Search Results for kingdom of god

Found 61 Results for kingdom of god
Transformation - Power Of The Gospel

During the 1840's in the Fiji Islands of the Pacific, a man was worth $7. You could buy a man for a musket. After you bought him, you could starve him, work him to death, whip him or eat him. (Canniba...

Christian Life - Discipleship

Ruth Bell Graham writes of an encounter she had with a young Indian student named Pashi. She spoke with Pashi about Christ, to which he replied, "I would like to believe in Christ, and many in India w...

Illustration: Christian Life, Discipleship

Ruth Bell Graham wrote of an encounter she had with a young Indian student named Pashi. She spoke with Pashi about Christ, to which he replied, "I would like to believe in Christ, and many in India wo...

Evangelism, Exclusivity Of The Gospel

An article in the Nov. 14, 2003 issue of The Wall Street Journal notes, "Americans don't seem much interested in converting the 'heathen,' as it was once put. Indeed, they decreasingly believe there i...


A few summers ago two Britishers ran 2,027 miles along the length of the 14 highest mountains in the world. In the process they climbed a whopping 290,000 feet and traversed 64 mountain passes. The Hi...

The Challenges We Face: A New Generation of Gospel Ministers Looks to the Future

Albert Mohler

Will this generation of gospel ministers finish the race? It will require gospel faithfulness at every turn....

Bravery, Death, Eternal Life

This is an illustration from the movie Big Fish, courtesy of The Big Idea: Knowing the future makes you fearless. Scene Setup: Early in his life, Edward believed that he had seen ho...

If I Only Knew More

Philip Nation

Have you ever met that guy who just knew more than everyone else in the room? Or wanted to prove it? Does knowing any of this make you feel better about life and eternity? No, as Ecclesiastes shows....

Illustration: Legalism, Self-Righteousness

"All groups of human beings have a tendency to be exclusive; they want to know who is inside and who is out. So they adopt identity markers—visible practices of dress, vocabulary or behavior that serv...

Preaching Dangerously

An Interview with Mark Labberton, Sr. Pastor of First Presbyertian Church of Berkley, Califonia....

Too Good to be True

Sometimes the resurrection seems to good to be true, but this Easter sermon challenges us to be the living proof. The world needs an appearance of Jesus and a word from Him. Will it come from you and...

Pastoral Infidelity: Problems and Solutions

Dr. Chet Weld

When a pastor falls into sin, especially sexual sin, the ripple effect on the lives of others is often immeasurable....

The Expository Method

"It is, perhaps, an overbold beginning, but I will venture to say that with its preaching, Christianity stands or falls." – P.T. Forsyth...

How to Make Your Preaching Worship

Whitney Hopler

Worship is so much more than just the time your congregation sings during your church’s weekend services. ...

To Illustrate

AGE There is a birthday card making the rounds that says, “You know what they say about age — it’s all in your mind.” Inside the card it adds, “and your legs, your arms, your neck, your arches, your b...