Search Results for power of life and death

Found 584 Results for power of life and death
Why Does Isaiah Encourage Us to Not Be Afraid?

Ashley Hooker

So, why should we not be afraid? Why should we have no fear even when we face life-or-death circumstances? Because God said so. Isaiah 41:10 says, “So do not fear for I am with you; do not be dismayed...

Why Did Jesus Die on a Cross according to Philippians 2:8?

Emma Danzey

One of the most amazing facts about Jesus dying on a cross was that he died on a tree. This was significant because sin and death began at a tree, and sin was defeated on a tree....

How Does God Use Our Weakness as a Strength?

Ruth Clemence

We do not like to admit our weaknesses. The expression “play to your strengths” is all about focusing on what we do well. If people could see us for who we really are from the inside &nd...

What’s So Good about the Gospel?

Meredith N Mills

Many gospel conversations focus on life after death: All have sinned. Sin separates us from God. Jesus died to save us from hell and make heaven possible for those who believe in him. But what if this...

What is the Crown of Life in the Bible?

Dr. Sandra Hamer Smith

What does it mean when the Bible promises a crown of life to people who stand for God? Let's take a look at the verses that mention the crown of life and what they tell us today....

How Foster Care Practically Shows Us the Gospel

Allie Boman

The gospel — the story of God living a human life, giving up that life to defeat death, and rising up again as a human with a whole new kind of life — makes perfect sense out of foster parenting.First...

What Does it Mean that "God So Loved the World" in John 3:16?

Jennifer Slattery

Jesus came so that, though we were guilty and tarnished by sin, we could receive forgiveness and pardon for all we’d done or will do. Because of Jesus, we can have peace with God the Father, be ...

Why Does Paul Say That We Will “Share in Christ’s Sufferings”?

Bethany Verrett

Knowing Jesus and receiving His righteousness means suffering like He did, but it also means being glorified like Him, even being physically resurrected one day....

How Are We "More Than Conquerors" in Christ?

Bethany Verrett

No matter what difficulties appear in an individual’s life, Romans 8:37 reminds the reader that Jesus has already ensured their eternal salvation, and the future is glorious. God wants to be Father to...

What Does it Mean That God Is Omnipotent?

Jennifer Slattery

When we understand that God, our Creator and Savior, is omnipotent, our chaotic and constantly changing world doesn’t seem quite so scary. No matter how vulnerable or ill-equipped we feel, no ...

3 Simple Ways to Refresh and Rekindle Your Delight in the Gospel

Sarah E Martin

“I want to know Christ and the power of his resurrection and the fellowship of sharing in his sufferings, becoming like him in his death, and so, somehow, to attain to the resurrection from the dead” ...

Why Do Bad Things Happen to Good People?

Kristi Woods

Have you ever asked, “Why do bad things happen to good people?” Disaster striking or disease infiltrating, the suffering or untimely death of those we deem as undeserving, sears the heart, doesn’t it?...

March 29, AD 33: The King Comes for His Kingdom

After observing the Sabbath (Friday evening through Saturday evening) at Bethany, Jesus arose Sunday morning to enter the city of Jerusalem. It was March 29, AD 33—the first day of the last week of hi...

Do We Still Need Revival in Christianity?

Jennifer Slattery

The human heart, known to stray and decay, is in constant need of revival—a returning to God and His ways and outpouring of His power and grace. Scripture documents this. It records periods of...

What Can Christians Today Learn from the Miraculous Healing of the Soldier’s Ear?

Britt Mooney

Amidst the drama the night Jesus was arrested for execution, leading to the cross, the Son of God takes a moment to heal a soldier’s ear. Why did Jesus heal the soldier? What can we learn from this to...

How Can We Live a Holy Life Today?

Ruth Clemence

Is holiness an impossible command to try and emulate in our life? Do we know what a holy life looks like? To be holy is crucial to living the Christian life, and without holiness, no one will see the ...

What Does the Bible Say about Salvation?

Michael Jakes

In the simplest terms, salvation is the deliverance of one from impending danger. As stated, this salvation is prompted by His love, but it is given to us by grace. We read from the book of Ephesians:...

What Does It Mean That We Have "Assurance of Salvation"?

Bethany Verrett

After being forgiven and starting that relationship with God, it can be difficult to believe that all of someone’s wickedness can be washed away. The Bible promises the person who repents and accepts ...

17 Encouraging Verses for Seasons of Grief

Clarence L. Haynes Jr.

Since we are all going to face grief in this life, the question is when grief comes, where do you go for comfort? Thankfully God knew you would experience grief in this life, and he has provided numer...