Kolosser 2

1 Ich lasse euch aber wissen, welch einen Kampf ich habe um euch und um die zu Laodizea und alle, die meine Person im Fleisch nicht gesehen haben,
2 auf daß ihre Herzen ermahnt und zusammengefaßt werden in der Liebe und zu allem Reichtum des gewissen Verständnisses, zu erkennen das Geheimnis Gottes, des Vaters und Christi,
3 in welchem verborgen liegen alle Schätze der Weisheit und der Erkenntnis.
4 Ich sage aber davon, auf daß euch niemand betrüge mit unvernünftigen Reden.
5 Denn ob ich wohl nach dem Fleisch nicht da bin, so bin ich doch im Geist bei euch, freue mich und sehe eure Ordnung und euren festen Glauben an Christum.
6 Wie ihr nun angenommen habt den HERRN Christus Jesus, so wandelt in ihm
7 und seid gewurzelt und erbaut in ihm und fest im Glauben, wie ihr gelehrt seid, und seid in demselben reichlich dankbar.
8 Sehet zu, daß euch niemand beraube durch die Philosophie und lose Verführung nach der Menschen Lehre und nach der Welt Satzungen, und nicht nach Christo.
9 Denn in ihm wohnt die ganze Fülle der Gottheit leibhaftig,
10 und ihr seid vollkommen in ihm, welcher ist das Haupt aller Fürstentümer und Obrigkeiten;
11 in welchem ihr auch beschnitten seid mit der Beschneidung ohne Hände, durch Ablegung des sündlichen Leibes im Fleisch, nämlich mit der Beschneidung Christi,
12 indem ihr mit ihm begraben seid durch die Taufe; in welchem ihr auch seid auferstanden durch den Glauben, den Gott wirkt, welcher ihn auferweckt hat von den Toten.
13 Und er hat euch auch mit ihm lebendig gemacht, da ihr tot waret in den Sünden und in eurem unbeschnittenen Fleisch; und hat uns geschenkt alle Sünden
14 und ausgetilgt die Handschrift, so wider uns war, welche durch Satzungen entstand und uns entgegen war, und hat sie aus dem Mittel getan und an das Kreuz geheftet;
15 und hat ausgezogen die Fürstentümer und die Gewaltigen und sie schaugetragen öffentlich und einen Triumph aus ihnen gemacht durch sich selbst.
16 So lasset nun niemand euch Gewissen machen über Speise oder über Trank oder über bestimmte Feiertage oder Neumonde oder Sabbate;
17 welches ist der Schatten von dem, das zukünftig war; aber der Körper selbst ist in Christo.
18 Laßt euch niemand das Ziel verrücken, der nach eigener Wahl einhergeht in Demut und Geistlichkeit der Engel, davon er nie etwas gesehen hat, und ist ohne Ursache aufgeblasen in seinem fleischlichen Sinn
19 und hält sich nicht an dem Haupt, aus welchem der ganze Leib durch Gelenke und Fugen Handreichung empfängt und zusammengehalten wird und also wächst zur göttlichen Größe.
20 So ihr denn nun abgestorben seid mit Christo den Satzungen der Welt, was lasset ihr euch denn fangen mit Satzungen, als lebtet ihr noch in der Welt?
21 "Du sollst", sagen sie, "das nicht angreifen, du sollst das nicht kosten, du sollst das nicht anrühren",
22 was sich doch alles unter den Händen verzehrt; es sind der Menschen Gebote und Lehren,
23 welche haben einen Schein der Weisheit durch selbst erwählte Geistlichkeit und Demut und dadurch, daß sie des Leibes nicht schonen und dem Fleisch nicht seine Ehre tun zu seiner Notdurft.

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Kolosser 2 Commentary

Chapter 2

The apostle expresses his love to, and joy in believers. (1-7) He cautions against the errors of heathen philosophy; also against Jewish traditions, and rites which had been fulfilled in Christ. (8-17) Against worshipping angels; and against legal ordinances. (18-23)

Verses 1-7 The soul prospers when we have clear knowledge of the truth as it is in Jesus. When we not only believe with the heart, but are ready, when called, to make confession with the mouth. Knowledge and faith make a soul rich. The stronger our faith, and the warmer our love, the more will our comfort be. The treasures of wisdom are hid, not from us, but for us, in Christ. These were hid from proud unbelievers, but displayed in the person and redemption of Christ. See the danger of enticing words; how many are ruined by the false disguises and fair appearances of evil principles and wicked practices! Be aware and afraid of those who would entice to any evil; for they aim to spoil you. All Christians have, in profession at least, received Jesus Christ the Lord, consented to him, and taken him for theirs. We cannot be built up in Christ, or grow in him, unless we are first rooted in him, or founded upon him. Being established in the faith, we must abound therein, and improve in it more and more. God justly withdraws this benefit from those who do not receive it with thanksgiving; and gratitude for his mercies is justly required by God.

Verses 8-17 There is a philosophy which rightly exercises our reasonable faculties; a study of the works of God, which leads us to the knowledge of God, and confirms our faith in him. But there is a philosophy which is vain and deceitful; and while it pleases men's fancies, hinders their faith: such are curious speculations about things above us, or no concern to us. Those who walk in the way of the world, are turned from following Christ. We have in Him the substance of all the shadows of the ceremonial law. All the defects of it are made up in the gospel of Christ, by his complete sacrifice for sin, and by the revelation of the will of God. To be complete, is to be furnished with all things necessary for salvation. By this one word "complete," is shown that we have in Christ whatever is required. "In him," not when we look to Christ, as though he were distant from us, but we are in him, when, by the power of the Spirit, we have faith wrought in our hearts by the Spirit, and we are united to our Head. The circumcision of the heart, the crucifixion of the flesh, the death and burial to sin and to the world, and the resurrection to newness of life, set forth in baptism, and by faith wrought in our hearts, prove that our sins are forgiven, and that we are fully delivered from the curse of the law. Through Christ, we, who were dead in sins, are quickened. Christ's death was the death of our sins; Christ's resurrection is the quickening of our souls. The law of ordinances, which was a yoke to the Jews, and a partition-wall to the Gentiles, the Lord Jesus took out of the way. When the substance was come, the shadows fled. Since every mortal man is, through the hand-writing of the law, guilty of death, how very dreadful is the condition of the ungodly and unholy, who trample under foot that blood of the Son of God, whereby alone this deadly hand-writing can be blotted out! Let not any be troubled about bigoted judgments which related to meats, or the Jewish solemnities. The setting apart a portion of our time for the worship and service of God, is a moral and unchangeable duty, but had no necessary dependence upon the seventh day of the week, the sabbath of the Jews. The first day of the week, or the Lord's day, is the time kept holy by Christians, in remembrance of Christ's resurrection. All the Jewish rites were shadows of gospel blessings.

Verses 18-23 It looked like humility to apply to angels, as if men were conscious of their unworthiness to speak directly to God. But it is not warrantable; it is taking that honour which is due to Christ only, and giving it to a creature. There really was pride in this seeming humility. Those who worship angels, disclaim Christ, who is the only Mediator between God and man. It is an insult to Christ, who is the Head of the church, to use any intercessors but him. When men let go their hold of Christ, they catch at what will stand them in no stead. The body of Christ is a growing body. And true believers cannot live in the fashions of the world. True wisdom is, to keep close to the appointments of the gospel; in entire subjection to Christ, who is the only Head of his church. Self-imposed sufferings and fastings, might have a show of uncommon spirituality and willingness for suffering, but this was not "in any honour" to God. The whole tended, in a wrong manner, to satisfy the carnal mind, by gratifying self-will, self-wisdom, self-righteousness, and contempt of others. The things being such as carry not with them so much as the show of wisdom; or so faint a show that they do the soul no good, and provide not for the satisfying of the flesh. What the Lord has left indifferent, let us regard as such, and leave others to the like freedom; and remembering the passing nature of earthly things, let us seek to glorify God in the use of them.

Chapter Summary


In this chapter the apostle expresses his great concern for the Colossians, and others he had never seen; exhorts them to constancy in the faith of Christ; warns them of false teachers, and their tenets; takes notice of various blessings and privileges they had by Christ, and cautions against several superstitions and corruptions, which were obtaining among the churches of Christ: in Col 2:1 the apostle declares the conflict he had for the persons he writes to, and for others, though they had never seen him, which he was desirous they might be acquainted with; partly for the comfort of their hearts, their cement in love, and the improvement of their knowledge of divine things, the treasures of which are in Christ, Col 2:2,3, and partly that they might not be deceived by the enticing words of the false teachers, Col 2:4, and should his absence and distance from them be objected to his professed concern and affection for them, he answers, that notwithstanding that, he was present with them in spirit, and had a discerning of their faith and order, and the steadfastness thereof, with pleasure, Col 2:5, wherefore he exhorts them to perseverance in the faith of Christ, and to an abounding: in it, Col 2:6,7, and to take heed of being hurt by the vain philosophy and traditions of the Jews, but to keep close to Christ, and the truths of his Gospel, seeing all fulness is in him, and they were full in him, who is over all, and superior to all, and therefore had no need to have recourse unto, and hearken to any other, Col 2:9,10, nor did they need any Jewish ordinances, particularly circumcision, since they were partakers of another and better circumcision in Christ; and besides, were buried in baptism with him; and even though they had been dead in sin, and in their fleshly uncircumcision, yet they were alive, quickened with Christ, and had the forgiveness of all their sins for his sake; who had freed them from the ceremonial law, and had rid them of all their former lords and masters, and had brought them into the liberty of the Gospel, Col 2:11-15, wherefore he concludes, by way of exhortation and advice, first with respect to Jewish ceremonies, not to suffer them to be imposed upon them, or to regard the censures of men for the non-observance of them, since these were but shadows, of which Christ is the substance, Col 2:16,17, and next with respect to the worship of angels, under a notion of humility, some were for introducing; who are described as bold intruders, vain, proud, and conceited persons, and as not holding the head Christ, to whom the body the church is joined, and by whom it is nourished and increased, Col 2:18,19, and seeing now they that are Christ's are dead with him to the ceremonial law, and that dead to them, the apostle argues that they should not be subject to the ordinances, commands, and doctrines of men; some of which he instances in, as if they were still under the rudiments of the world; and the rather, since these things had no true wisdom in them, only a show of it, and were no other than will worship and superstition, and lay in a negligence of the body, and were dishonourable and unsatisfying, Col 2:20-23.

Kolosser 2 Commentaries

The Luther Bible is in the public domain.