Mateo 11

Jesús y Juan el Bautista

1 Cuando Jesús terminó de dar instrucciones a sus doce discípulos, se fue de allí a enseñar y a predicar en otros pueblos.
2 Juan estaba en la cárcel, y al enterarse de lo que Cristo estaba haciendo, envió a sus discípulos a que le preguntaran:
3 —¿Eres tú el que ha de venir, o debemos esperar a otro?
4 Les respondió Jesús:—Vayan y cuéntenle a Juan lo que están viendo y oyendo:
5 Los ciegos ven, los cojos andan, los que tienen lepra son sanados, los sordos oyen, los muertos resucitan y a los pobres se les anuncian las buenas nuevas.
6 Dichoso el que no tropieza por causa mía.
7 Mientras se iban los discípulos de Juan, Jesús comenzó a hablarle a la multitud acerca de Juan: «¿Qué salieron a ver al desierto? ¿Una caña sacudida por el viento?
8 Si no, ¿qué salieron a ver? ¿A un hombre vestido con ropa fina? Claro que no, pues los que usan ropa de lujo están en los palacios de los reyes.
9 Entonces, ¿qué salieron a ver? ¿A un profeta? Sí, les digo, y más que profeta.
10 Este es de quien está escrito:»“Yo estoy por enviar a mi mensajero delante de ti,el cual preparará tu camino”.[a]
11 Les aseguro que entre los mortales no se ha levantado nadie más grande que Juan el Bautista; sin embargo, el más pequeño en el reino de los cielos es más grande que él.
12 Desde los días de Juan el Bautista hasta ahora, el reino de los cielos ha venido avanzando contra viento y marea, y los que se esfuerzan logran aferrarse a él.[b]
13 Porque todos los profetas y la ley profetizaron hasta Juan.
14 Y si quieren aceptar mi palabra, Juan es el Elías que había de venir.
15 El que tenga oídos, que oiga.
16 »¿Con qué puedo comparar a esta generación? Se parece a los niños sentados en la plaza que gritan a los demás:
17 »“Tocamos la flauta,y ustedes no bailaron;Cantamos por los muertos,y ustedes no lloraron”.
18 »Porque vino Juan, que no comía ni bebía, y ellos dicen: “Tiene un demonio”.
19 Vino el Hijo del hombre, que come y bebe, y dicen: “Este es un glotón y un borracho, amigo de recaudadores de impuestos y de pecadores”. Pero la sabiduría queda demostrada por sus hechos».

Ayes sobre ciudades no arrepentidas

20 Entonces comenzó Jesús a denunciar a las ciudades en que había hecho la mayor parte de sus milagros, porque no se habían arrepentido.
21 «¡Ay de ti, Corazín! ¡Ay de ti, Betsaida! Si se hubieran hecho en Tiro y en Sidón los milagros que se hicieron en medio de ustedes, ya hace tiempo que se habrían arrepentido con muchos lamentos.[c]
22 Pero les digo que en el día del juicio será más tolerable el castigo para Tiro y Sidón que para ustedes.
23 Y tú, Capernaúm, ¿acaso serás levantada hasta el cielo? No, sino que descenderás hasta el abismo. Si los milagros que se hicieron en ti se hubieran hecho en Sodoma, esta habría permanecido hasta el día de hoy.
24 Pero te[d] digo que en el día del juicio será más tolerable el castigo para Sodoma que para ti».

Descanso para los cansados

25 En aquel tiempo Jesús dijo: «Te alabo, Padre, Señor del cielo y de la tierra, porque habiendo escondido estas cosas de los sabios e instruidos, se las has revelado a los que son como niños.
26 Sí, Padre, porque esa fue tu buena voluntad.
27 »Mi Padre me ha entregado todas las cosas. Nadie conoce al Hijo sino el Padre, y nadie conoce al Padre sino el Hijo y aquel a quien el Hijo quiera revelarlo.
28 »Vengan a mí todos ustedes que están cansados y agobiados, y yo les daré descanso.
29 Carguen con mi yugo y aprendan de mí, pues yo soy apacible y humilde de corazón, y encontrarán descanso para su alma.
30 Porque mi yugo es suave y mi carga es liviana».

Images for Mateo 11

Mateo 11 Commentary

Chapter 11

Christ's preaching. (1) Christ's answer to John's disciples. (2-6) Christ's testimony to John the Baptist. (7-15) The perverseness of the Jews. (16-24) The gospel revealed to the simple. The heavy-laden invited. (25-30)

Verse 1 Our Divine Redeemer never was weary of his labour of love; and we should not be weary of well-doing, for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not.

Verses 2-6 Some think that John sent this inquiry for his own satisfaction. Where there is true faith, yet there may be a mixture of unbelief. The remaining unbelief of good men may sometimes, in an hour of temptation; call in question the most important truths. But we hope that John's faith did not fail in this matter, and that he only desired to have it strengthened and confirmed. Others think that John sent his disciples to Christ for their satisfaction. Christ points them to what they heard and saw. Christ's gracious condescensions and compassions to the poor, show that it was he that should bring to the world the tender mercies of our God. Those things which men see and hear, if compared with the Scriptures, direct in what way salvation is to be found. It is difficult to conquer prejudices, and dangerous not to conquer them; but those who believe in Christ, their faith will be found so much the more to praise, and honour, and glory.

Verses 7-15 What Christ said concerning John, was not only for his praise, but for the people's profit. Those who attend on the word will be called to give an account of their improvements. Do we think when the sermon is done, the care is over? No, then the greatest of the care begins. John was a self-denying man, dead to all the pomps of the world and the pleasures of sense. It becomes people, in all their appearances, to be consistent with their character and their situation. John was a great and good man, yet not perfect; therefore he came short of glorified saints. The least in heaven knows more, loves more, and does more in praising God, and receives more from him, than the greatest in this world. But by the kingdom of heaven here, is rather to be understood the kingdom of grace, the gospel dispensation in its power and purity. What reason we have to be thankful that our lot is cast in the days of the kingdom of heaven, under such advantages of light and love! Multitudes were wrought upon by the ministry of John, and became his disciples. And those strove for a place in this kingdom, that one would think had no right nor title to it, and so seemed to be intruders. It shows us what fervency and zeal are required of all. Self must be denied; the bent, the frame and temper of the mind must be altered. Those who will have an interest in the great salvation, will have it upon any terms, and not think them hard, nor quit their hold without a blessing. The things of God are of great and common concern. God requires no more from us than the right use of the faculties he has given us. People are ignorant, because they will not learn.

Verses 16-24 Christ reflects on the scribes and Pharisees, who had a proud conceit of themselves. He likens their behaviour to children's play, who being out of temper without reason, quarrel with all the attempts of their fellows to please them, or to get them to join in the plays for which they used to assemble. The cavils of worldly men are often very trifling and show great malice. Something they have to urge against every one, however excellent and holy. Christ, who was undefiled, and separate from sinners, is here represented as in league with them, and polluted by them. The most unspotted innocence will not always be a defence against reproach. Christ knew that the hearts of the Jews were more bitter and hardened against his miracles and doctrines, than those of Tyre and Sidon would have been; therefore their condemnation would be the greater. The Lord exercises his almighty power, yet he punishes none more than they deserve, and never withholds the knowledge of the truth from those who long after it.

Verses 25-30 It becomes children to be grateful. When we come to God as a Father, we must remember that he is Lord of heaven and earth, which obliges us to come to him with reverence as to the sovereign Lord of all; yet with confidence, as one able to defend us from evil, and to supply us with all good. Our blessed Lord added a remarkable declaration, that the Father had delivered into his hands all power, authority, and judgment. We are indebted to Christ for all the revelation we have of God the Father's will and love, ever since Adam sinned. Our Saviour has invited all that labour and are heavy-laden, to come unto him. In some senses all men are so. Worldly men burden themselves with fruitless cares for wealth and honours; the gay and the sensual labour in pursuit of pleasures; the slave of Satan and his own lusts, is the merest drudge on earth. Those who labour to establish their own righteousness also labour in vain. The convinced sinner is heavy-laden with guilt and terror; and the tempted and afflicted believer has labours and burdens. Christ invites all to come to him for rest to their souls. He alone gives this invitation; men come to him, when, feeling their guilt and misery, and believing his love and power to help, they seek him in fervent prayer. Thus it is the duty and interest of weary and heavy-laden sinners, to come to Jesus Christ. This is the gospel call; Whoever will, let him come. All who thus come will receive rest as Christ's gift, and obtain peace and comfort in their hearts. But in coming to him they must take his yoke, and submit to his authority. They must learn of him all things, as to their comfort and obedience. He accepts the willing servant, however imperfect the services. Here we may find rest for our souls, and here only. Nor need we fear his yoke. His commandments are holy, just, and good. It requires self-denial, and exposes to difficulties, but this is abundantly repaid, even in this world, by inward peace and joy. It is a yoke that is lined with love. So powerful are the assistances he gives us, so suitable the encouragements, and so strong the consolations to be found in the way of duty, that we may truly say, it is a yoke of pleasantness. The way of duty is the way of rest. The truths Christ teaches are such as we may venture our souls upon. Such is the Redeemer's mercy; and why should the labouring and burdened sinner seek for rest from any other quarter? Let us come to him daily, for deliverance from wrath and guilt, from sin and Satan, from all our cares, fears, and sorrows. But forced obedience, far from being easy and light, is a heavy burden. In vain do we draw near to Jesus with our lips, while the heart is far from him. Then come to Jesus to find rest for your souls.

Footnotes 4

  • [a]. Mal 3:1
  • [b]. "ha venido " "… " "aferrarse a él" . Alt. "sufre violencia y los violentos quieren arrebatarlo" .
  • [c]. "con muchos lamentos" . Lit. "en saco y ceniza" .
  • [d]. "te" . Lit. "les" .

Mateo 11 Commentaries

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