Search Results for proverbs 17

Found 208 Results for proverbs 17
Is It Actually Possible to Refrain from Anger?

Emma Danzey

Parents opt to leave home. Governments withhold help to their citizens. Co-workers lie to you. Is it actually possible to refrain from anger and turn from wrath?...

6 Essential Characteristics of a Godly Woman

Cally Logan

From kindness to others to integrity for her family to wisdom to a heart for the Lord such a life is one to pray for daily. Beauty, charm, riches, and mystery are all things that for a time can appear...

Is Our Life Impacted by Luck?

Ruth Clemence

Believers have the amazing privilege to go directly to the throne of God through Jesus, and ask Him for wisdom and direction. We do not need to cross our fingers and hope for the best, whilst avoiding...

Does God Call Everyone “the Apple of My Eye”?

Andy Lee

We've probably all heard the expression "apple of my eye," but you may not know it appears in the Bible. Here's what it means when God calls people "the apple of my eye."...

7 Prayers to Say for Your Friends

Blair Parke

One of the greatest gifts you can give your friends is prayer. We can pray for their needs and for the blessing of God’s presence to guide them each day....

What Are the Oaks of Righteousness and Why Do They Give Us Hope?

Emma Danzey

Isaiah 61 talks about believers being oaks of righteousness. As we study the concept of an oak tree today, may we have a greater appreciation for the meaning of this statement....

4 Biblical Reasons Women Can Be Leaders in the Church

Barbara Latta

As long as a woman feeling led to contribute to a church meeting respects the authority of the pastorate, she can scripturally teach. Also, a married woman would need to agree with her husband about h...

4 Ways God Guides Us through Seasons of Change and Transition

Rachel Britton

Our world, created and managed by God, is structured to meet the physical needs of all creatures, including humanity. But, as Matthew 6:26 declares, human beings are much more valuable than animals or...

Take Comfort in This Truth: The Lord Will Fight for You

Heather Adams

The young nation of Israel learned a lesson about this early on in their journey to the Promised Land. When the people found themselves trapped between the Red Sea and the powerful Egyptian army, they...

Is Concupiscence, a Strong Sexual Desire, a Sin?

Lisa Loraine Baker

Concupiscence is one of those words which derives its meaning from the context—specifically the object toward which it is directed. At its core, concupiscence is desire or coveting (epithymia)....

Beautiful Lessons in Biblical Friendship from David and Jonathan

Kristi Walker

David was a shepherd; Jonathan was a prince. Jonathan had his own armor; David had a harp and a slingshot. Jonathan grew up in the palace and was trained in the art of war; David grew up in the &ldq...

Why Was Lucifer, Satan, Banished to Hell?

Dolores Smyth

Satan’s pride was the first sin committed in the universe, and humanity has been on notice ever since that pride goeth before the fall. Arguably, all sins are rooted in pride if we consider that sin i...

What Is the Right Way to Pass Judgement?

Christine Carter

Christians are sometimes stereotyped as stodgy and too judgmental in the eyes of the world. The phrase "judge not" or "only God can judge me" have become so commonplace, we often wonder how much Bibli...

Knowing God’s Will

We were looking for God’s will as if it were buried treasure. But that didn’t make sense. Wouldn’t God want us to know His will? Why would He hide it from us? It was as if we were assuming God is a Co...

Who Are the Nicolaitans Found in Revelation?

Lisa Loraine Baker

As gleaned from these passages, we know the Nicolaitans sought to teach the church something other than the truth. Whether they added to or subtracted from, we do not know....

What Does it Mean to “Love Your Enemies”?

Danielle Bernock

Loving our enemies is a foreign concept. Love and enemies are words that seem mutually exclusive. Putting the two together raises questions. When the Bible tells us to love our enemies what does that ...

What Can We Learn from the Law, the Prophets, and the Writings Verse?

Britt Mooney

Jesus talks about fulfilling everything from the law, the prophets, and the writings. So what does that mean, for his audience and for us today?...

How to Be Brave

Heather Adams

By spending time studying God’s Word, lifting up prayers, and giving Him worship, we’ll grow in our knowledge and awe of Him. Our faith will increase, which will help us to stand more firmly when chal...

20 Great Bible Verses for Kids to Memorize

Jessica Udall

The best time to start reading the Bible with your child is when they are in the womb. The second best time is today! We have been known by God even before we were born and were created to know Him....