Search Results for is 43

Found 52 Results for is 43
Shadow Of Death

As frightening and foreboding as death may seem, it can neither hurt nor destroy the child of God. In his book Facing Death, Billy Graham relates an experience of Donald Grey Barnhouse, one of America...

Personal Dedication

Some years ago I was told of a young Jewish man from the United States who decided to go to Israel and live. After working there for two years he was required either to serve in the army for a...

Illustration: Betrayal

In Saratoga, N.Y., there is a strange monument. It is comprised of a sculpture of a boot and an inscription of praise that never mentions by name the one being memorialized. The monument is in honor o...

Faith Honored

In Anaheim, California is a piece of property that is nothing short of remarkable. Fifty years ago not a person alive would have ever dreamed that millions of folks from around the world would come an...


"The balance between pro-choice women and women who say abortion should be outlawed or severely restricted is shifting toward the pro-life side, bumping that group into the majority in the debate over...

Illustration: Easter

Do you believe the evidence, or do you trust more in legends?...


A 2002 regional survey by the Delaware Council on Gambling Problems (DCGP) found that more than 30% of all high school students gamble periodically," according to a July 22 story in Agape Press news s...

Illustration: Time, Complaints

What can you fit into an hour? Depends on how much money you have. Apparently we really can do more with less....

Judgment - Testing

The story is told about a pastor who died and went to heaven. As he stood in line at the Pearly Gates waiting for his reward, he noticed that the man in from of him was a rough-looking character in...


The primary purpose of the sacrificial system was worship. As Charles Ryrie has noted, the root of the word offering means to "draw near" to God. This is reflected in David's words: "May my prayer ...

God's People

During the Second World War, a church in Strasbourg was destroyed. After the bombing, the members of this particular church went to see what was left and found that the entire roof had fallen in, leav...


According to a March 31 Baptist Press story, "The percentage of Americans who play the lottery has dropped significantly in recent years while the percentage who visit casinos has risen slightly, a Ga...


According to a March 31, 2003, Baptist Press story, "The percentage of Americans who play the lottery has dropped significantly in recent years while the percentage who visit casinos has risen slightl...


Christopher Paul was born and raised in Ohio. Why does an American citizen from the heartland of America hate America? ...

Illustration: Students, God's Provision

The Lord is my real instructor and I shall not want. He gives me peace, when chaos is all around me. He gently reminds me to pray before I speak and to do all things without murmuring and complaining....

Illustration: Names

The story appeared in the January 29, 2003, edition of The Washington Post. Titled “Picabo’s Problem,” it is a story about the well-known Olympic gold medallist, Picabo Street. The article notes that ...


One of the greatest and most beloved characters of all time is Mickey Mouse. Walt Disney often told of how Mickey came to him in a time of adversity. Walt had invented a character called Oswald the...

Illustration: Excuses

Philadelphia's Highway Patrol officers hear all kinds of creative excuses that drivers give for speeding. Here are some of the officers' favorites. By the way, none of them worked. ...

Neglect Of Prayer

Some years ago a young man approached the foreman of a logging crew and asked for a job. "That depends," replied the foreman. "Let's see you fell this tree." The young man stepped forward and skill...


For the Christian, the cross is both a symbol of horror and hope. Our Lord Jesus died an excruciatingly painful and shameful death on the cross - drinking empty the cup of God's wrath....