Isaías 44

1 AHORA pues oye, Jacob, siervo mío, y tú, Israel, á quien yo escogí.
2 Así dice Jehová, Hacedor tuyo, y el que te formó desde el vientre, el cual te ayudará: No temas, siervo mío Jacob, y tú, Jeshurun, á quien yo escogí.
3 Porque yo derramaré aguas sobre el secadal, y ríos sobre la tierra árida: mi espíritu derramaré sobre tu generación, y mi bendición sobre tus renuevos:
4 Y brotarán entre hierba, como sauces junto á las riberas de las aguas.
5 Este dirá: Yo soy de Jehová; el otro se llamará del nombre de Jacob; y otro escribirá con su mano, A Jehová, y se apellidará con el nombre de Israel.
6 Así dice Jehová, Rey de Israel, y su Redentor, Jehová de los ejércitos: Yo el primero, y yo el postrero, y fuera de mí no hay Dios.
7 ¿Y quién llamará como yo, y denunciará esto, y lo ordenará por mí, desde que hice el pueblo antiguo? Anúncienles lo que viene, y lo que está por venir.
8 No temáis, ni os amedrentéis: ¿no te lo hice oir desde antiguo, y te lo dije? Luego vosotros sois mis testigos. No hay Dios sino yo. No hay Fuerte: no conozco ninguno.
9 Los formadores de imágenes de talla, todos ellos son vanidad, y lo más precioso de ellos para nada es útil; y ellos mismos para su confusión son testigos, que ellos ni ven ni entienden.
10 ¿Quién formó un dios, ó quién fundó una estatua que para nada es de provecho?
11 He aquí que todos sus compañeros serán avergonzados, porque los mismos artífices son de los hombres. Todos ellos se juntarán, estarán, se asombrarán, y serán avergonzados á una.
12 El herrero tomará la tenaza, obrará en las ascuas, darále forma con los martillos, y trabajará en ella con la fuerza de su brazo: tiene luego hambre, y le faltan las fuerzas; no beberá agua, y se desmaya.
13 El carpintero tiende la regla, señala aquélla con almagre, lábrala con los cepillos, dale figura con el compás, hácela en forma de varón, á semejanza de hombre hermoso, para estar en casa.
14 Cortaráse cedros, y tomará encina y alcornoque, y entre los árboles del bosque se esforzará; plantará pino, que se críe con la lluvia.
15 De él se servirá luego el hombre para quemar, y tomará de ellos para calentarse; encenderá también el horno, y cocerá panes: hará además un dios, y lo adorará; fabricará un ídolo, y arrodillaráse delante de él.
16 Parte del leño quemará en el fuego; con parte de él comerá carne, aderezará asado, y se saciará; después se calentará, y dirá: ¡Oh! heme calentado, he visto el fuego;
17 Y torna su sobrante en un dios, en su escultura; humíllase delante de ella, adórala, y ruégale diciendo: Líbrame, que mi dios eres tú.
18 No supieron ni entendieron: porque encostrados están sus ojos para no ver, y su corazón para no entender.
19 No discurre para consigo, no tiene sentido ni entendimiento para decir: Parte de esto quemé en el fuego, y sobre sus brasas cocí pan, asé carne, y comíla; ¿he de tornar en una abominación lo restante de ello? ¿delante de un tronco de árbol tengo de humillarme?
20 De ceniza se apacienta; su corazón engañado le desvía, para que no libre su alma, ni diga: ¿No hay una mentira á mi mano derecha?
21 Acuérdate de estas cosas, oh Jacob, é Israel, pues que tú mi siervo eres: Yo te formé; siervo mío eres tú: Israel, no me olvides.
22 Yo deshice como á nube tus rebeliones, y como á niebla tus pecados: tórnate á mí, porque yo te redimí.
23 Cantad loores, oh cielos, porque Jehová lo hizo; gritad con júbilo, lugares bajos de la tierra; prorrumpid, montes, en alabanza; bosque, y todo árbol que en él está: porque Jehová redimió á Jacob, y en Israel será glorificado.
24 Así dice Jehová, tu Redentor, y formador tuyo desde el vientre: Yo Jehová, que lo hago todo, que extiendo solo los cielos, que extiendo la tierra por mí mismo;
25 Que deshago las señales de los adivinos, y enloquezco á los agoreros; que hago tornar atrás los sabios, y desvanezco su sabiduría;
26 Que despierta la palabra de su siervo, y cumple el consejo de sus mensajeros; que dice á Jerusalem: Serás habitada; y á las ciudades de Judá: Reedificadas serán, y sus ruinas levantaré;
27 Que dice al profundo: Sécate, y tus ríos haré secar;
28 Que dice de Ciro: Es mi pastor, y cumplirá todo lo que yo quiero, en diciendo á Jerusalem, Serás edificada; y al templo: Serás fundado.

Images for Isaías 44

Isaías 44 Commentary

Chapter 44

Here are promises of the influences of the Holy Spirit. (1-8) An exposure of the folly of idolatry. (9-20) Also the deliverance of God's people. (21-28)

Verses 1-8 Israel is here called Jeshurun, which means "the upright one." Such only are Israelites indeed, in whom is no guile. Those that serve God he will own. He will help them over difficulties, and in their services. Water is the emblem of the Holy Spirit; as water refreshes, cleanses, and makes the earth fruitful, so do his influences the soul. This gift of the Holy Ghost is the great blessing, the plentiful pouring out of which God kept for the latter days. Where God gives his Spirit, he will give all other blessings. Hereby shall be a great increase of the church; thus it shall be spread to distant places. Was there any other Rock, or Protector, that could defend them? None besides could foretell these things to come, of which God by his prophets gave notice. All was set in order in the Divine predictions, as well as in the Divine purposes. Could any other have done so? Who can compare with Israel's Redeemer and King?

Verses 9-20 Image-making is described, to expose the folly of idolaters. Though a man had used part of a log for fuel, he fell down before an image made of the remainder, praying it to deliver him. Man greatly dishonours God, when he represents him after the image of man. Satan blinds the eyes of unbelievers, causing absurd reasonings in matters of religion. Whether men seek happiness in worldly things, or run into unbelief, superstition, or any false system, they feed on ashes. A heart deceived by pride, love of sin, and departure from God, turns men aside from his holy truth and worship. While the affections are depraved, a man holds fast the lie as his best treasure. Are our hearts set upon the wealth of the world and its pleasures? They will certainly prove a lie. If we trust to outward professions and doings, as if those would save us, we deceive ourselves. Self-suspicion is the first step towards self-deliverance. He that would deliver his soul, must question his conscience, Is there not a lie in my right hand?

Verses 21-28 Return unto me. It is the great concern of those who have backslidden from God, like the Jews of old, to hasten their return to him. The work of redemption wrought for us by Christ, encourages to hope for all blessings from him. Our transgressions and our sins are as a thick cloud between heaven and earth: sins separate between us and God; they threaten a storm of wrath. When God pardons sin, he blots out, he dispels this cloud, this thick cloud, so that the way to heaven is open again. The cloud is scattered by the Sun of righteousness; it is quite gone. The comforts that flow into the soul when sin is pardoned, are like clear shining after clouds and rain. Let not Israel be discouraged; nothing is too hard for God: having made all, he can make what use he pleases of any. Those that learn to know Christ, see all knowledge to be foolishness, in comparison with the knowledge of him. And his enemies will find their counsels turned into foolishness, and themselves taken in their craftiness. The exact fulfilling the prophecies of Scripture confirms the truth of the whole, and proves its Divine origin. The particular favours God designed for his people in captivity, were foretold here, long before they went into captivity. Very great difficulties would be in the way of their deliverance; but it is promised that by Divine power they should all be removed. God knew who should be the Deliverer of his people; and let his church know it, that when they heard such a name talked of, they might know their redemption drew nigh. It is the greatest honour of the greatest men, to be employed as instruments of the Divine favour to his people. In things wherein men serve themselves, and look no further, God makes them do all his pleasure. And a nobler Shepherd than Cyrus does his Father's will, till his work is fully completed.

Chapter Summary


In this chapter the Lord comforts his people with the promise of the effusion of his Spirit, and the blessings of his grace upon them; the consequence of which would be fruitfulness in them, and the conversion of others, who should profess themselves the Lord's people, Isa 44:1-5, he proves his deity in opposition to all false gods from his eternity, omniscience, and foretelling future events, Isa 44:6-8, exposes the stupidity of idol makers and the worshippers of them, Isa 44:9-20, makes gracious promises of the remembrance of his people, the remission of their sins, and their redemption by Christ, Isa 44:21-23, of which redemption from Babylon was a type; and of that assurance is given, from the Lord's creating all things by his power; from his frustrating and infatuating diviners and wise men; from his fulfilling his predictions delivered by his prophets; and from his mentioning by name the instrument of their redemption, Cyrus, Isa 44:24-28, which makes way for a particular prophecy concerning him in the next chapter.

Isaías 44 Commentaries

The Reina-Valera Antigua (1602) is in the public domain.