Search Results for sorrow

Found 198 Results for sorrow
How to Know with Certainty the Plans God Has for You

John UpChurch

If God “knows the plans He has for you,” then how can you figure out what those are? You might be surprised to know that the answers are in that very same passage in Jeremiah 29....

7 Prayers and Scripture Readings for Christmas Eve and Morning

Denise Kohlmeyer

Here is a list of short prayers (to be prayed individually or collectively as a family). I hope they will bless, encourage, uplift, and set your hearts on the joy, sacredness, and sweetness of Jesus, ...

5 Things You Didn't Know about Hannah in the Bible

Kristine Brown

Hannah is one of the most recognizable women in Scripture. Her life had moments that stand out, but there are other facts about Hannah we often overlook. ...

Zerubbabel and the Temple of Jerusalem

Zerubbabel led the rebuilding of the temple in Jerusalem that Jesus would one day visit....

5 Comforting Psalms for When We Worry

Kirstyn Mayden

Times are tough for so many of us right now. Whether it's financial trouble, health concerns, or anxiety over political issues and current events, there is plenty to worry about. 1 Peter 5:7 says to c...

What Nehemiah Teaches about Rebuilding after a Disaster Like COVID-19

Hope Bolinger

It is easy to assume that the Bible doesn't have the answer for every modern problem. However, the people in the Bible experienced similar trials and temptations as us, and looking to them will g...

How Can I Love My Bible if I Don't Enjoy Reading It?

Sarah Frazer

Life often feels too busy to read the Bible. What’s the secret to getting started? Embrace that you don’t have to love reading to love the Bible! Here are some easy suggestions....

What Do Widows in the Bible Teach Us about Loss?

Dr. Julie Barrier

Many women say losing a mate is like losing a limb. It's a torturous, treacherous journey. Only by the grace of God can one survive it. The Bible is filled with stories of widows who show us the way b...

The Danger of Becoming the Forgetful Cupbearer in the Story of Joseph

Hope Bolinger

One of the most frustrating characters in the story of Joseph is the cupbearer who spends time in prison with Joseph. As soon as he is released, he forgets about Joseph....

6 Simple Ways to Count Joy When Life Is Difficult

Micah Maddox

How can we count joy like James speaks of even in trials and temptation? Is it really even possible? The Bible gives us a good idea of the answer, and I want to share some of the verses and reasons we...

What Do We Know about Asher in the Bible?

Melissa Henderson

What do we know about Asher in the Bible? Was he tall or short, plump or skinny? Was he gifted with creativity or hospitality? Scripture shares a small bit of information about Asher. Yet, Asher was a...

What Does the Bible Say about Laughter, and Is it Truly the Best Medicine?

Melissa Henderson

“What does the Bible say about laughter?” Scripture shares about the lives of many people and their joys and trials. We are called to share the love of God with others. ...

Who Is Jesus?

Jason Soroski

To some, he is a great teacher with good moral ideas. To others, he is an interesting myth. There are even some who fail to believe, contrary to all evidence, that he ever existed at all. To believers...

How to Be Brave

Heather Adams

By spending time studying God’s Word, lifting up prayers, and giving Him worship, we’ll grow in our knowledge and awe of Him. Our faith will increase, which will help us to stand more firmly when chal...

5 Hopeful Prayers When the News Is Overwhelming

Kirstyn Mayden

Despite the mental and emotional toll that the news takes at times, there still is hope. God is sovereign and calls us to continue to put our hope and trust in Him....

From Glory to Glory

Perfection is the goal of God’s sanctifying work in us. He’s not merely making us better than we are; he is conforming us to the image of his Son....

Love Your Neighbor as Yourself, Part 2

John Piper

"Love your neighbor as yourself" is a very radical command. What I mean by "radical" is this: it cuts to the root of our sinfulness and exposes it and, by God's grace, severs it....

Does God Ever Change His Mind?

Changing our minds feels so natural to us as humans, it’s hard to envision life without it. But what would it mean for God to change his mind? Does he? Could he? Or are all his plans and purposes immu...

How to Trace the Fire of the Holy Spirit

Many people find keeping a journal is a tool God uses to draw them into deeper intimacy with Him. A written journal is a record of your spiritual journey. It is a means to "trace the fire of the Holy ...

4 Beautiful Lessons from the Life of Elisabeth Elliot

Ruth Clemence

Who was Elisabeth Elliot? Throughout her life she was a missionary, wife, and mother, but above all she was a courageous follower of Christ. By looking back at her life, we can draw encouragement in o...