Search Results for matthew 15

Found 642 Results for matthew 15
31 Amazing Verses That Show Us God’s Character

Bethany Verrett

In order for people to know Him, God reached out to humanity in many ways. He speaks through the Holy Spirit; God the Son took on flesh and lived as a man; He left His fingerprint all over nature. Fin...

Who Is Jesus?

Jason Soroski

To some, he is a great teacher with good moral ideas. To others, he is an interesting myth. There are even some who fail to believe, contrary to all evidence, that he ever existed at all. To believers...

Are You Serving a Curated Jesus?

Michael Jakes

Unfortunately, there are many who have fallen under the pall of false teaching, and have done this very thing. In so doing, they have created a “curated Savior.” This means that they have taken wrong ...

What Does the Bible Say about Judging Others?

Feeling the eyes of judgement makes most people squirm. And yet, in our sinful minds it's so easy to jump to conclusions about people and sling words of judgement without a second thought. But what d...

Is God Disappointed in Me?

Lisa Loraine Baker

1 John 1:9 tells us when we sin, He is faithful and just to forgive us and cleanse us from all unrighteousness. Yes, He is displeased, but He is a forgiving and just Father. ...

How Can Christians Achieve the Mind of Christ?

Cathy Baker

What helps us to have the mind of Christ, and what do we gain when we search for it?...

What Is the Surprising Meaning of God's Name I Am?

Annette Griffin

When God revealed Himself to Moses as I Am, the name carried such a significant meaning that it would become the banner under which His people would gain eternal freedom....

Why Should Christians Know the Meaning Behind the Word Imminent in the Bible?

Josie Siler

Knowing the meaning of the word imminent may not seem important . . . until you realize the Bible uses it to talk about Jesus' return....

4 Life-Changing Ideas about Bible Study

John D. Barry

Imagine having access to God anytime you wanted. Well, you do... through the Bible. Now, let’s go through 4 steps to take Bible study from dull to incredible....

What Does it Mean to “Love Your Enemies”?

Danielle Bernock

Loving our enemies is a foreign concept. Love and enemies are words that seem mutually exclusive. Putting the two together raises questions. When the Bible tells us to love our enemies what does that ...

5 Verses that Encourage Us to Have Peace in This Difficult World

Emma Danzey

What’s on your mind? What is troubling you? How can knowing Christ enable you to take on the difficulties around you and rest in Him to be holding the world even during its chaos and strife? ...

Why is Jesus ‘Gentle and Lowly’?

Jessica Brodie

Jesus is both man and God, Word and flesh. And as such, it is no wonder He is both the mighty Lion of Judah and the meek and humble sacrificial lamb slain for the sins of the world. ...

4 Big Lessons from Lesser-Known Parables

Alyssa Roat

Over the course of His ministry, Jesus delivered dozens of parables about the new way of life He was ushering in. Sources list between 27 and 70 parables, depending on how they’re counted. Man...

What Does Scripture Say about Lust?

Clarence L. Haynes Jr.

Lust can be ignited towards different things. What we may miss when talking about lust is everything in life has the potential to become something we lust after. So it is something you must pay attent...

Forgiveness: The Very Essence of Our Faith

Forgiveness is something all of us want to receive but most of us hesitate to give. Jesus makes it clear, however, that we can’t have it without giving it....

Celebrating Easter through God’s Eyes

Dawn Wilson

Easter is not simply about the physical death, burial, and resurrection of Christ, though it is that. The perspective of the participants is important too. Just imagine all the vantage points — for go...

All Things Subject to the Risen Christ

Marvel at the power of the risen Jesus today to subject all things to himself. Marvel that one day, at his coming, he will use this power to transform your body into a body like his. Marvel that today...

Why Does Jesus Say He Is the “True Vine”?

Clarence L. Haynes Jr.

Instead of just saying he is the vine, why does Jesus say he is the true vine? What is interesting and emphatic about this statement is that Jesus makes a definitive distinction between himself and an...

Why It Is So Important to Remember Easter on Christmas

Clarence L. Haynes Jr.

Christmas is a unique time in the world. It's the only time of the year we hear songs about Jesus, our King of Kings, on the radio, in department stores, and on everyone's tongue. The world loves to c...

How Is the Word a Lamp to Our Feet and a Light to Our Path?

Jessica Brodie

Just like a person might take a bright lamp or lantern and shine it to guide their steps, aiding them so they cannot stumble and fall, God’s word serves as a light so we don’t stumble in our walk to b...