Jeremías 16:10-13

10 »Cuando le digas todas estas cosas a la gente, ellos te preguntarán: “¿Por qué el Señor
decretó cosas tan terribles contra nosotros? ¿Qué hemos hecho para merecer semejante trato? ¿Cuál es nuestro pecado contra el Señor
nuestro Dios?”.
11 »Entonces les darás la respuesta del Señor
: “Es porque sus antepasados me fueron infieles y rindieron culto a otros dioses y los sirvieron. Me abandonaron y no obedecieron mi palabra.
12 ¡Y ustedes son peores que sus antepasados! Se pusieron tercos y siguen sus propios malos deseos y rehúsan escucharme.
13 Por lo tanto, los expulsaré de esta tierra y los enviaré a una tierra extraña en la que ni ustedes ni sus antepasados han estado. Allí podrán rendir culto a ídolos día y noche, y ¡no les concederé ningún favor!”.

Jeremías 16:10-13 Meaning and Commentary


In this chapter the ruin and destruction of the Jews is set forth, and confirmed by the prophet's being forbid to be merry, or to go into the house of feasting or mourning, with the reasons thereof; also the sins of the people, the cause of it, are pointed at; and afterwards a promise of their restoration is made; and the chapter is concluded with a prayer of the prophet, pressing his faith in the divine protection, and in the calling of the Gentiles. After the preface or introduction, Jer 16:1, the prophet is forbid to take a wife, or have any children, with the reason of it; because that parents and children would die of grievous deaths unlamented, and not be buried, Jer 16:2-4 and he is also forbid to go into the house of mourning, because peace, lovingkindness, and mercy, were taken from the people, and both great and small would die, and no lamentation be made for them, nor have any burial also, Jer 16:5-7, nor might he go into the house of feasting, because the voice of joy and gladness would cease out of the land, Jer 16:8,9, and upon the people's inquiring the reason of all this, the prophet is bid to tell them, that it was for their forsaking the Lord and his worship, and for their idolatrous practices; of which they were more guilty than their forefathers, and therefore would be cast out of the land, and carried captive into a strange country, Jer 16:10-13 but, after all this, they should be restored again to their own land, and have a greater deliverance than that out of Egypt, as they themselves would own, Jer 16:14,15 but before this would be, fishers and hunters should be sent to distress them, and all because of their iniquities, which God's eye was upon, and would recompense, Jer 16:16-18, and the chapter is closed with the prophet's prayer, in which he expresses his faith in the Lord, and in the conversion of the Gentiles, who would be convinced of their idolatry, and made to know the power and name of the Lord, Jer 16:19,20.

Esta Biblia es una edición de la Santa Biblia, Nueva Traducción Viviente. La Santa Biblia, Nueva Traducción Viviente, © Tyndale House Foundation, 2010. Todos los derechos reservados. Visite Tyndale en Internet: y