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Found 2241 Results for christ
4 Steps to Forgiving Yourself for Past Mistakes

Frank Santora

Many people struggle with the effects of their past mistakes, such as saying words in haste or anger that damage relationships, or making life-altering decisions which ended in failure or disappointme...

Why Does Paul Say That We Will “Share in Christ’s Sufferings”?

Bethany Verrett

Knowing Jesus and receiving His righteousness means suffering like He did, but it also means being glorified like Him, even being physically resurrected one day....

7 Proven Methods to Be an Effective “Soul Winner”

Dr. David Jeremiah

If Christ called us to preach the gospel everywhere, how can we be an effective witness for Him? Let these 7 proven methods guide you in your efforts....

Why Do We Have to Let Our "Yes Be Yes, and Our No Be No"?

Michael Jakes

Christ in essence is saying here, that not only are we to be people who mean what we say, we are also to be people who keep what we say. If we have to resort to an oath to uphold or reinforce our word...

What Does It Mean That "Your Life Is Hidden with Christ"?

Ruth Clemence

Jesus is in heaven with the Father. Yet we are told in Colossians 3:3 that our life is “hidden with Christ in God.” How can our life be hidden with Jesus in heaven, whilst we carry on living here on t...

The Strange Math of Jesus: Emptying Himself by Adding Human Nature

Since the divine nature in Jesus was eternal and infinite while the human nature in Jesus was created and finite, one of the questions we ponder is just how these two natures could coexist in the one ...

Romans 6: Deliverance From Sin

There is, of course, no literary break between Romans 5 and Romans 6. But now Paul is going to show that Christ's victory at Calvary liberates us....

27 Easter Quotes and Blessings to Celebrate the Incredible Miracle of Jesus

Kathy Collard Miller

Without Easter, there’s no Christianity. No wonder there are so many powerful Easter quotes about this essential celebration....

What Does it Mean to Be a Living Sacrifice in Romans 12?

Meg Bucher

The call to be a living sacrifice is a difficult daily process, but life within the love of Christ overflows with the supernatural peace and joy of abiding in and obeying our Father in Heaven. Everyda...

How Can We Live So Christ Is Glorified because of Us?

Lisa Loraine Baker

The key for us as believers is to be the people God created us to be! No longer are we to be conformed to the norms of the world, but we are to be transformed, living a life pleasing to Him who called...

What Does It Mean to Fall from Grace?

Michael Jakes

In modern English, a "fall from grace" usually refers to someone who has made a mistake and lost their credibility. But in Biblical terms, it has a much stronger connotation, hearkening back to Adam a...

The Gospel: The Ultimate Rags-to-Riches Story

Clarence L. Haynes Jr.

We've all heard a good rags-to-riches story in our lifetime, and it is exhilarating to see our hero rise above humble beginnings. But did you know that for the believer, we are all the hero of the mos...

What Does the Bible Say about Unity?

Michael Jakes

The church, as it is, in spite of differences, is the most powerful organism in the universe. We are the body of Christ! His church grows and expands through the power of the gospel....

How Do We Abide in Christ?

Ruth Clemence

Receiving flowers as a gift is uplifting. The colors, scent, and the thought that went into giving them is a wonderful gesture. The stems are cut, a vase is filled with water and these blooms are care...

5 Ways to Truly Enjoy Christ

Clarence L. Haynes Jr.

Enjoying Christ is all about the relationship you share with him, and if you miss this, then you miss it all. The fact is you have someone you can be completely transparent with, who knows everything ...

The Great Transformation of the Apostle Paul in Romans 1 

Adrian Rogers

God doesn’t just want to save you; He wants to transform you! ...

10 Bible Verses That Prophesy Christ's Birth

Debbie McDaniel

The Bible tells us that long before the world began, God had a plan to bring redemption through Christ to all those who would choose to believe and follow Him (1 Peter 1:19-20). God knew we would need...

Telling Others the Gospel, Even When It's Difficult

Luis Palau

Today, in an effort to be sophisticated and contemporary, many Christians have stopped trying to persuade others to follow Christ. There's an underlying feeling in our society that nice people just do...