Search Results for do not store up

Found 75 Results for do not store up
Fighting Fear When It Comes to Sharing Your Faith

Gloria Furman

Any number of fears may creep into your heart when it comes to sharing the gospel. Are you afraid of a raised eyebrow? Raised complaints? Raised taxes? Raised fists? Raised swords? Or are you afraid o...

Does the Bible Have Anything to Say about Pornography?

Emma Danzey

What does the Bible say about pornography? Today we are going to dive into the Scriptures on how to approach pornography and how to help ourselves and others with addictions....

The Real Reason God Had to Destroy the Tower of Babel

Alyssa Roat

But what really happened at the Tower of Babel? Did God just get mad about people building a tall structure, or was there more to it?...

The Value of Learning History: A Lesson From Jude

The little letter of Jude teaches us something about the value of learning history. This is not the main point of the letter. But it is striking. In this next-to-last book of the Bible, Jude writes to...

How to Trace the Fire of the Holy Spirit

Many people find keeping a journal is a tool God uses to draw them into deeper intimacy with Him. A written journal is a record of your spiritual journey. It is a means to "trace the fire of the Holy ...

How Can Trusting in God Fill Us with "All Joy and Peace"?

Clarence L. Haynes Jr.

As you trust God, he responds. In this case, God responds by filling you with joy and peace and causing you to overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit. The real confidence we have in this v...

Leavened Lives

Beware of the leaven......

9 Powerful Reminders from the Miracle at the Red Sea

Debbie McDaniel

You may be facing your own Red Sea moment this week. But let these 9 powerful reminders give you renewed hope in our all-powerful God....

Do We Have to Go Overseas to Do Missions?

Sheila Alewine

The mission is right in front of us. It’s before us, behind us, and around us, as we walk through this life as disciples of Jesus ourselves. There might be a harvest overseas, and we quite possibly wi...

Why Can We Not Serve Both God and Money?

Heather Adams

The Lord didn’t tell His listeners not to pursue gaining wealth. But He did give them a caution not to make that a higher priority in life than obeying and serving God. In the same chapter, He pointed...

How Can We Focus on Thankfulness This Black Friday?

Pamela Palmer

It seems these days that we skip right over the season of thankfulness, into a time of chaotic buying and shopping. How is a Christian to respond to this season seemingly focused on greed? By preparin...

What Does the Bible Say about Cloning?

Hope Bolinger

Would a clone have a soul? What does a creator think about someone distorting His creation? Contemplating what the Bible says about life's sanctity and the nature of evil goes a long way to helping us...

Why the Bible Says We Should All Practice Hospitality

Heather Adams

According to Scriptural teaching, hospitality is one of the characteristics that God’s people need to cultivate as part of a holy lifestyle....

Does Halloween Glorify Evil?

Mike Leake

Halloween is now a diverse celebration with a wide range of traditions and interpretations. It might be a day of harmless fun, a time to express creativity, and to engage the community. It might provi...

3 Uplifting Ways to Choose Joy Today, and Every Day

Lia Martin

Choosing joy means believing what Jesus promises in John 16 – that his work to reconcile us to God will make our joy “complete.” Joy is continually filling up on faith, not just feeling happy in good ...

The Power of the Resurrection

Dena Johnson Martin

As we celebrate Easter, we celebrate the risen Savior. We celebrate triumph over sin and death. But how does it apply to our lives here on this earth?...

20 Scriptural Ways to Cultivate a “Good and Noble” Heart That Will Bear Fruit

Sheila Alewine

We are responsible to cultivate and keep a “noble and good heart” so that the Word of God continues to bear fruit pleasing to God. Here are twenty ways that Scripture addresses our heart and shows us ...

Is Coronavirus One of the Plagues in the Book of Revelation?

Ed Jarrett

Many people automatically look to connect any large-scale disaster to Revelation and see in it a sign of the end. But should we? This article will look at this virus and its relationship to Revelation...

Why Did Jesus Say "Let the Dead Bury Their Dead"?

Clarence L. Haynes Jr.

In Matthew 8, Jesus tells a potential follower that he should "Follow me, and let the dead bury their own dead." On the surface, it sounds more than a little harsh. The man just asked to take time to ...

Independence... Is It Really a Good Thing?

In a day and age when independence is praised, I wonder if it's really a good thing when it comes to our relationship with God. ...