Search Results for proverbs 5

Found 332 Results for proverbs 5
King Belshazzar’s Timely Warning of the Sin of Pride

Rev. Kyle Norman

The tale of King Belshazzar, found in the book of Daniel, is a great example of this. God acts against Belshazzar and brings his reign to an abrupt end because of his prideful arrogance. Belshazzar, t...

What You Need to Know about Hezekiah in the Bible

Dawn Wilson

Verifying his place in biblical history, archaeologists found Hezekiah’s royal seal in 2010 in an area at the foot of the southern wall of the Temple Mount in Jerusalem....

Does the Bible Teach that Masturbation is a Sin?

Lisa Loraine Baker

The Bible is clear that sex should be confined to a husband and wife. But it doesn't say much, or anything, about some other sexual acts. So can we conclude then that masturbation or other sexual acts...

How to Study the Bible Like Billy Graham (7 Powerful Habits to Cultivate)

iBelieve Contributors

  In his recent tribute to the late Reverend Billy Graham, pastor and Desiring God founder John Piper notes Graham’s incredible habit of Bible study (taken from John Pollock’s bio...

10 Biblical Truths about Real Friendship

Drew Hunter

What does the Bible say about friendship? Perhaps more than we may have thought. The theme of friendship weaves through the whole storyline of Scripture, climaxing at the cross of Jesus Christ and str...

How to Guard Your Heart

Adrian Rogers

Why is the thought life so important? Why did Solomon tell his son, “Keep your heart with all diligence; for out of it are the issues of life?” Because the thought life controls the rest of your life....

What Does the Bible Have to Say about Weed?

Jessica Brodie

While the Bible doesn’t specifically mention weed, marijuana, or other drugs, God’s word does have plenty to say about the importance of staying in one’s right and sober mind — particularly as the dev...

10 Verses to Guide Our Reflection on the Painful Events of 9/11

Lynette Kittle

It’s the anniversary again of 9/11. A day marked by shock, terror, sorrow, and tremendous loss, where we remember the devastating terrorist attacks against America that deeply impacted our nat...

5 Things to Remember about Soli Deo Gloria

Stephanie Englehart

Because we were created from God’s glory, for His glory, there is no greater joy on earth than giving God glory (1 Peter 1:8)....

Is Gentle Parenting Biblical?

Bethany Verrett

This can be a tempting model for Christian parents because it models values like gentleness, patience, and love, which are Fruits of the Spirit and Christ-like virtues. However, we should examine ever...

Is Anger Always a Sin?

Meg Bucher

Jesus flipped a table in the temple out of righteous anger. There will be times in life where we will be called to have courage to get righteously mad....

How Does the Bible Caution Us about Toxic People?

Heather Adams

God’s Word gives us examples of those who not only disregarded His Ways, but openly tried to turn others against Him. Some were willing to repent and become aligned again with the Lord, but others stu...

Why Is Accountability So Important for Christians?

Heather Adams

True accountability starts with accepting that we are all imperfect. It demands that we be honest enough with ourselves to receive correction, or to speak the truth in love to others when it’s needed....

5 Prayers for God’s Perfect Timing

Lisa Loraine Baker

When we begin with a me-centered vision, we will always experience dissatisfaction. We expect God to answer our prayers at the moment we petition Him to fulfill our need for immediate gratif...

What Does the Bible Say about Gray Hair?

Clarence L. Haynes Jr.

The Bible is clear that we should show respect for the elderly. There is much we can learn from those who are older and who have walked with God for a long time. Many elderly people have legacies of G...

Ten Power Verses to Guide Your Year in 2024

Blair Parke

Maybe this coming year is the time to change your spiritual focus in life, to embrace a new direction and see where God is leading you in 2024. Maybe you need to change your mindset from unhealthy to ...

7 Intentional Scriptures to Pray Over Your Year

Kristi Woods

Would you consider yourself an intentional person? The Bible has much to say about believers living lives of intentionality and purpose to the glory of God. Unfortunately, it's easier than ever for th...

Is it Fact or Fiction That God Works in Mysterious Ways?

Clarence L. Haynes Jr.

The phrase "God works in mysterious ways" is not found anywhere in Scripture. But, does that mean it isn't true? To investigate this, and all claims about the character of God, we must look closely at...

How Can We Teach Christians Today That Charm Is Deceitful?

Emma Danzey

He says that charm is deceitful. How do we combat a world full of deception and stay level in the truth of Christ? ...

When God's Promises Don't Match Your Current Reality

Mike Leake

God never breaks a promise. I think we know that is theologically true, but what do we do when this theological truth doesn’t seem to be matching reality? We claim Proverbs 22:6. “Train up a...