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Found 664 Results for works
What Can Christians Learn from the Reformation Phrase Soli Deo Gloria?

Lisa Loraine Baker

How does Soli Deo Gloria, a Latin phrase coined centuries ago, impact our lives today?...

5 Relevant Lessons “Mere Christianity” Has for Believers Today

Mike Leake

The writer of Ecclesiastes is certainly correct, “of making many books there is no end…” Each month I receive periodicals advertising hundreds of new books in the Christian market. Though we could rea...

What Is the Significance of the Seven Churches in Revelation?

Bethany Verrett

In the beginning of the book of Revelation, the number seven appears multiple times. One of the most notable is that John is instructed to give a copy of Revelation to seven churches. Theories abound ...

What Makes God So Awesome?

Dawn Wilson

“Awesome” is an appropriate word to use for God, and it’s not to be used flippantly. The Psalmist rightly asks, “Who is like the LORD our God?” (Psalm 113:5). He is unequaled and unsurpassed. Anyone w...

Why Should Christians Know What the Adamic Covenant Is Today?

Lisa Loraine Baker

We see the word covenant in many church names, but what is a covenant? What does it mean when theologians say an Adamic covenant goes back to the Garden of Eden?...

5 Unexpected Ways Grace Looks Amazing on You

Amy Seiffert

Sometimes grace looks amazing on us in the least glamorous places. But grace has never been about glam. In fact, grace is all about the grime. There are beautiful examples of this throughout the Bible...

What Is the Purpose of the Book of Life?

Emma Danzey

Essentially, the book of life is used to share that those who are believers in Christ – sealed for eternity – are permanently written in the book. Their names can never be erased; they are God’s child...

Is “Prepare to Meet Thy God” in the Bible?

Lianna Davis

“Prepare to meet thy God” could be harrowing or comforting words. So what makes the difference?...

What Are We to Make of Unanswered Prayers?

Dawn Wilson

Gary Yates, Associate Professor of Old Testament at Liberty Baptist Theological Seminary, tells the story of a chaplain’s prayer. Chaplain Max Helton prayed beside the car of racecar driver Dale Earnh...

What Does it Mean to "Walk in the Spirit?"

Dr. Michael A. Milton

To walk in the Spirit is to walk in new life in Jesus Christ. It is to walk away from the old life of bondage to any idea, person, system, or idea of salvation by religious ritual. As we will see, G...

Is Jesus Really the Only Way to Heaven?

Lisa Loraine Baker

Jesus is the only way a person will enter heaven. In these days of conformity and inclusivity, however, people rail against anything exclusive. Yes, Jesus is exclusively the only way to heaven, b...

What Do We Learn about Salvation from Jesus’ Meeting with Nicodemus?

Lisa Loraine Baker

Nicodemus did not understand what Jesus meant about being “born again,” for he only understood physical birth. He asked Jesus how it could be, and he listened as Jesus told him one must be “born of wa...

When Does God Do His Best Work in Us?

Michael Jakes

“God has spoken once, twice I have heard this: That power belongs to God” (Psalm 62:11).“Oh, that men would give thanks to the Lord for His goodness, and for His wonderful works to the children of men...

The Beautiful Meaning behind the Old Hymn "Blessed Assurance”

Susan Aken

Growing up, the hymn “Blessed Assurance” etched its words on my heart. Occasionally, when I’m alone worshipping God, the lyrics of this song will come to mind and I sing from my heart with joy. Writte...

Understanding God When He Doesn't Make Sense

Clarence L. Haynes Jr.

We have all heard it said before that God has a plan for your life. And it’s not just any plan but a good plan. These aren’t just ideas we conjure up to make ourselves feel good, this is what God has ...

How Can We Model the Love of Jesus by Showing Compassion?

Sheila Alewine

One of the most visible character attributes of God, as seen in Scripture, is His compassion. Both the Old Testament and New Testament testify to the unconditional love and mercy that arises from His ...

What Does the Bible Say about Disabilities?

Heather Adams

“For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother’s womb. I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well. My frame was not ...

Why Does James Say We Should Be "Slow to Speak"?

Pamela Palmer

The letter written by James was penned to Jewish Christians scattered throughout the Roman Empire. It contains many key themes, such as trials, faith and works, wisdom, and riches and poverty. The let...

Is Your Marriage on the Rocks, or Built on the Rock?

Bethany Verrett

Marriage is an exciting part of life, as it takes two journeys and two souls and makes them one under vows to God. It also serves as a living symbol for Christ’s love for His church. Two people take t...

Learning to Pray… Again

I suspect that most Christians are burdened by their lack of prayer and the seeming ineffectiveness of prayer. We read “pray without ceasing” and it becomes “guilt without ceasing.”...