Search Results for babylon

Found 125 Results for babylon
3 Things Christians Can Learn from King Asa’s Mistakes

Hope Bolinger

Many of us may not recognize the name ‘Asa’ as a significant Biblical character. However, King Asa (from the kingdom of Judah) had a great ruling streak until the very latter years of his life.For tho...

What Nehemiah Teaches about Rebuilding after a Disaster Like COVID-19

Hope Bolinger

It is easy to assume that the Bible doesn't have the answer for every modern problem. However, the people in the Bible experienced similar trials and temptations as us, and looking to them will g...

Who Was Semiramis, the Wife of Nimrod?

Annette Griffin

But Eusebius—a well-respected ancient biblical scholar and historian—identifies Semiramis as the wife of Nimrod. Based on a combination of all these assumptions, countless other historians and scholar...

10 Things You Might Not Know about Daniel in the Bible

Lori Hatcher

The story of Daniel in the lion’s den was one of the first stories I learned as a child. Right up there with Jonah and the whale and Noah and his ark, the story of Daniel’s brave refusal to stop prayi...

What Exactly Is the Promised Land and Where is It?

Bethany Verrett

It seems that ever since God expelled humanity from the Garden of Eden, mankind has tried to find its way back. Whether they build a personal paradise like the fabled hanging gardens of Babylon, or th...

The Real Reason God Had to Destroy the Tower of Babel

Alyssa Roat

But what really happened at the Tower of Babel? Did God just get mad about people building a tall structure, or was there more to it?...

What Does the Old Testament Say about Social Justice?

Ed Jarrett

God’s expectation is not just that judicial justice would prevail. But that acting justly toward others would also be a priority. That we would be doing what is right in our dealings with other people...

5 Powerful Lessons from the Book of Habakkuk

Lisa Loraine Baker

No matter what the world foists upon us, God is greater and His plans are far above any human consideration. God truly has the whole world in His mighty, unfailing hands....

Why Does God Say "Not by Might, nor by Power"?

Clarence L. Haynes Jr.

God is committed to completing any work that he has begun and any work he has asked you to do. When you align with his will and purpose then you can be certain he will finish what he started. ...

What Does it Mean "There Is No Rest for the Wicked"?

Molly Law

“'There is no peace,’ says my God, ‘for the wicked'" (Isaiah 57:21). From the moment sin entered the world, mankind forever lost perfect peace and harmony. The Lord told Adam in Genesis 3:17-19 that h...

What Is the Difference Between the Pharisees and the Sadducees?

Bethany Verrett

Jesus’ message conflicted with both approaches. The Pharisees and Sadducees were important figures rising to prominence in Israel after the return from exile through the first century, but Jesus’ impo...

Daniel's Diary

Woodrow Kroll

Long before he was dropped into the lions’ den, Daniel’s faith endured a hostile environment....

Why Does Ezekiel Prophecy to a Valley of Dry Bones?

Hope Bolinger

One of the oddest and most famous passages in Ezekiel (found in chapter 37) has inspired numerous Sunday school lessons, sermons, and even a song. In the chapter, the prophet Ezekiel is led by God i...

Who Were the Wise Men of the Christmas Story?

Alyssa Roat

Despite popular opinion, the Bible never says there were three Magi, nor that they visited Jesus in the manger. Just who were the wise men who brought gifts, and why is this so important for the Chris...

Why Ezra, the Prophet and Priest, Has Such a Powerful Story

Melissa Henderson

Ezra was a scribe and a priest. We read about him in the Old Testament. Although details of his birth, youth, and family information are not shared in Scripture, we learn that Ezra was a man dedicated...

How Does God Help You When You Pass Through the Waters?

Mary Oelerich-Meyer

God knows that life in this sin-sick world will challenge us, and we will need help “when you pass through the waters.” But what does it mean that He made this promise to Israel thousands of years ago...

9 Simple yet Powerful Tips to Help Your Kids Love Church

Lisa Loraine Baker

Everything you do will involve time and effort, but as your child grows in the grace and knowledge of the Lord Jesus, their interest will also grow, and you may be blessed with an eager believer who h...

15 Things You Need to Know about the Antichrist and His Rise to Power

Ron Rhodes

Revelation pictures the antichrist as a beast 32 times. The image points to the brutal, bloody, uncontrolled, and wild character of this diabolical dictator....

How the Fiery Furnace of Daniel Inspires Us to Have Faith in Impossible Situations

Greg Grandchamp

In the case of Shadrack, Meshack and Abednego, they were thrown into the flames – yet, even if they were to die horrible, painful deaths, they refused to deny their God and worship an idol. Oh, that w...

What Does Ezekiel's Vision of the Wheel Actually Mean?

Dr. Sandra Hamer Smith

Ezekiel’s Wheel was a magnificent vision that God showed him. It is important to note that at the time of this vision Ezekiel was in captivity in Babylon....