Search Results for is 11-13

Found 77 Results for is 11-13
What Does the Bible Say about Head Coverings?

Bethany Verrett

Some of this debate is brought on by theologians who remove the original cultural context in which Paul’s letter was written. Where was Paul from? Who were the people he was writing to? What was the c...

Do Dogs Go to Heaven?

Shelby Turner

Many of us have felt the heartache that comes from losing a family pet. And to soothe the pain, we may begin to wonder where are they now? Will we ever see them again? Do dogs go to heaven? The Bi...

4 Profound Lessons from the Book of Galatians

Clarence L. Haynes Jr.

Galatians is a great book to study especially if you are struggling or dealing with traditions. ...

When Isaiah Says “Here I Am Lord, Send Me,” Where Is He Going?

Bethany Verrett

Isaiah modelled the response of a believer to the invitation of God to join Him in His work in the world, to spread the news of His love, justice, and coming kingdom; Isaiah in his day obeyed the call...

3 Heroes God Made Strong in Their Weakness

Southeastern University Online

Why Was Lucifer, Satan, Banished to Hell?

Dolores Smyth

Satan’s pride was the first sin committed in the universe, and humanity has been on notice ever since that pride goeth before the fall. Arguably, all sins are rooted in pride if we consider that sin i...

What Does Jesus Teach about Stumbling – and Forgiveness?

Debbie W. Wilson

On this walk of faith, we will all stumble at times. We struggle against our own sin nature, and the powers at work against us. But, blessedly, Jesus has a lot to say about forgiveness. Let's tak...

Did Jesus Ever Sin?

Bethany Verrett

If Jesus had not lived a perfect life, His death would have been in vain. Instead, He lived without sin, rose from the grave after His sacrifice, and paved the way for all who put their faith and trus...

How Do We See God’s Love in Action through Jacob and Rachel’s Love Story?

Jessica Brodie

God has a plan that He will fulfill despite our all-too-human orchestrations, manipulations, and petty jealousies. Despite Rachel and Leah’s sisterly squabbles and the addition of two more wives into ...

How Old Was Noah, Exactly, When He Died?

Connor Salter

The question “how old was Noah when he died?” is one of those classic Bible trivia questions, right up there with “how old was Methuselah?”...

How Can We Have an Eternal Mindset Here on Earth?

Ed Jarrett

It is a mindset that understands the physical world is not all there is. There is a greater reality that is unknowable to our human senses. This greater reality, particularly the kingdom of God, is re...

7 Wise Ways to Use Your Words from Proverbs

Micah Maddox

With an abundance of information at our fingertips, our generation is full to the brim with words, opinions, and ideologies. There has never been an easier way to share your words and wisdom with th...

What Is the Purpose of the Breastplate of Righteousness?

Lisa Loraine Baker

Our hearts are of great importance regarding righteousness, for they are desperately wicked (Jeremiah 17:9), and we are prone to wander away from the Lord. And so, to make a solid, godly stand against...

What Happens When Christians Don't Know Ecclesiology?

Meghan Trapp

Churches often find themselves in trouble. Ecclesiology helps us understand what went wrong and where to go next....

Why Did God Flood the World?

Ed Jarrett

It would be easy to read this and see a God who was caught off guard by how sinful humanity had become. A God who became so angry that he decided to wipe out the whole mess and start over again. But i...

10 Relevant Lessons Job Has about Relationships

Bethany Verrett

While the Bible is not a book about etiquette or the ins and outs of interpersonal behavior, there are examples in the Bible of real people who exhibited healthy and unhealthy relationships that can s...

How Do We Present Ourselves to God as One Approved?

Lisa Loraine Baker

If a man, no matter how esteemed by earthly people, treats the Scriptures as anything but the inspired word of God, he will not stand before God as a worker approved. We are to pray and immerse oursel...

What Does an Evangelist Look Like Today?

Heather Adams

In Scripture, the title of evangelist is usually applied to the Apostles. And they truly did devote their lives to telling everyone they could about our Lord. But according to Matthew 28:19-20, this i...

Does the Bible Say We Really Have to Go to Church?

Shelby Turner

What’s the harm in watching the service online rather than attending in person? Or skipping on the weeks our kids have sports games? Or taking a month off to recharge when life is busy? The h...

God's Antidote to Worry

Frank Santora

Our antidote to the toxic effects of worry is the finding the peace of God. This peace is supernatural, and protects us when the enemy attacks. It is far superior to any peace the world can offer, and...