2 Juan 1:2

2 Por la verdad que está en nosotros, y será perpetuamente con nosotros:

2 Juan 1:2 Meaning and Commentary

2 John 1:2

For the truth's sake, which dwelleth in us
Not for her high birth, nobility, or riches; but either for Christ's sake, who is the truth, and who dwells in the hearts of believers by faith, and who is the same that dwells in one as in another; and on his account it is that saints love one another, because they belong to him, he is formed in them, and his image is stamped upon them; and every like loves its like: or for the Gospel's sake, which has a place, and dwells in every saint, and is the same for matter and substance in one as in another; and unity of mind and judgment produces unity of affection: or for the sake of the truth of grace, the inward principle of grace, which dwells in every regenerate person; a communication of the experience of which knits the saints one to another:

and shall be with us for ever;
where Christ enters and takes up his abode, from thence he never finally and totally departs, though he may sometimes hide his face with respect to communion, or withdraw his gracious presence; and where the Gospel has once took place in the heart, and is become the ingrafted word, it can never be rooted out, or be removed; and where the truth of grace is, it will remain; it is an incorruptible seed, a well of living water, springing up into eternal life.

2 Juan 1:2 In-Context

1 EL anciano á la señora elegida y á sus hijos, á los cuales yo amo en verdad y no yo solo, sino también todos los que han conocido la verdad,
2 Por la verdad que está en nosotros, y será perpetuamente con nosotros:
3 Sea con vosotros gracia, misericordia, y paz de Dios Padre, y del Señor Jesucristo, Hijo del Padre, en verdad y en amor.
4 Mucho me he gozado, porque he hallado de tus hijos, que andan en verdad, como nosotros hemos recibido el mandamiento del Padre.
5 Y ahora te ruego, señora, no como escribiéndote un nuevo mandamiento, sino aquel que nosotros hemos tenido desde el principio, que nos amemos unos á otros.
The Reina-Valera Antigua (1602) is in the public domain.