Luke 9:22-32

22 sayinge: that the sonne of man must suffre many thinges and be reproved of the elders and of the hye prestes and scribes and be slayne and the thirde daye ryse agayne.
23 And he sayde to them all yf eny man will come after me let him denye him sylfe and take vp his crosse dayly and folowe me.
24 Whosoever will save his lyfe shall lose it. And who soever shall lose his lyfe for my sake the same shall save it.
25 For what avauntageth it a man to wynne the whole worlde yf he loose him sylfe or runne in domage of him sylfe?
26 For whosoever is ashamed of me and of my sayinges: of him shall the sonne of man be ashamed when he cometh in his awne glorie and in the glorie of his father and of the holy angels.
27 And I tell you of a surety: There be some of the yt stonde here which shall not tast of deeth tyll they se ye kyngdome of god.
28 And it folowed about an .viii. dayes after thoose sayinges that he toke Peter Iames and Iohn and went vp into a moutayne to praye.
29 And as he prayed ye facion of his countenaunce was changed and his garment was whyte and shoone.
30 And beholde two men talked wt him and they were Moses and Helyas
31 which appered gloriously and spake of his departinge which he shuld ende at Ierusalem.
32 Peter and they that were with him were hevy with slepe. And when they woke they sawe his glorie and two men stondinge with him.
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