Psalm 78:18-28

18 Und sie versuchten Gott in ihren Herzen, indem sie Speise forderten für ihr Gelüst.
19 Und sie redeten wider Gott; sie sprachen: Sollte Gott in der Wüste einen Tisch zu bereiten vermögen?
20 Siehe, den Felsen hat er geschlagen, und Wasser flossen heraus, und Bäche strömten; wird er auch Brot zu geben vermögen, oder wird er seinem Volke Fleisch verschaffen?
21 Darum, als Jehova es hörte, ergrimmte er, und Feuer entzündete sich gegen Jakob, und auch Zorn stieg auf gegen Israel;
22 weil sie Gott nicht glaubten und nicht vertrauten auf seine Rettung.
23 Und doch hatte er den Wolken oben geboten und die Türen des Himmels geöffnet
24 und Manna auf sie regnen lassen, damit sie äßen, und ihnen Himmelsgetreide gegeben.
25 Der Mensch aß Brot der Starken, Speise sandte er ihnen bis zur Sättigung.
26 Er führte den Ostwind herbei am Himmel, und durch seine Stärke trieb er herbei den Südwind;
27 und er ließ Fleisch auf sie regnen wie Staub, und geflügeltes Gevögel wie Sand der Meere,
28 und ließ es fallen in ihr Lager, rings um ihre Wohnungen.

Psalm 78:18-28 Meaning and Commentary

Maschil of Asaph. Or for "Asaph" {f}; a doctrinal and "instructive" psalm, as the word "Maschil" signifies; see Psalm 32:1, which was delivered to Asaph to be sung; the Targum is, "the understanding of the Holy Spirit by the hands of Asaph." Some think David was the penman of it; but from the latter part of it, in which mention is made of him, and of his government of the people of Israel, it looks as if it was wrote by another, and after his death, though not long after, since the account is carried on no further than his times; and therefore it is probable enough it was written by Asaph, the chief singer, that lived in that age: whoever was the penman of it, it is certain he was a prophet, and so was Asaph, who is called a seer, the same with a prophet, and who is said to prophesy, 2 Chronicles 29:30 and also that he represented Christ; for that the Messiah is the person that is introduced speaking in this psalm is clear from Matthew 13:34 and the whole may be considered as a discourse of his to the Jews of his time; giving them an history of the Israelites from their first coming out of Egypt to the times of David, and in it an account of the various benefits bestowed upon them, of their great ingratitude, and of the divine resentment; the design of which is to admonish and caution them against committing the like sins, lest they should be rejected of God, as their fathers were, and perish: some Jewish writers, as Arama observes, interpret this psalm of the children of Ephraim going out of Egypt before the time appointed.
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