Isaías 30

1 ¡AY de los hijos que se apartan, dice Jehová, para tomar consejo, y no de mí; para cobijarse con cubierta, y no de mi espíritu, añadiendo pecado á pecado!
2 Pártense para descender á Egipto, y no han preguntado mi boca; para fortificarse con la fuerza de Faraón, y poner su esperanza en la sombra de Egipto.
3 Mas la fortaleza de Faraón se os tornará en vergüenza, y el amparo en la sombra de Egipto en confusión.
4 Cuando estarán sus príncipes en Zoán, y sus embajadores habrán llegado á Hanes,
5 Se avergonzarán todos del pueblo que no les aprovechará, ni los socorrerá, ni les traerá provecho; antes les será para vergüenza, y aun para oprobio.
6 Carga de las bestias del mediodía: les será de provecho.
7 Ciertamente Egipto en vano é inútilmente dará ayuda; por tanto yo le dí voces, que su fortaleza sería estarse quietos.
8 Ve pues ahora, y escribe esta visión en una tabla delante de ellos, y asiéntala en un libro, para que quede hasta el postrero día, para siempre por todos los siglos.
9 Que este pueblo es rebelde, hijos mentirosos, hijos que no quisieron oir la ley de Jehová;
10 Que dicen á los videntes: No veáis; y á los profetas: No nos profeticéis lo recto, decidnos cosas halagüeñas, profetizad mentiras;
11 Dejad el camino, apartaos de la senda, haced cesar de nuestra presencia al Santo de Israel.
12 Por tanto el Santo de Israel dice así: Porque desechasteis esta palabra, y confiasteis en violencia y en iniquidad, y en ello os habéis apoyado;
13 Por tanto os será este pecado como pared abierta que se va á caer, y como corcova en alto muro, cuya caída viene súbita y repentinamente.
14 Y quebrarálo como se quiebra un vaso de alfarero, que sin misericordia lo hacen menuzos; tanto, que entre los pedazos no se halla tiesto para traer fuego del hogar, ó para coger agua de la poza.
15 Porque así dijo el Señor Jehová, el Santo de Israel: En descanso y en reposo seréis salvos; en quietud y en confianza será vuestra fortaleza. Y no quisisteis,
16 Sino que dijisteis: No, antes huiremos en caballos: por tanto vosotros huiréis. Sobre ligeros cabalgaremos: por tanto serán ligeros vuestros perseguidores.
17 Un millar huirá á la amenaza de uno; á la amenaza de cinco huiréis vosotros todos; hasta que quedéis como mástil en la cumbre de un monte, y como bandera sobre cabezo.
18 Empero Jehová esperará para tener piedad de vosotros, y por tanto será ensalzado teniendo de vosotros misericordia: porque Jehová es Dios de juicio: bienaventurados todos los que le esperan.
19 Ciertamente el pueblo morará en Sión, en Jerusalem: nunca más llorarás; el que tiene misericordia se apiadará de ti; en oyendo la voz de tu clamor te responderá.
20 Bien que os dará el Señor pan de congoja y agua de angustia, con todo, tus enseñadores nunca más te serán quitados, sino que tus ojos verán tus enseñadores.
21 Entonces tus oídos oirán á tus espaldas palabra que diga: Este es el camino, andad por él; y no echéis á la mano derecha, ni tampoco torzáis á la mano izquierda.
22 Entonces profanarás la cobertura de tus esculturas de plata, y la vestidura de tu vaciadizo de oro: las apartarás como trapo de menstruo: ¡Sal fuera! les dirás.
23 Entonces dará el Señor lluvia á tu sementera, cuando la tierra sembrares; y pan del fruto de la tierra; y será abundante y pingüe; tus ganados en aquel tiempo serán apacentados en anchas dehesas.
24 Tus bueyes y tus asnos que labran la tierra, comerán grano limpio, el cual será aventado con pala y criba.
25 Y sobre todo monte alto, y sobre todo collado subido, habrá ríos y corrientes de aguas el día de la gran matanza, cuando caerán las torres.
26 Y la luz de la luna será como la luz del sol, y la luz del sol siete veces mayor, como la luz de siete días, el día que soldará Jehová la quebradura de su pueblo, y curará la llaga de su herida.
27 He aquí que el nombre de Jehová viene de lejos: su rostro encendido, y grave de sufrir; sus labios llenos de ira, y su lengua como fuego que consume;
28 Y su aliento, cual torrente que inunda: llegará hasta el cuello, para zarandear las gentes con criba de destrucción; y el freno estará en las quijadas de los pueblos, haciéndo les errar.
29 Vosotros tendréis canción, como en noche en que se celebra pascua; y alegría de corazón, como el que va con flauta para venir al monte de Jehová, al Fuerte de Israel.
30 Y Jehová hará oir su voz potente, y hará ver el descender de su brazo, con furor de rostro, y llama de fuego consumidor; con dispersión, con avenida, y piedra de granizo.
31 Porque Assur que hirió con palo, con la voz de Jehová será quebrantado.
32 Y en todo paso habrá madero fundado, que Jehová hará hincar sobre él con tamboriles y vihuelas, cuando con batallas de altura peleará contra ellos.
33 Porque Topheth ya de tiempo está diputada y aparejada para el rey, profunda y ancha; cuyo foco es de fuego, y mucha leña; el soplo de Jehová, como torrente de azufre, la enciende.

Isaías 30 Commentary

Chapter 30

The Jews reproved for seeking aid from Egypt. (1-7) Judgements in consequence of their contempt of God's word. (8-18) God's mercies to his church. (19-26) The ruin of the Assyrian army, and of all God's enemies. (27-33)

Verses 1-7 It was often the fault and folly of the Jews, that when troubled by their neighbours on one side, they sought for succour from others, instead of looking up to God. Nor can we avoid the dreadful consequences of adding sin to sin, but by making the righteousness of Christ our refuge, and seeking for the sanctification of the Holy Spirit. Men have always been prone to lean to their own understandings, but this will end in their shame and misery. They would not trust in God. They took much pains to gain the Egyptians. The riches so spent turned to a bad account. See what dangers men run into who forsake God to follow their carnal confidences. The Creator is the Rock of ages, the creature a broken reed; we cannot expect too little from man, or too much from God. Our strength is to sit still, in humble dependence upon God and his goodness, and quiet submission to his will.

Verses 8-18 The Jews were the only professing people God then had in the world, yet many among them were rebellious. They had the light, but they loved darkness rather. The prophets checked them in their sinful pursuits, so that they could not proceed without fear; this they took amiss. But faithful ministers will not be driven from seeking to awaken sinners. God is the Holy One of Israel, and so they shall find him. They did not like to hear of his holy commandments and his hatred of sin; they desired that they might no more be reminded of these things. But as they despised the word of God, their sins undermined their safety. Their state would be dashed in pieces like a potter's vessel. Let us return from our evil ways, and settle in the way of duty; that is the way to be saved. Would we be strengthened, it must be in quietness and in confidence, keeping peace in our own minds, and relying upon God. They think themselves wiser than God; but the project by which they thought to save themselves was their ruin. Only here and there one shall escape, as a warning to others. If men will not repent, turn to God, and seek happiness in his favour and service, their desires will but hasten their ruin. Those who make God alone their confidence, will have comfort. God ever waits to be gracious to all that come to him by faith in Christ, and happy are those who wait for him.

Verses 19-26 God's people will soon arrive at the Zion above, and then they will weep no more for ever. Even now they would have more comfort, as well as holiness, if they were more constant in prayer. A famine of bread is not so great a judgment as a famine of the word of God. There are right-hand and left-hand errors; the tempter is busy courting us into by-paths. It is happy if, by the counsels of a faithful minister or friend, or the checks of conscience, and the strivings of God the Spirit, we are set right when doubting, and prevented from going wrong. They shall be cured of their idolatry. To all true penitents sin becomes very hateful. This is shown daily in the conversion of souls, by the power of Divine grace, to the fear and love of God. Abundant means of grace, with the influences of the Holy Spirit, would be extended to places destitute of them. The effect of this should be comfort and joy to the people of God. Light, that is, knowledge, shall increase. This is the light which the gospel brought into the world, and which proclaims healing to the broken-hearted.

Verses 27-33 God curbs and restrains from doing mischief. With a word he guides his people into the right way, but with a bridle he turns his enemies upon their own ruin. Here, in threatening the ruin of Sennacherib's army, the prophet points at the final and everlasting destruction of all impenitent sinners. Tophet was a valley near Jerusalem, where fires were continually burning to destroy things that were hurtful and offensive, and there the idolatrous Jews caused their children to pass through the fire to Moloch. This denotes the certainty of the destruction, as an awful emblem of the place of torment in the other world. No oppressor shall escape the Divine wrath. Let sinners then flee to Christ, seeking to be reconciled to Him, that they may be safe and happy, when destruction from the Almighty shall sweep away all the workers of iniquity.

Chapter Summary


This chapter contains a complaint of the Jews for their sins and transgressions; a prophecy of their destruction for them; a promise of grace and mercy, and of happy times, to the saints; and a threatening of utter and dreadful ruin to the wicked. The Jews are complained of for their rebellion against God, their slighting his counsel and protection, their trust in Egypt, and application there for help; whither they went with their riches for safety, but in vain, it being contrary to the will and counsel of God, Isa 30:1-7 next follows a denunciation of ruin and destruction for these things, rebellion, and lying, and vain confidence, as well as for contempt of the word of God, which, that it might appear sure and certain, is ordered to be written in a book, Isa 30:8-12 and this ruin is signified by the sudden falling of a wall, and by the breaking of a potter's vessel into pieces, which can never be used more, Isa 30:13,14 and seeing they rejected the way of salvation proposed by the Lord, and took their own way, first destruction is threatened them, which should be very easily brought about, and become so general, that few should escape it, Isa 30:15-17 and then promises of grace and mercy are made to them that wait for the Lord, Isa 30:18 such as a dwelling place in Zion, hearing their prayers, granting them teachers to instruct them, and the riddance of idolatry from them, Isa 30:19-22 and also many outward blessings, as seasonable rain, good bread corn, fat pastures, good food for cattle, and fruitfulness of mountains and hills, Isa 30:23-25 likewise an amazing degree of spiritual light and glory, and healing of the Lord's people, Isa 30:26 and the chapter is concluded with a threatening Of God's wrath upon the Assyrian, expressed by various similes, as of an angry man, an overflowing torrent, a tempest of thunder, lightning, and hail, and the fire of Tophet, Isa 30:27-33.

Isaías 30 Commentaries

The Reina-Valera Antigua (1602) is in the public domain.