Search Results for conscience

Found 96 Results for conscience
Does the Bible Justify War?

Mike Leake

When we look at war within the Scripture, it is much different than the war we might see today. It’s not a “holy war;” that is not a phrase ever used in the Scriptures. But rather it is a war in which...

What Does “to the Pure All Things Are Pure” Actually Mean?

Mike Leake

This phrase “to the pure all things are pure” is one that is often ripped from its context. This is likely a proverbial saying that was used by Paul to make his larger point about the false teachers w...

Why Is the ‘Lamb of God’ So Significant?

Whitney Hopler

Learning why the Lamb of God is so significant can inspire us with awe and deepen our trust in Jesus. ...

Follow in the Footsteps of These “Hall of Faith” Heroes

Heather Adams

In this journey through Hebrews 11, the author celebrates certain people who demonstrated their firm belief in the Lord. Many of the names are familiar, others not so well known. But all of them have ...

Why Do We Remember John Bunyan Today?

Ken Curtis

How did John Buyan go from being a troublemaker to a preacher who wouldn't stop sharing God's message?...

What Is Theology & Why Is it Important?

Dr. Michael A. Milton

Theology is studying God. Christian theology is knowing God through Jesus Christ our Lord. Theology is “the queen of the sciences.” This was not only the opinion of the great Middle Ages scholar, Thom...

Did Christians Historically Hijack Halloween?

Alyssa Roat

October 31 is a charged date for many Christians. Some embrace Halloween with open arms, while others opt for participating in fall festivals or celebrating Reformation Day. Conflicting opinions a...

Can We Continue Doing Virtual Church after COVID?

Mike Leake

It seems to fit your schedule and your personality better to just watch online. Is this okay to do? Does it still count as church? To effectively answer this question, we need to ask questions about t...

How Can I Pray for Forgiveness?

Bethany Verrett

When someone hurts another individual, they can go in person and ask for forgiveness. But how does one approach the God of the universe and admit to wrong doing?...

How Can I Recognize and Understand the Holy Spirit Better?

Bethany Verrett

Jesus called the Spirit the Comforter, and sometimes the Holy Ghost. It is the presence of the Spirit that sanctifies and convicts Christians after they are saved. It is the Spirit who works in the li...

What Does Enmity Teach Us about the Barriers the Gospel Breaks Down?

Britt Mooney

The thousands of church splits and denominations are evidence we are plagued by the same enmity that rules the world....

What to Do When We Find Ourselves Working for God’s Approval

Mike Leake

Could I, with straight face, say to my children, “I find you acceptable only when you do your chores”? Could I expect to have a growing relationship with my wife if I said, “I find you acceptable when...

Why Is It Essential That We Guard Our Hearts?

Kristi Walker

Proverbs 4:23 instructs us to "guard your heart with all diligence," but why is that so important and how do we apply it to our everyday lives? What happens if we don't guard our hearts?...

Is it Always Sinful to Lie?

Alyssa Roat

God knows we all have the propensity to lie. But what does the Bible say about lying as a sin?...

What Does the Bible Really Say about Drunkenness?

Bethany Verrett

The Bible does feature wine throughout, and even the book of Revelation speaks about the new wine of heaven. However, earthly wine and other alcoholic drinks can lead to sinful behavior because it low...

What Does It Look Like to Be a Man of God?

Bethany Verrett

A man of God is not one stereotype of a man. It is not a scholar who has memorized all the Scriptures. It is not a man who can lift very heavy objects and fight back any enemy at the gate. Instead, it...

10 Examples of Generosity in the Bible and How to Follow Them

Timothy L. Smith

Among the central themes of the Bible are money and stewardship....

3 Undeniable Truths to Help Us Understand the Trinity

Sheila Alewine

The nature of the Trinity - God the Father, God the Son and the Holy Spirit - is just something that we will never be able to understand this side of eternity. But it doesn't mean we can't catch glimp...

Do You Have to Be Baptized to Go to Heaven?

Dr. Michael A. Milton

Heaven is not dependent upon the Sacraments of Baptism or, for that matter, the Lord’s Supper. But merely stating this leaves out a great deal of necessary discussion. For God commanded that a sign (H...

What Does "Judge Not Lest Ye Be Judged" Mean in the Bible?

Debbie Wilson

To judge means: to separate, to pick out, select, choose. By implication, it means to condemn, punish—avenge, conclude. It also carries the idea of having discernment. The passage where Jesus said, “D...