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Found 130 Results for free
Illustration: Happiness Is...Running?

Happiness is...running? OK, perhaps it has more to do with diet, exercise and gr-attitude...

Illustration: Materialism

Austrian millionaire Karl Rabeder is giving away all of his $4.7-million fortune. He said, “My idea is to have nothing left. Absolutely nothing. Money is counter productive—it prevents happiness to co...


Everything Midas touched turned to gold. He thought it was a blessing. He found it to be a curse. His food turned to gold. His child turned to gold. When we give, we see the reverse of the Midas touch...

Church Attendance

A Lutheran pastor in Stockholm, Sweden is so concerned to produce church growth he’s placed a help-wanted ad in newspapers advertising for church attenders. The minister, Bjoern Frennesson, c...


Australia is the only country in the world to have a picture of a convicted forger on its currency. ...


In the comic, “Motley’s Crew” a young man tells his father, “Hey Dad, I just signed up to audit a class in philosophy over at the college.” ...

Illustration: MLK Day

Remembering Dr. Martin Luther King......

Illustration: Comfort, Challenge

Too much comfort is dangerous. Literally. ...


According to legend everything King Midas touched turned to gold. He thought it was a blessing. He found it to be a curse. His food turned to gold. His child turned to gold. When we give, we see the r...


In the mid 1800s, 50,000 slaves were sold each year at Zanzibar on the coast of Africa. A church now stands where the old slave market stood. The altar is where the whipping post stood. It must be mov...


Robert Anthony tells of the time when the Viceroy of Naples was visiting in Spain....

Parents, Parenting

Erma Bombeck once said that raising children is similar to flying kites. You spend a lifetime trying to get them off the ground. You run with them until you're both breathless. . .they crash. . .you a...

Signs Given

Signs of the Times Sign in the Funeral Parlor: "Drive carefully - we can wait!" Sign in a motel: "Our King Size Beds are a lot of bunk." Sign in front of a church: "We have a long praying record." Si...

Personal Dedication

Christian businessman Fred Smith reports that the membership of the Moscow Baptist church is 5,600, the attendance 6,000, and the participation lever almost 100 percent. These Russian Christians ar...

Illustration: Mothers Day

The congregation wants to hear about Mother on her special day....


Ruben Ramirez of Yakima Washington wanted life in prison. To his disappointment he was only sentenced to 8½ years. Perhaps you saw his story in the newspaper. Ramirez told people he robbed the bank, n...


You know you're drinking too much coffee when: - You answer the door before people knock. - You grind your coffee beans in your mouth. - You sleep with your eyes open. - You have to watch videos i...


Columnist Bob Novak was stricken with a malignant brain tumor and wrote of how it had changed his life. ...