Génesis 41:37-41

37 Y el negocio pareció bien á Faraón, y á sus siervos.
38 Y dijo Faraón á sus siervos: ¿Hemos de hallar otro hombre como éste, en quien haya espíritu de Dios?
39 Y dijo Faraón á José: Pues que Dios te ha hecho saber todo esto, no hay entendido ni sabio como tú:
40 Tú serás sobre mi casa, y por tu dicho se gobernará todo mi pueblo: solamente en el trono seré yo mayor que tú.
41 Dijo más Faraón á José: He aquí yo te he puesto sobre toda la tierra de Egipto.

Génesis 41:37-41 Meaning and Commentary


In this chapter are related Pharaoh's dreams, which his magicians could not interpret, Ge 41:1-9, upon which the chief butler now remembering Joseph, recommended him to Pharaoh as an interpreter, having had an happy experience of him as such himself, Ge 41:10-13, when Joseph was sent for out of prison; and Pharaoh having related his dreams, he interpreted them of seven years of plenty, and seven years of famine, that should be in the land of Egypt, Ge 41:14-32; and having done, he gave his advice to provide in the years of plenty against the years of famine, and proposed a scheme for doing it, which was approved of by Pharaoh and his ministers, Ge 41:33-37; and Joseph himself was pitched upon as the most proper person to execute it, and was appointed chief over the kingdom next to Pharaoh, who gave him a new name and a wife upon this occasion, Ge 41:38-45; accordingly, in the years of plenty he took a tour throughout the whole land, and gathered and laid up food in vast quantities in every city, Ge 41:46-49; an account is given of two sons born to Joseph, and of their names, Ge 41:50-52; and of the seven years of famine, beginning to come on at the end of the seven years of plenty, which brought great distress on the land of Egypt, and the countries round about, who all came to Joseph to buy corn, Ge 41:53-57.

The Reina-Valera Antigua (1602) is in the public domain.