifting Reasons to Receive God’s Grace and Mercy

God’s grace and mercy is available to us, but we often have a difficult time receiving it each day. No one is perfect and we all fall short daily. Mistakes happen, we try again and move forward. When we do fall short, God desires for us to grow, learn and draw closer to Him for guidance and direction.

But instead of clinging to God, we often are hard on ourselves for our shortcomings, and we can be our own harshest critics. We place unrealistic expectations on ourselves and others, trying to handle everything within our own strength. The good news is that God’s grace is a free gift for all believers and covers us, strengthening us to move forward.

If you have been overly critical and struggling to receive God’s amazing grace and mercy, here are five uplifting reasons to so today:

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1. God’s Grace Is a Free Gift

Woman holding hands open, with a flower in them

You don’t have to earn, work for, or buy God’s grace. It is a free gift given to each believer. “He has saved us and called us to a holy life – not because of anything we have done but because of his own purpose and grace. This grace was given us in Christ Jesus before the beginning of time” (2 Timothy 1:9).

God’s grace is given from God’s love for us, and reassures us that we are not alone. God’s grace empowers and encourages us to start each day fresh and put the past behind us. Despite the varying seasons and challenges that we will face, God’s grace continues to cover, guide, and lead us each day.

That is great news! When we are discouraged or needing encouragement to move forward, we can receive God’s grace to remain uplifted and be reminded that He is with us. Today, I invite you to give thanks and praise to God for His grace that is a free gift for you.

2. God’s Grace Is Sufficient

Another uplifting reason to receive God’s grace is because it is sufficient for you, and it never runs out. “But he said to me, ‘My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness’” (2 Corinthians 12:9). There is nothing that we can do or have done that exempts us from God’s grace. It carries us and sustains us when we are weak and feel overwhelmed.

Let God’s grace cover you when you need new strength and direction for your spirit. Allow God’s sufficient grace to fill in the gaps when your human strength is depleted or needing restoration. Receive God’s grace as the best free gift you have ever received. You don’t have to ever wonder if this will be available, because it is always more than enough. God’s sufficient grace covers all of our inadequacies, shortcomings, flaws, and sin. Continue to walk in God’s abundant and amazing grace today.

Photo credit: Unsplash/Lina Trochez

3. God’s Mercy Allows Us to Move Forward

man walking toward sun in dark autumn forest

Despite our past shortcomings, God’s mercy covers us and gives us strength to move forward. “Have mercy on me, O God, according to your unfailing love; according to your great compassion blot out my transgressions” (Psalm 51:1). When we feel like we want to quit, God’s mercy empowers us to keep going with new energy, vigor, and purpose.

God’s mercy propels us to start again tomorrow and don’t look back. Each new day that God allows us to wake up is a new opportunity to try again and trust Him more. Our circumstances may not immediately change, but God’s mercy allows us to shift our perspective and trust in His direction.

If we make a wrong turn or need to be re-directed, God’s mercy invites us to do so with no condemnation. As you move forward each day, I invite you to allow God’s mercy to guide and direct you forward as you trust in Him. 

4. God’s Mercy Is Calming

In addition to God’s mercy moving us forward, God’s mercy is calming and available to you. Say it aloud: “I receive God’s mercy today.” This daily affirmation is essential for you to not only say, but fully believe.

I have learned that receiving mercy doesn’t mean there is no struggle. God’s mercy will cover and keep you even in the midst of life’s challenges. When I have felt anxious or overwhelmed from a situation or challenge before me, God’s mercy has uplifted me and shifted my perspective. My circumstance may not immediately change, but my outlook and response will.

“Who is a God like you, who pardons sin and forgives the transgression of the remnant of his inheritance? You do not stay angry forever but delight to show mercy” (Micah 7:18).

You can choose.  Receive God’s mercy, or live with constant anxiety. God’s mercy will calm you when you are frantic. God’s mercy will direct you when you feel lost. I invite you to receive this today.

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5. God’s Grace and Mercy Helps You to Forgive Yourself

Young woman praying outside

God’s grace and mercy allows us to forgive ourselves and walk in God’s victory. However, it is not always easy. It is a daily decision to receive God’s grace and mercy as we engage in daily life with joys and challenges. Christ’s death has forgiven us of our sins, but we don’t always extend that same grace to ourselves and others.

What are some practical ways that we can forgive ourselves and receive God’s grace? Each day we can celebrate our blessings and things that are going well. Meditate on Scripture that reminds us that we are already forgiven from God. “If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness” (1 John 1:9). Encourage yourself and write or say positive affirmations to help combat negative self-talk.

Don’t retreat away from Him, but draw closer to God. He desires to show you that He is your loving Father who can help you change.

Due to His great love for you, God teaches, shepherds, and directs you with loving kindness, patience, and grace. In order to move forward and trust that God is in control, it is important to forgive yourself first. Each new day provides a new opportunity for you to start again, having learned from the lessons of yesterday. This transformed way of thinking will help free you from the bondage of your past mistakes.

There are many reasons to continue to receive God’s grace and mercy each day. I invite you to move forward with assurance, boldness, and courage, giving yourself grace and receiving the free gift of God’s grace and mercy that is available to you.

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Photo credit: Unsplash/Ben White

Kirstyn Mayden is a Christian blogger who writes devotionals that empower and equip believers in their everyday lives. She is a wife, Mom, and loves Jesus. She has a Master of Divinity degree from Emory University in Atlanta, GA. For the last 20 years, Kirstyn has served in several ministry capacities. She has a passion to serve with women empowering them to grow and live out their God-given purpose. Currently, she serves alongside her husband in ministry in West Virginia. She is the author of Merciful Moments: A Devotional Journal for Moving Forward with Grace Each Day. Connect with Kirstyn’s blog here.