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Found 1030 Results for grace
Where Is the Gospel amidst the Laws of Deuteronomy?

Mike Leake

Yes, Deuteronomy is filled with laws — but it is also book-ended by grace. It begins with a reminder as to why they are entering into the promised land and it ends with a promise of God’s gracious dea...

What Does the Bible Say about Couples Living Together before Marriage?

Sheila Alewine

Ultimately, it doesn’t matter what our culture decides about this issue of engaging in a sexual relationship with someone outside the covenant of marriage. The real issue is what God thinks of you, fo...

Can We Find the Gospel Message amidst Job’s Suffering?

Mike Leake

The book is Job’s attempt at getting a hearing with the God of the Universe. Along the way, we hear from all of Job’s friends who wax eloquent about their views of suffering. But there is no gospel in...

Help! My Loved One Is Deconstructing Their Faith

Meredith N Mills

Deconstruction is extremely personal. Your loved one is reevaluating beliefs they’ve held at their core. God alone knows the depth of transformation taking place. He sees every hidden wound and hears ...

What Freedom from Sin Really Looks Like

Debbie W. Wilson

We have been conditioned to submit to sin. Before we came to Christ, sin controlled our thoughts, emotions, and actions. And while Romans 6 says believers “have been set free from sin,” many of us bel...

17 Encouraging Verses for Seasons of Grief

Clarence L. Haynes Jr.

Since we are all going to face grief in this life, the question is when grief comes, where do you go for comfort? Thankfully God knew you would experience grief in this life, and he has provided numer...

How Do We Give Thanks to the Lord When We're Hurting?

Connor Salter

Bible passages like Psalm 107 affirm that we should give thanks to the Lord at all times, not because things are going well but because he is worthy of our thanks....

What Is So Dangerous about Self-Righteousness?

Blair Parke

Instead of believing your salvation came through your own works or because you are “better” than someone else, an attitude of humility reminds you that you were once a lost sinner like people around y...

What Does the Bible Say about Hypocrisy, and Are Christians Hypocrites?

Mike Leake

The truth is, it’s a good thing when someone is appalled by hypocrisy. Because Jesus is also appalled by that. Rather than defending ourselves, it’s a better idea to use it as an opportunity to point ...

Does the Bible Say Anything About Being Married to an Unbeliever?

Cathy Baker

Is there no hope for a Christian married to an unbeliever? The Bible has much to say about this topic....

Should Christians Still Use the Romans Road to Salvation?

Britt Mooney

The Romans Road to Salvation is an iconic evangelistic model. But where did it come from? And should Christians use it today?...

10 Things Christians Don't Understand about Prayer

Joe McKeever

I had led a family to Christ. They soon joined our church and were baptized the following Sunday. My notes remind me of something the grandfather said. He was chairman of deacons in a church three hou...

Is Judging Others a Sin?

Pamela Palmer

We've all heard it: "you can't judge me!" Or maybe, "only God can judge me." But is that Biblical advice? After all, Matthew 7:1 says "“Do not judge, or you too will be judged."One of the significant ...

50 Bible Quotes That Offer Inspiration for Each Day

Compiled & Edited by BST & Crosswalk Staff

Our world is constantly changing and it seems like we face new struggles each morning. If you are feeling overwhelmed with anxious thoughts and worries about the unknown, this collection of Bible quot...

A Prayer for Uvalde to Mourn with Those Who Mourn

Cheryl Gilbert

YES, there are issues at hand that are imperative to address, problems that MUST be solved. And yet here, now, this very moment, we must mourn with those who mourn (Romans 12:15)....

Spiritual Gifts – Romans 12:6-8 Meaning

Alan Knox

Paul says that each one has been given gifts according to the measure of faith that God has assigned....

What Does It Mean That We Must Enter by the Narrow Gate?

Frank Santora

We live in a time when the politically correct thing to believe and to say is that all religious roads are valid, as long as a person is sincere in holding that belief. That is, it doesn’t matter how ...

Powerful Scripture Truths about Forgiveness and Why We Must Forgive

Sheila Alewine

The concept of debt forgiveness is essential to understanding God’s view of forgiveness. We can only practice forgiveness to the degree that we are aware of our own need for it, and this begins with o...

3 Powerful Life Lessons from the Baptism of Jesus

Dr. Michael A. Milton

The baptism, or anointing, of our Lord Jesus spans Eternity Past and Eternity Future. The ceremonial act fulfills the signs and symbols anticipated in the Old Testament priesthood and looks toward His...

How to Encourage Your Teenager to Read the Bible

Allie Boman

The teenage years represent the height of confusion for many parents. Teenagers know that they still need their parents; parents know their teens need them too. But teenagers also know that it is ti...