Exode 3

1 Moïse faisait paître le troupeau de Jéthro, son beau-père, sacrificateur de Madian; et il mena le troupeau derrière le désert, et vint à la montagne de Dieu, à Horeb.
2 L'ange de l'Eternel lui apparut dans une flamme de feu, au milieu d'un buisson. Moïse regarda; et voici, le buisson était tout en feu, et le buisson ne se consumait point.
3 Moïse dit: Je veux me détourner pour voir quelle est cette grande vision, et pourquoi le buisson ne se consume point.
4 L'Eternel vit qu'il se détournait pour voir; et Dieu l'appela du milieu du buisson, et dit: Moïse! Moïse! Et il répondit: Me voici!
5 Dieu dit: N'approche pas d'ici, ôte tes souliers de tes pieds, car le lieu sur lequel tu te tiens est une terre sainte.
6 Et il ajouta: Je suis le Dieu de ton père, le Dieu d'Abraham, le Dieu d'Isaac et le Dieu de Jacob. Moïse se cacha le visage, car il craignait de regarder Dieu.
7 L'Eternel dit: J'ai vu la souffrance de mon peuple qui est en Egypte, et j'ai entendu les cris que lui font pousser ses oppresseurs, car je connais ses douleurs.
8 Je suis descendu pour le délivrer de la main des Egyptiens, et pour le faire monter de ce pays dans un bon et vaste pays, dans un pays où coulent le lait et le miel, dans les lieux qu'habitent les Cananéens, les Héthiens, les Amoréens, les Phéréziens, les Héviens et les Jébusiens.
9 Voici, les cris d'Israël sont venus jusqu'à moi, et j'ai vu l'oppression que leur font souffrir les Egyptiens.
10 Maintenant, va, je t'enverrai auprès de Pharaon, et tu feras sortir d'Egypte mon peuple, les enfants d'Israël.
11 Moïse dit à Dieu: Qui suis-je, pour aller vers Pharaon, et pour faire sortir d'Egypte les enfants d'Israël?
12 Dieu dit: Je serai avec toi; et ceci sera pour toi le signe que c'est moi qui t'envoie: quand tu auras fait sortir d'Egypte le peuple, vous servirez Dieu sur cette montagne.
13 Moïse dit à Dieu: J'irai donc vers les enfants d'Israël, et je leur dirai: Le Dieu de vos pères m'envoie vers vous. Mais, s'ils me demandent quel est son nom, que leur répondrai-je?
14 Dieu dit à Moïse: Je suis celui qui suis. Et il ajouta: C'est ainsi que tu répondras aux enfants d'Israël: Celui qui s'appelle "je suis" m'a envoyé vers vous.
15 Dieu dit encore à Moïse: Tu parleras ainsi aux enfants d'Israël: L'Eternel, le Dieu de vos pères, le Dieu d'Abraham, le Dieu d'Isaac et le Dieu de Jacob, m'envoie vers vous. Voilà mon nom pour l'éternité, voilà mon nom de génération en génération.
16 Va, rassemble les anciens d'Israël, et dis-leur: L'Eternel, le Dieu de vos pères, m'est apparu, le Dieu d'Abraham, d'Isaac et de Jacob. Il a dit: Je vous ai vus, et j'ai vu ce qu'on vous fait en Egypte,
17 et j'ai dit: Je vous ferai monter de l'Egypte, où vous souffrez, dans le pays des Cananéens, des Héthiens, des Amoréens, des Phéréziens, des Héviens et des Jébusiens, dans un pays où coulent le lait et le miel.
18 Ils écouteront ta voix; et tu iras, toi et les anciens d'Israël, auprès du roi d'Egypte, et vous lui direz: L'Eternel, le Dieu des Hébreux, nous est apparu. Permets-nous de faire trois journées de marche dans le désert, pour offrir des sacrifices à l'Eternel, notre Dieu.
19 Je sais que le roi d'Egypte ne vous laissera point aller, si ce n'est par une main puissante.
20 J'étendrai ma main, et je frapperai l'Egypte par toutes sortes de prodiges que je ferai au milieu d'elle. Après quoi, il vous laissera aller.
21 Je ferai même trouver grâce à ce peuple aux yeux des Egyptiens, et quand vous partirez, vous ne partirez point à vide.
22 Chaque femme demandera à sa voisine et à celle qui demeure dans sa maison des vases d'argent, des vases d'or, et des vêtements, que vous mettrez sur vos fils et vos filles. Et vous dépouillerez les Egyptiens.

Exode 3 Commentary

Chapter 3

God appears to Moses in a burning bush. (1-6) God sends Moses to deliver Israel. (7-10) The name Jehovah. (11-15) The deliverance of the Israelites promised. (16-22)

Verses 1-6 The years of the life of Moses are divided into three forties; the first forty he spent as a prince in Pharaoh's court, the second as a shepherd in Midian, the third as a king in Jeshurun. How changeable is the life of man! The first appearance of God to Moses, found him tending sheep. This seems a poor employment for a man of his parts and education, yet he rests satisfied with it; and thus learns meekness and contentment, for which he is more noted in sacred writ, than for all his learning. Satan loves to find us idle; God is pleased when he finds us employed. Being alone, is a good friend to our communion with God. To his great surprise, Moses saw a bush burning without fire to kindle it. The bush burned, and yet did not burn away; an emblem of the church in bondage in Egypt. And it fitly reminds us of the church in every age, under its severest persecutions kept by the presence of God from being destroyed. Fire is an emblem, in Scripture, of the Divine holiness and justice, also of the afflictions and trials with which God proves and purifies his people, and even of that baptism of the Holy Ghost, by which sinful affections are consumed, and the soul changed into the Divine nature and image. God gave Moses a gracious call, to which he returned a ready answer. Those that would have communion with God, must attend upon him in the ordinances wherein he is pleased to manifest himself and his glory, though it be in a bush. Putting off the shoe was a token of respect and submission. We ought to draw nigh to God with a solemn pause and preparation, carefully avoiding every thing that looks light and rude, and unbecoming his service. God does not say, I was the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, but I am. The patriarchs still live, so many years after their bodies have been in the grave. No length of time can separate the souls of the just from their Maker. By this, God instructed Moses as to another world, and strengthened his belief of a future state. Thus it is interpreted by our Lord Jesus, who, from hence, proves that the dead are raised, Lu. 20:37 . Moses hid his face, as if both ashamed and afraid to look upon God. The more we see of God, and his grace, and covenant love, the more cause we shall see to worship him with reverence and godly fear.

Verses 7-10 God notices the afflictions of Israel. Their sorrows; even the secret sorrows of God's people are known to him. Their cry; God hears the cries of his afflicted people. The oppression they endured; the highest and greatest of their oppressors are not above him. God promises speedy deliverance by methods out of the common ways of providence. Those whom God, by his grace, delivers out of a spiritual Egypt, he will bring to a heavenly Canaan.

Verses 11-15 Formerly Moses thought himself able to deliver Israel, and set himself to the work too hastily. Now, when the fittest person on earth for it, he knows his own weakness. This was the effect of more knowledge of God and of himself. Formerly, self-confidence mingled with strong faith and great zeal, now sinful distrust of God crept in under the garb of humility; so defective are the strongest graces and the best duties of the most eminent saints. But all objections are answered in, Certainly I will be with thee. That is enough. Two names God would now be known by. A name that denotes what he is in himself, I AM THAT I AM. This explains his name Jehovah, and signifies, 1. That he is self-existent: he has his being of himself. 2. That he is eternal and unchangeable, and always the same, yesterday, to-day, and for ever. 3. That he is incomprehensible; we cannot by searching find him out: this name checks all bold and curious inquiries concerning God. 4. That he is faithful and true to all his promises, unchangeable in his word as well as in his nature; let Israel know this, I AM hath sent me unto you. I am, and there is none else besides me. All else have their being from God, and are wholly dependent upon him. Also, here is a name that denotes what God is to his people. The Lord God of your fathers sent me unto you. Moses must revive among them the religion of their fathers, which was almost lost; and then they might expect the speedy performance of the promises made unto their fathers.

Verses 16-22 Moses' success with the elders of Israel would be good. God, who, by his grace, inclines the heart, and opens the ear, could say beforehand, They shall hearken to thy voice; for he would make them willing in this day of power. As to Pharaoh, Moses is here told that petitions and persuasions, and humble complaints, would not prevail with him; nor a mighty hand stretched out in signs and wonders. But those will certainly be broken by the power of God's hand, who will not bow to the power of his word. Pharaoh's people should furnish Israel with riches at their departure. In Pharaoh's tyranny and Israel's oppression, we see the miserable, abject state of sinners. However galling the yoke, they drudge on till the Lord sends redemption. With the invitations of the gospel, God sends the teaching of his Spirit. Thus are men made willing to seek and to strive for deliverance. Satan loses his power to hold them, they come forth with all they have and are, and apply all to the glory of God and the service of his church.

Chapter Summary


In this chapter we are informed how that the Lord appeared to Moses in a bush on fire, but not consumed, Ex 3:1-6, declared unto him that he had seen and observed the afflictions of the children of Israel, and was determined to deliver them, Ex 3:7-9, that he gave him a call to be the deliverer of them, answered his objections to it, and instructed him what he should say, both to the elders of Israel and to Pharaoh, Ex 3:10-18, and assured him, that though at first Pharaoh would refuse to let them go, yet after many miracles wrought, he would be willing to dismiss them, when they should depart with great substance, Ex 3:19-22.

Exode 3 Commentaries

The Louis Segond 1910 is in the public domain.