Search Results for new creation

Found 395 Results for new creation
What You Need to Know about the Gutenberg Bible

Dr. Dikkon Eberhart

You may have heard the Gutenberg Bible was the first Bible ever made, or that it was staunchly opposed by the Roman Catholic Church. The truth is a little more complicated....

What Does It Mean That We Are "Image Bearers"?

Ruth Clemence

We are made in the image of God, but because of sin, that image has been distorted. All of us are still image bearers and we need to live with that in mind as we interact with others and love our neig...

What Makes Covenant Theology So Important?

Andy Lee

There are lots of obscure religious positions that don't affect our beliefs in major ways, but also some prominent ones that make a big difference. Covenant theology is one of the big ones, so here's ...

What Does God Look Like?

Dr. Michael A. Milton

What does God look like? Perhaps, following the psalmist, we turn to poetry and hymnody to answer. When you know your sins are forgiven, and the God of all Creation is your own Father, God looks like ...

Is the Whole Bible about Jesus?

Ed Jarrett

So, is the whole Bible about Jesus? The answer to that depends on the level you are viewing it from. At a high level, I believe that the whole story arc is about Jesus and what he came to do. But at a...

How Can We Be in the World but Not of the World?

Michael Jakes

This world system is opposed to everything that is God and is under the dominion of Satan. Even we sometimes think that we can live godly lives, and yet hold on to a piece of this world for ourselves....

What Freedom from Sin Really Looks Like

Debbie W. Wilson

We have been conditioned to submit to sin. Before we came to Christ, sin controlled our thoughts, emotions, and actions. And while Romans 6 says believers “have been set free from sin,” many of us bel...

What the Bible Says about the Idea of Transgenderism

Dr. Michael A. Milton

It is difficult to imagine a contemporary social movement that is more dangerously consistent with the downward spiral of Romans chapter one than transgenderism. Read these words from St. Paul an...

What Makes a Miracle?

Jessica Brodie

Whether the miracle has to do with healing sickness or infirmity and showcasing god’s power and status as Almighty God matters not; what matters is that the miracle isn’t merely coincidence, but rathe...

How the Resurrection Changes Your Monday

Mike McKinley

The Christ’s suffering was necessary, and his glory inevitable, because God wanted it to be so....

Is Mental Illness Actually Biblical?

Stephen Altrogge

I believe that treating mental illness as only (or even primarily) a spiritual problem is both profoundly unbiblical and incredibly hurtful to those who struggle with mental illness....

Who Is Jesus?

Jason Soroski

To some, he is a great teacher with good moral ideas. To others, he is an interesting myth. There are even some who fail to believe, contrary to all evidence, that he ever existed at all. To believers...

The Messiah Foretold

Philip Nation

God shatters our expectations. His love for humanity drove Him to provide the Savior who can make all things new....

10 Beautiful Worship Songs about Thanksgiving

Bethany Verrett

Whether it is an old-fashioned hymn or a contemporary and up-beat tune, song-writers have expressed their gratitude to God for their life, for Creation, for their salvation, for blessings, and even fo...

Why Does the Bible Include Poetry?

Bethany Verrett

So why would God put poetry in His sacred texts? Because of the infinite and complex nature of God’s existence and character, He is capable of communicating with His creation in a myriad of ways. He i...

When and How Was the Bible Split into Chapters and Verses?

Bethany Verrett

While there are pros and cons to this structure, its creation makes memorization more accessible and allows for a more universal experience for believers all over the road to study God’s Word....

Why Should We Know Who Kenan Is in the Bible?

Britt Mooney

Kenan probably isn't someone you learned much about in Sunday School. So what can his surprising family history teach us today?...

What Does "Wait on the Lord" Really Mean?

Allie Boman

What did Isaiah mean when he wrote those words: “wait upon the Lord”? What would it feel like to have eagles’ wings at a time like this? To put it simply, it all boils down to wh...

Why Did God Flood the World?

Ed Jarrett

It would be easy to read this and see a God who was caught off guard by how sinful humanity had become. A God who became so angry that he decided to wipe out the whole mess and start over again. But i...

Honor Your Need for Both Work and Rest This Labor Day

Nick Batzig

As we come to celebrate another Labor Day, let's step back for a moment and consider what Scripture has to say about the rhythm of work and rest....