Search Results for acts 25

Found 245 Results for acts 25
4 Biblical Reasons Women Can Be Leaders in the Church

Barbara Latta

As long as a woman feeling led to contribute to a church meeting respects the authority of the pastorate, she can scripturally teach. Also, a married woman would need to agree with her husband about h...

What Are the Seven Spirits of God?

Heather Riggleman

What are the seven spirits of God? This question arises when we stumble into the book of Isaiah and Revelations. The only way to truly know the seven spirits of God is to get to know God Himself throu...

Why Do We Go to Church?

Heather Adams

God calls us to this “holy habit” for several vital reasons. He designed us to live in relationship, with Him and with other believers, and church is where we celebrate how God works in and around us ...

Do You Have to Be Baptized to Take Communion?

Clarence L. Haynes Jr.

Communion is only for believers in Jesus Christ. The Bible does not say you must be baptized to receive communion, and I won’t say it either....

Who Is the Bride of Christ?

Jessica Udall

All the great love stories of the world echo this greatest of love stories. And just like a good husband acts, God’s actions towards the Church are always full of love....

What Is the Kingdom of God, and Are We Seeing It Now?

Ed Jarrett

Sometimes we will hear people describe the Kingdom of God as being "now and not yet." Aren't those opposites though? How can we be experiencing something now, but also not yet? To answer this, let's t...

Why Did People in the Bible Offer Burnt Offerings?

Jessica Brodie

People offered burnt offerings as a way to atone for their wrongdoings, to show appreciation for the Lord, and because they saw it as a way to appease God, whose wrath they feared. They hoped it would...

Who Are the Christmas Angels?

Pamela Palmer

They top our trees, adorn our yards, and may even stand proudly in your local department store. But the Bible has a lot to say about angels, and not just in the Christmas story. Who are these angelic ...

What Is Irresistible Grace and Is it Biblical?

Heather Riggleman

Irresistible grace is defined as those whom God has elected and drawn to Himself. When God calls the elect, they respond (John 6:37, 44; 10:16)....

5 Powerful Lessons from the Book of Habakkuk

Lisa Loraine Baker

No matter what the world foists upon us, God is greater and His plans are far above any human consideration. God truly has the whole world in His mighty, unfailing hands....

Did God Condone Violence Found in the Old Testament?

Jessica Brodie

Reading the Old Testament with an eye on the New Testament indicates another perspective about the violence throughout the earth’s earlier days. We know God’s ultimate plan involves rescuing His peopl...

Is Masturbation a Sin?

Heather Riggleman

Let’s be clear, masturbation is an act of instant, self-gratification. It is quite the opposite of the self-control that we are constantly reminded of in the Bible. Self-control is an act of obedience...

The Gospel of the Holy Spirit

How important is the Holy Spirit in your understanding of the gospel?...

Studying Mark's Gospel: Beginnings

The long awaited time had finally come: God, in the fullness of time, came to our world in the person of His Son. ...

Is the Presence of God Still There, Even if You Can't Feel It?

Tessa Emily Hall

And yet, those of us who are in Christ have sensed the presence of God with us and have witnessed His hand at work. ...

Why Should We Know about the Overlooked Judge Shamgar?

Lisa Loraine Baker

. Shamgar served as the third judge over Israel, after Othniel and Ehud. Under Ehud, Israel had rest for 80 years (Judges 3:30)....

How Does the Bible Say We Should Pray to God?

Cathy Baker

Does the Bible say exactly how we're supposed to pray to God?...

Do Christians Need Both Testaments of the Bible?

Lisa Loraine Baker

The Old Testament is the New Testament concealed, and the New Testament is the Old Testament revealed. You can’t have one without the other to come to as full an understanding of Scripture (and Him) a...

Why Should We Know Who Kenan Is in the Bible?

Britt Mooney

Kenan probably isn't someone you learned much about in Sunday School. So what can his surprising family history teach us today?...

What Should All Christians Know about Transubstantiation?

Mary Oelerich-Meyer

What is the doctrine of transubstantiation and why has it divided Catholics and Protestants for centuries?...