Ester 2:3-4

3 Que el rey nombre delegados en cada provincia para que reúnan a esas hermosas jóvenes en el harén real en la fortaleza de Susa. Hegai, el eunuco del rey a cargo del harén, se ocupará de que todas ellas reciban tratamientos de belleza.
4 Después, la joven que más agrade al rey será reina en lugar de Vasti». Al rey le pareció muy bueno ese consejo, así que decidió ponerlo en práctica.

Ester 2:3-4 Meaning and Commentary


By the advice of the ministers of King Ahasuerus, fair virgins were sought for throughout his dominions, and brought to his chamberlain, the keeper of the women, among whom was Esther, a Jewish virgin, Es 2:1-8, who found favour with the chamberlain, and afterwards with the king, who made her queen instead of Vashti, and a feast on that account, Es 2:9-18. Mordecai, to whom Esther was related, and according to whose advice she acted, sitting in the king's gate, discovered a conspiracy against the king, which he now made known to Esther, Es 2:19-23.

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