Search Results for exodus 27

Found 143 Results for exodus 27
How Do We Stand Still and See the Salvation of the Lord?

Linda Lyle

How do we stand still and see the salvation of the Lord? The steps are simple, but simple doesn’t mean easy....

God Saves Us from the Penalty and Power of Sin

I want to introduce you to three characters to help you understand how God saves us from the penalty and the power of sin. Which one do you identify with most?...

What is Eschatology and Why Should Christians Care to Understand It?

Jessica Brodie

The Messiah, Jesus Christ, is precisely why it is important for Christians to be aware of eschatology, for the entire purpose of the Christ is wrapped up in God’s final plan for humanity. Jesus Christ...

How Does God Use Our Weakness as a Strength?

Ruth Clemence

We do not like to admit our weaknesses. The expression “play to your strengths” is all about focusing on what we do well. If people could see us for who we really are from the inside &nd...

What Does the Feast of Unleavened Bread Tell Us about Jesus?

Stephanie Pavlantos

The Feast of Unleavened Bread is one of the most important events in the Jewish calendar, and vital to understanding what really happened when Jesus was in Jerusalem over Passover season....

5 Incredible Lessons about the Trinity

Emma Danzey

We read throughout the Bible that God is Triune. He is three in one. We can allow this fact about Him to intimidate us, or we can press into the joy, mystery, and reality of how He describes Himself....

When Life Lets You Down, Trust God’s Plan B

Frank Santora

Remember, God can handle our whys. In other words, God can handle our questions, and even our anger. It won’t threaten Him, diminish Him or embarrass Him. In fact, it won’t even surprise Him, for the ...

What Does It Really Mean That Your Body Is a Temple?

Jessica Brodie

The Holy Spirit is part of God, the trinity encompassing father, son, and spirit, three in one. Therefore, because we have someone so holy and almighty within us, we need to understand that we as eart...

What Does it Mean That God Is Omnipotent?

Jennifer Slattery

When we understand that God, our Creator and Savior, is omnipotent, our chaotic and constantly changing world doesn’t seem quite so scary. No matter how vulnerable or ill-equipped we feel, no ...

5 Things You Are Forgetting about God

Alyssa Roat

We hear a lot of things about God. Books upon books have been written on his attributes. However, there are some attributes of God that we like to brush under the rug. These attributes are uncomfo...

Does God Get Angry?

Blair Parke

The short answer is yes, God does get angry, and Scripture gives countless examples of God’s anger. This differs from human anger in that ours can be for selfish reasons, while His is always righteous...

Is God an Egomaniac for Asking Us to Worship and Praise Him?

Dr. David Kyle Foster

God's desire for us to worship Him is for our benefit, in countless ways. Here are some of the most life-changing....

6 Things to Know about the Messianic Prophecies of Jesus

Dawn Wilson

Biblical scholars say there are approximately 2,500 prophecies are in the Bible—with about 2,000 of them already fulfilled. But only a few hundred of these are Messianic prophecies. Fulfilled prophecy...

What Is Biblical Prophecy about Israel?

Greg Grandchamp

Where does the nation of Israel fit into God’s plan for the End Times? What does God have in store for Israel and the gift of eternal life at the end of the world?...

What Does the Bible Say about Magic, and Is It Really That Serious?

Michael Jakes

Magic and things supernatural are real, and they can have a lasting effect on the unsaved and unsuspecting of any age. The world would have us believe that there can be no residual effe...

What Should Christians Know about the Locusts in Revelation?

Britt Mooney

What should we know about the locusts in Revelation?...

What Is the Significance of the Tabernacle Furnishings?

Ed Jarrett

The author of Hebrews tells us that the sacrifices, especially the sacrifice of atonement, pointed to what Jesus did on the cross. He became the High Priest taking the blood of the sin offering into t...

How Are All Things Possible with God?

Jeannie Myers

In Matthew 19:26, Jesus makes an astonishing statement. He tells His disciples that "with God, all things are possible." What exactly is the Savior saying here? Does he mean we can all be astronauts a...

How Does the Bible Encourage Us during Hard Times?

Lisa Loraine Baker

Hard times are inevitable. We best suit up every day according to Ephesians 6:10-20 so we can fight whatever the world throws at us. Have a prayer arsenal, quick go-to verses, and a believing friend i...

Did Jesus Say We Must Be Baptized in Order to Be Saved?

Lisa Loraine Baker

Nicodemus had spent his whole life endeavoring to do something to gain God’s favor, and there he finally sat in His presence, seeking answers. Nicodemus needed spiritual birth, and Jesus pointed him t...