Nombres 17

1 Puis l'Éternel parla à Moïse, en disant:
2 Parle aux enfants d'Israël, et prends d'eux une verge selon les maisons de leurs pères, c'est-à-dire douze verges, de tous leurs princes, selon les maisons de leurs pères; tu écriras le nom de chacun sur sa verge.
3 Et tu écriras le nom d'Aaron sur la verge de Lévi; car il y aura une verge pour chaque chef des maisons de leurs pères.
4 Et tu les déposeras dans le tabernacle d'assignation, devant le Témoignage, où je me réunis à vous.
5 Et il arrivera que la verge de l'homme que je choisirai, fleurira; et je ferai cesser devant moi les murmures que les enfants d'Israël murmurent contre vous.
6 Moïse parla aux enfants d'Israël, et tous leurs princes lui donnèrent, selon les maisons de leurs pères, chacun une verge, c'est-à-dire douze verges. Et la verge d'Aaron était au milieu de leurs verges.
7 Et Moïse déposa les verges devant l'Éternel, dans le tabernacle du Témoignage.
8 Et il arriva, le lendemain, que Moïse entra au tabernacle du Témoignage, et voici la verge d'Aaron, pour la maison de Lévi, avait fleuri: elle avait poussé des boutons, produit des fleurs, et mûri des amandes.
9 Alors Moïse retira de devant l'Éternel toutes les verges, et les présenta à tous les enfants d'Israël; et ils les virent, et ils reprirent chacun leur verge.
10 Et l'Éternel dit à Moïse: Reporte la verge d'Aaron devant le Témoignage, pour être gardée comme un signe pour les enfants de rébellion; et tu feras cesser devant moi leurs murmures, et ils ne mourront point.
11 Et Moïse le fit; il fit comme l'Éternel le lui avait commandé.
12 Et les enfants d'Israël dirent à Moïse: Voici, nous expirons, nous sommes perdus, nous sommes tous perdus!
13 Quiconque s'approche de la Demeure de l'Éternel, meurt. Expirerons-nous donc entièrement?

Nombres 17 Commentary

Chapter 17

Twelve rods laid up before the Lord. (1-7) Aaron's rod buds, and is kept for a memorial. (8-13)

Verses 1-7 It is an instance of the grace of God, that, having wrought divers miracles to punish sin, he would work one more to prevent it. Twelve rods or staves were to be brought in. It is probable that they were the staves which the princes used as ensigns of their authority; old dry staves, that had no sap in them. They were to expect that the rod of the tribe, or prince, whom God chose to the priesthood, should bud and blossom. Moses did not object that the matter was sufficiently settled already; he did not undertake to determine it; but left the case before the Lord.

Verses 8-13 While all the other rods remained as they were. Aaron's rod became a living branch. In some places there were buds, in others blossoms, in others fruit, at the same time; all this was miraculous. Thus Aaron was manifested to be under the special blessing of Heaven. Fruitfulness is the best evidence of a Divine call; and the plants of God's setting, and the boughs cut off them, will flourish. This rod was preserved, to take away the murmurings of the people, that they might not die. The design of God, in all his providences, and in the memorials of them, is to take away sin. Christ was manifested to take away sin. Christ is expressly called a rod out of the stem of Jesse: little prospect was there, according to human views, that he should ever flourish. But the dry rod revived and blossomed to the confusion of his adversaries. The people cry, Behold, we die, we perish, we all perish! This was the language of a repining people, quarrelling with the judgments of God, which by their own pride and obstinacy they brought upon themselves. It is very wicked to fret against God when we are in affliction, and in our distress thus to trespass yet more. If we die, if we perish, it is of ourselves, and the blame will be upon our own heads. When God judges, he will overcome, and will oblige the most obstinate gainsayers to confess their folly. And how great are our mercies, that we have a clearer and a better dispensation, established upon better promises!

Chapter Summary


In this chapter the priesthood of Aaron is further confirmed and established by the budding and blossom of his rod, as it lay among the princes of the several tribes, when theirs did not, Nu 17:1-9; which rod of Aaron was ordered to be laid up before the ark, as a token against the rebels, and to put an end to all murmurings against Aaron for the future; which was accordingly done, Nu 17:10,11; upon which the people expressed their fear of perishing because of their sins, Nu 17:12,13.

Nombres 17 Commentaries

The Ostervald translation is in the public domain.