Malachie 2

1 Maintenant, à vous cet ordre, sacrificateurs!
2 Si vous n'écoutez pas, si vous ne prenez pas à coeur De donner gloire à mon nom, dit l'Eternel des armées, J'enverrai parmi vous la malédiction, et je maudirai vos bénédictions; Oui, je les maudirai, parce que vous ne l'avez pas à coeur.
3 Voici, je détruirai vos semences, Et je vous jetterai des excréments au visage, Les excréments des victimes que vous sacrifiez, Et on vous emportera avec eux.
4 Vous saurez alors que je vous ai adressé cet ordre, Afin que mon alliance avec Lévi subsiste, Dit l'Eternel des armées.
5 Mon alliance avec lui était une alliance de vie et de paix, Ce que je lui accordai pour qu'il me craignît; Et il a eu pour moi de la crainte, Il a tremblé devant mon nom.
6 La loi de la vérité était dans sa bouche, Et l'iniquité ne s'est point trouvée sur ses lèvres; Il a marché avec moi dans la paix et dans la droiture, Et il a détourné du mal beaucoup d'hommes.
7 Car les lèvres du sacrificateur doivent garder la science, Et c'est à sa bouche qu'on demande la loi, Parce qu'il est un envoyé de l'Eternel des armées.
8 Mais vous, vous vous êtes écartés de la voie, Vous avez fait de la loi une occasion de chute pour plusieurs, Vous avez violé l'alliance de Lévi, Dit l'Eternel des armées.
9 Et moi, je vous rendrai méprisables et vils Aux yeux de tout le peuple, Parce que vous n'avez pas gardé mes voies, Et que vous avez égard à l'apparence des personnes Quand vous interprétez la loi.
10 N'avons-nous pas tous un seul père? N'est-ce pas un seul Dieu qui nous a créés? Pourquoi donc sommes-nous infidèles l'un envers l'autre, En profanant l'alliance de nos pères?
11 Juda s'est montré infidèle, Et une abomination a été commise en Israël et à Jérusalem; Car Juda a profané ce qui est consacré à l'Eternel, ce qu'aime l'Eternel, Il s'est uni à la fille d'un dieu étranger.
12 L'Eternel retranchera l'homme qui fait cela, celui qui veille et qui répond, Il le retranchera des tentes de Jacob, Et il retranchera celui qui présente une offrande A l'Eternel des armées.
13 Voici encore ce que vous faites: Vous couvrez de larmes l'autel de l'Eternel, De pleurs et de gémissements, En sorte qu'il n'a plus égard aux offrandes Et qu'il ne peut rien agréer de vos mains.
14 Et vous dites: Pourquoi?... Parce que l'Eternel a été témoin entre toi et la femme de ta jeunesse, A laquelle tu es infidèle, Bien qu'elle soit ta compagne et la femme de ton alliance.
15 Nul n'a fait cela, avec un reste de bon sens. Un seul l'a fait, et pourquoi? Parce qu'il cherchait la postérité que Dieu lui avait promise. Prenez donc garde en votre esprit, Et qu'aucun ne soit infidèle à la femme de sa jeunesse!
16 Car je hais la répudiation, Dit l'Eternel, le Dieu d'Israël, Et celui qui couvre de violence son vêtement, Dit l'Eternel des armées. Prenez donc garde en votre esprit, Et ne soyez pas infidèles!
17 Vous fatiguez l'Eternel par vos paroles, Et vous dites: En quoi l'avons-nous fatigué? C'est en disant: Quiconque fait le mal est bon aux yeux de l'Eternel, Et c'est en lui qu'il prend plaisir! Ou bien: Où est le Dieu de la justice?

Malachie 2 Commentary

Chapter 2

The priests reproved for neglecting their covenant. (1-9) The people reproved for their evil practices. (10-17)

Verses 1-9 What is here said of the covenant of priesthood, is true of the covenant of grace made with all believers, as spiritual priests. It is a covenant of life and peace; it assures all believers of all happiness, both in this world and in that to come. It is an honour to God's servants to be employed as his messengers. The priest's lips should not keep knowledge from his people, but keep it for them. The people are all concerned to know the will of the Lord. We must not only consult the written word, but desire instruction and advice from God's messengers, in the affairs of our souls. Ministers must exert themselves to the utmost for the conversion of sinners; and even among those called Israelites, there are many to be turned from iniquity. Those ministers, and those only, are likely to turn men from sin, who preach sound doctrine, and live holy lives according to the Scripture. Many departed from this way; thus they misled the people. Such as walk with God in peace and righteousness, and turn others from sin, honour God; he will honour them, while those who despise him shall be lightly esteemed.

Verses 10-17 Corrupt practices are the fruit of corrupt principles; and he who is false to his God, will not be true to his fellow mortals. In contempt of the marriage covenant, which God instituted, the Jews put away the wives they had of their own nation, probably to make room for strange wives. They made their lives bitter to them; yet, in the sight of others, they pretend to be tender of them. Consider she is thy wife; thy own; the nearest relation thou hast in the world. The wife is to be looked on, not as a servant, but as a companion to the husband. There is an oath of God between them, which is not to be trifled with. Man and wife should continue to their lives' end, in holy love and peace. Did not God make one, one Eve for one Adam? Yet God could have made another Eve. Wherefore did he make but one woman for one man? It was that the children might be made a seed to serve him. Husbands and wives must live in the fear of God, that their seed may be a godly seed. The God of Israel saith that he hateth putting away. Those who would be kept from sin, must take heed to their spirits, for there all sin begins. Men will find that their wrong conduct in their families springs from selfishness, which disregards the welfare and happiness of others, when opposed to their own passions and fancies. It is wearisome to God to hear people justify themselves in wicked practices. Those who think God can be a friend to sin, affront him, and deceive themselves. The scoffers said, Where is the God of judgement? but the day of the Lord will come.

Chapter Summary


This chapter contains a reproof both of priests and people for their sins. It begins with the priests, Mal 2:1 and threatens, in case they attend not to glorify the name of the Lord, they and their blessings should be cursed, their seed corrupted, dung spread upon them, and they took away with it, Mal 2:2,3 and the end of this commandment being sent them, of giving glory to the name of God, was that the covenant might appear to be with Levi, or him that was typified by him, Mal 2:4 of which covenant some account is given, with the reason why the blessings of it were given to him, with whom it was, Mal 2:5 who is described by the true doctrine he preached; by the purity of his lips; by the peaceableness and righteousness of his walk and conversation; and by his usefulness and success in turning many from sin, Mal 2:6 and it being part of the priest's office to preserve true knowledge, and communicate it, it is the duty of the people to seek to him for it; since he is the messenger of the Lord, Mal 2:7 but as for the priests of those times the prophet respects, they were apostates from the way of the Lord; made others to stumble at the law, and corrupted the covenant; and therefore became contemptible, base, and mean, in the sight of the people, Mal 2:8,9 who are next reproved for their marrying with those of other nations, idolatrous persons; and using polygamy and divorces, which were a profanation of the covenant of their fathers; a piece of perfidy and treachery among themselves; an abomination to the Lord; a profanation of his holiness; and led to idolatry, Mal 2:10,11 wherefore they are threatened to be cut off from the tabernacles of Jacob, and their sacrifices to be rejected; insomuch that the altar is represented as covered with weeping and tears, because disregarded, Mal 2:12,13. The reason of which was, because marrying more wives than one, and these strange women, was dealing treacherously with their lawful wives; was contrary to the first creation of man, and the end of it; and therefore such practices ought to be avoided; and the rather, since putting away was hateful to the Lord, Mal 2:14-16 and the chapter is concluded with a charge against them, that they wearied the Lord with their wicked words; affirming that the Lord took delight in the men that did evil; and that there were no judgment, truth, nor righteousness, in him, Mal 2:17.

Malachie 2 Commentaries

The Louis Segond 1910 is in the public domain.