Parallel Bible results for "2 corinthians 12:11-21"

2 Corinthians 12:11-21



11 I have become a fool! You compelled me, for I ought to have been commended by you, for [I am] in no way inferior to the preeminent apostles, even if I am nothing.
11 I have made a fool of myself, but you drove me to it. I ought to have been commended by you, for I am not in the least inferior to the “super-apostles,” even though I am nothing.
12 Indeed, the signs of an apostle have been done among you with all patient endurance, both signs and wonders and deeds of power.
12 I persevered in demonstrating among you the marks of a true apostle, including signs, wonders and miracles.
13 {For in what respect are you made worse off} more than the rest of the churches, except that I myself was not a burden to you? Forgive me this wrong!
13 How were you inferior to the other churches, except that I was never a burden to you? Forgive me this wrong!
14 Behold, this third [time] I am ready to come to you, and I will not be a burden [to you]. For I am not seeking your possessions, but you. For children are not obligated to save up for their parents, but parents for their children.
14 Now I am ready to visit you for the third time, and I will not be a burden to you, because what I want is not your possessions but you. After all, children should not have to save up for their parents, but parents for their children.
15 But I will spend and be expended most gladly for your lives. If I love you much more, am I to be loved less?
15 So I will very gladly spend for you everything I have and expend myself as well. If I love you more, will you love me less?
16 But let [it] be. I have not been a burden to you, but [because I] was crafty, I took you by cunning.
16 Be that as it may, I have not been a burden to you. Yet, crafty fellow that I am, I caught you by trickery!
17 I have not taken advantage of you {through anyone whom I sent to you}, [have I]?
17 Did I exploit you through any of the men I sent to you?
18 I urged Titus [to go], and I sent the brother [with him]. Titus did not take advantage of you, [did he]? Did we not conduct ourselves in the same spirit? Did we not walk in the same footsteps?
18 I urged Titus to go to you and I sent our brother with him. Titus did not exploit you, did he? Did we not walk in the same footsteps by the same Spirit?
19 Have you been thinking all this time that we are defending ourselves to you? We are speaking in Christ before God, and all [these things], dear friends, [are] for your edification.
19 Have you been thinking all along that we have been defending ourselves to you? We have been speaking in the sight of God as those in Christ; and everything we do, dear friends, is for your strengthening.
20 For I am afraid lest somehow [when I] arrive, I will not find you as I want, and I may be found by you as you do not want. [I am afraid] lest somehow [there will be] strife, jealousy, outbursts of anger, selfish ambition, slander, gossip, pride, disorder.
20 For I am afraid that when I come I may not find you as I want you to be, and you may not find me as you want me to be. I fear that there may be discord, jealousy, fits of rage, selfish ambition, slander, gossip, arrogance and disorder.
21 [I am afraid] lest [when I] come again my God will humiliate me {in your presence}, and I will grieve over many of those who sinned previously and have not repented because of their impurity and sexual immorality and licentiousness that they have practiced.
21 I am afraid that when I come again my God will humble me before you, and I will be grieved over many who have sinned earlier and have not repented of the impurity, sexual sin and debauchery in which they have indulged.
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