Compare Translations for Job 1:4

4 His sons used to have banquets, each at his house in turn. They would send an invitation to their three sisters to eat and drink with them.
4 His sons used to go and hold a feast in the house of each one on his day, and they would send and invite their three sisters to eat and drink with them.
4 And his sons went and feasted in their houses, every one his day; and sent and called for their three sisters to eat and to drink with them.
4 His sons used to take turns hosting parties in their homes, always inviting their three sisters to join them in their merrymaking.
4 His sons used to go and hold a feast in the house of each one on his day, and they would send and invite their three sisters to eat and drink with them.
4 His sons used to hold feasts in their homes on their birthdays, and they would invite their three sisters to eat and drink with them.
4 And his sons would go and feast in their houses, each on his appointed day, and would send and invite their three sisters to eat and drink with them.
4 Job’s sons would take turns preparing feasts in their homes, and they would also invite their three sisters to celebrate with them.
4 His sons used to go and hold feasts in one another's houses in turn; and they would send and invite their three sisters to eat and drink with them.
4 And his sons went and held a feast in the house of each one upon his day; and they sent and called for their three sisters to eat and to drink with them.
4 His sons regularly went to one another's houses, and every one on his day gave a feast: and at these times they sent for their three sisters to take part in their feasts with them.
4 Sus hijos solían ir y hacer un banquete en la casa de cada uno por turno, e invitaban a sus tres hermanas para que comieran y bebieran con ellos.
4 Each of his sons hosted a feast in his own house on his birthday. They invited their three sisters to eat and drink with them.
4 Each of his sons hosted a feast in his own house on his birthday. They invited their three sisters to eat and drink with them.
4 It was the custom of his sons to give banquets, each on his set day in his own house; and they would invite their three sisters to eat and drink with them.
4 And his sons went and made a feast in the house of each one on his day; and they sent and invited their three sisters to eat and to drink with them.
4 Job's sons used to take turns giving a feast, to which all the others would come, and they always invited their three sisters to join them.
4 Job's sons used to take turns giving a feast, to which all the others would come, and they always invited their three sisters to join them.
4 His sons used to go to each other's homes, where they would have parties. (Each brother took his turn having a party.) They would send someone to invite their three sisters to eat and drink with them.
4 His sons went and held a feast in the house of each one on his birthday; and they sent and called for their three sisters to eat and to drink with them.
4 E iban sus hijos y hacían banquetes en sus casas, cada uno en su día; y enviaban a llamar a sus tres hermanas, para que comieren y bebieren con ellos
4 And his sons went and had banquets in their houses, each one on his day, and sent and called for their three sisters to eat and to drink with them.
4 And his sons went and feasted in their houses, every one his day; and sent and called for their three sisters to eat and to drink with them.
4 And his sons used to go and hold a feast {at each other's house} on his day, and they would send, and they would invite their three sisters to eat and to drink with them.
4 Ses fils allaient les uns chez les autres et donnaient tour à tour un festin, et ils invitaient leurs trois soeurs à manger et à boire avec eux.
4 And his sons visiting one another prepared a banquet every day, taking with them also their three sisters to eat and drink with them.
4 Job's sons took turns holding feasts in their homes and invited their sisters to eat and drink with them.
4 His sons used to take turns giving big dinners in their homes. They would invite their three sisters to eat and drink with them.
4 His sons used to go and hold feasts in one another's houses in turn; and they would send and invite their three sisters to eat and drink with them.
4 Los hijos de Job se turnaban en preparar banquetes en sus casas e invitaban a sus tres hermanas para que celebraran con ellos.
4 Sus hijos acostumbraban turnarse para celebrar banquetes en sus respectivas casas, e invitaban a sus tres hermanas a comer y beber con ellos.
4 Et ses fils allaient les uns chez les autres et se donnaient un repas chacun à leur jour, et ils envoyaient convier leurs trois sœurs à manger et à boire avec eux;
4 And his sons went, and made a feast by houses, every one in his day. And sending, they called their three sisters, to eat and drink with them.
4 His sons used to go and hold a feast in the house of each on his day; and they would send and invite their three sisters to eat and drink with them.
4 His sons used to go and hold a feast in the house of each on his day; and they would send and invite their three sisters to eat and drink with them.
4 E iban sus hijos y hacían banquetes en sus casas, cada uno en su día; y enviaban á llamar sus tres hermanas, para que comiesen y bebiesen con ellos.
4 E iban sus hijos y hacían banquetes en sus casas, cada uno en su día; y enviaban a llamar a sus tres hermanas, para que comiesen y bebiesen con ellos.
4 En zijn zonen gingen, en maakten maaltijden in ieders huis op zijn dag; en zij zonden henen, en nodigden hun drie zusteren, om met hen te eten en te drinken.
4 And his sons went and feasted in their houses, every one his day, and sent and called for their three sisters to eat and to drink with them.
4 And his sons went and feasted in their houses, every one his day, and sent and called for their three sisters to eat and to drink with them.
4 et ibant filii eius et faciebant convivium per domos unusquisque in die suo et mittentes vocabant tres sorores suas ut comederent et biberent cum eis
4 et ibant filii eius et faciebant convivium per domos unusquisque in die suo et mittentes vocabant tres sorores suas ut comederent et biberent cum eis
4 And his sons went and feasted [in their] houses, every one his day; and sent and called for their three sisters to eat and to drink with them.
4 His sons went and held a feast in the house of each one on his birthday; and they sent and called for their three sisters to eat and to drink with them.
4 And his sons went, and made feasts by their houses, each man in his day; and they sent, and called their three sisters, to eat, and to drink wine with them. (And his sons held feasts at their houses, each one in his turn; and they sent, and called their three sisters, to come and eat, and drink wine with them.)
4 And his sons have gone and made a banquet -- the house of each [in] his day -- and have sent and called to their three sisters to eat and to drink with them;

Job 1:4 Commentaries