Search Results for soul

Found 573 Results for soul
"The Truth Will Set You Free" - What it Means & Why Jesus Said It

Kyle Blevins

You may have heard this saying in an academic setting before; “the truth will set you free” could certainly apply to learning and gaining new knowledge. However, the original intent of t...

What Happens to Believers in-between Death and Ultimate Resurrection?

Ed Jarrett

It's a well-known fact that we all die. And the Bible assures us of an ultimate resurrection, when we believers will live with Christ in the New Heavens and the New Earth. But, what exactly can we exp...

What Exactly Is Our Spirit?

Bethany Verrett

The spirit of a person was put in them so they could connect with God and be like Him. Just as part of God’s character is Spirit, people have spirit that endows on them the image of God....

Do Babies Who Die Go to Heaven?

Sam Storms

What becomes of those who die in infancy, before reaching an age of intellectual and moral development that would make it possible for them to understand and respond to the revelation of God in the go...

Recognizing When You Drift to Overcome Careless Christianity

Michael Jakes

One of the greatest and most satisfying things the Lord has privileged us to do as His children is walking close to Him. Each day as we serve Him, and order our steps according to His Word, He draws u...

9 Ways to Pray for Believers from a Distance During COVID-19

Lianna Davis

While being in chains for the gospel or on long missionary journeys, the apostle Paul modeled intentional prayer for other believers while at a distance from them. Though Paul was separated from belie...

Will We Recognize Friends in Heaven?

Will we have personal identity in heaven? And will we recognize family and friends?...

A Deeper Look at Healing

God designed us to be whole people—body, soul, and spirit. And God cares about the totality of who we are, not just our spiritual side. The health of our bodies matters to him; he knows and cares when...

Top 5 Bible Verses to Read When You’re Feeling Lonely

Elizabeth Laing Thompson

We’ve all been there: lonely. Longing to feel connected, needed, known.Wishing relationships weren’t so hard—or so hard to find.Wanting closer friends, people who “get” us in that deep-down, soul-mate...

7 Reasons Winter Reminds Us to Hold on to Hope

Ruth Clemence

Many people suffer from seasonal depression or feel down in the winter. The trees seem lifeless, we spend a lot more time inside, and it gets darker earlier and for longer stretches of the day. It can...

20 Ways We Can Refresh Our Souls When We Are Weary

Lisa Loraine Baker

Have you ever been “crying tired?” Crying tired is deep weariness and is not from physical exhaustion; instead, it comes when a person experiences mental and/or spiritual fatigue. Sleeping it off is n...

Is It Wrong for Christians to Wear Makeup and Jewelry?

Jessica Brodie

Flip through any magazine or TV channel, and it’s hard not to miss the elaborate hair and makeup styles, jewelry, and other adornments on display. It’s big business, too — in spite of the pandemic, th...

What Happens When You Die?

Ray Pritchard

In answering questions about life after death, we are left with only two sources to consult. Either we turn to human experience or we turn to the Word of God. If we turn to human experience, we find m...

Psalm 23 - Finding Our Good Shepherd's Peace & Promises in the Midst of Darkness

Dr. Michael A. Milton

God chose David to write this Psalm because God wanted to reveal Himself to His people as a shepherd, someone they could relate to. This famous psalm is God’s gift to the weary; God’s blessing to the...

10 Things the Bible Says about Believers Going to Heaven

Meg Bucher

Jesus’ death on the cross allows us to embrace the soul-gripping freedom of eternity that we are invited to share in as Christians. “But for all who did receive and trust in Him, He gave them the rig...

7 Beautiful Ways to Love Your Neighbor Well

Micah Maddox

“And one of the scribes came up and heard them disputing with one another, and seeing that he answered them well, asked him, ‘Which commandment is the most important of all?’  Jesus answered, ‘Th...

Fight Spiritual Distractions with These 5 Tips

Sheila Alewine

One of the worst texting and driving accidents ever occurred in Texas in March 2017. PM Law Firm reports that this particular accident involved a large white pickup truck that had previously been seen...

7 Ways to Find True Peace in the Unexpected

Micah Maddox

Life happens. It’s hard when unexpected trials march into your world without warning. These are the times when it’s hardest to really cling to the truth that we know. It’s a strugg...

6 Scriptures That Changed My Life

Ruth Clemence

Growing up, the Bible was in my bedroom but seldom opened. I believed in Jesus and cannot remember a time I felt as if God didn’t exist. God just was. However, I did not follow Him as Lord and Savior ...

6 Critical Questions to Ask Yourself before Pursuing a Career in Ministry

Jessica Brodie

Perhaps while other kids were playing school, hospital, cops-and-robbers, or soldier games, you played “church,” setting up chairs for pews and pretending you were the pastor. Or perhaps you had no de...