Acts 19:1-7

1 It fortuned whyll Appollo was at Corinthum that Paul passed thorow the vpper costes and came to Ephesus and foude certayne disciples
2 and sayd vnto them: have ye receaved the holy gost sence ye beleved? And they sayde vnto him: no we have not hearde whether ther be eny holy goost or no.
3 And he sayd vnto them: wher wt were ye then baptised? And they sayd: with Iohns baptim
4 Then sayde Paul: Iohn verely bapiised with the baptim of repentaunce sayinge vnto the people that they shuld beleve on him which shuld come after him: that is on Christ Iesus.
5 When they hearde that they were baptised in the name of the lorde Iesu.
6 And Paul layde his hondes apon them and the holy gost came on them and they spake with tonges and prophesied
7 and all the men were aboute .xii.
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