Search Results for friend of god

Found 427 Results for friend of god
Why Does Jesus Give His Mother to John While on the Cross?

Joel Ryan

Jesus had no gold, no earthly treasure, and no real estate to give to Mary after His passing. In fact, everything He had owned was seized and divvied up amongst the Roman soldiers at the foot of the c...

Why You Should Be Encouraged That 'the Steadfast Love of the Lord Never Ceases'

Aaron Brown

God’s limitless mercy explains why He has chosen to love humanity since the time of Adam and Eve in the garden. His love extends into today where we still study the Bible in an effort to better compre...

What Grows from a Healthy Fear of the Lord?

Dr. Michael A. Milton

Unlike harmful phobias, the fear of the Lord is most sensible, most wholesome, and most desired. How so? There are at least three revealed truths that stir a godly fear of the Lord....

How Does the Bible Say God Will Order My Steps?

Clarence L. Haynes Jr.

How do I let God's word order my steps?...

How to Deal with Pain (and Let Peace and Healing In)

Ronnie Floyd

There is a lot of pain in America. In the last five years, Americans have lived under great stress, deep division, nuclear threat, terroristic intimidation, political unrest, gender confusion, multipl...

5 Ways to Rejoice While Grieving During the Holidays

Kirstyn Mayden

While the holidays invite us to be joyous, it is difficult when we are grieving. When we may not feel like singing “Emmanuel,” the good news is that God is still with us and there is still a reason to...

What Does the Bible Say about Ancestor Worship?

Bethany Verrett

The Bible is clear that only God is worthy of worship and praise, and Christians have a calling and a responsibility to share the Gospel with the people of the world who are still deceived by the prac...

Who Is the Bride of Christ?

Jessica Udall

All the great love stories of the world echo this greatest of love stories. And just like a good husband acts, God’s actions towards the Church are always full of love....

5 Best Ways to Fellowship outside of Church

Lisa Yvonne

Have you ever found yourself rushing into church, eager to “get your fill up” for the week? Or perhaps you’ve had a rough few days and need that encouragement and motivation you&rs...

The Intangible God

“No one has ever seen God.” It’s an expression that exemplifies loneliness. Why the stark contrast with the surrounding text, which focuses on God’s presence and love?...

How to Grow Closer to God as a Caretaker

Heather Adams

Caring for a friend or relative who is dealing with an illness, whether temporary or chronic, can be challenging. It takes a physical toll to help them, but can also be emotionally and spiritually dra...

Do Butterflies Have a Spiritual Meaning in the Bible?

Michelle Treacy

One of the beautiful things butterflies can remind us of is the birth, death, and resurrection of Christ. Like butterflies, Jesus was born, died on a cross for us, and was buried in the tomb....

How Can We as Christians Choose People over Tasks?

Emma Danzey

Good deeds (tasks) are not a bad thing in and of themselves. Matthew teaches us that the purpose of them is to praise God and to let our lights shine so others would be witnessed to. The ultimate hope...

7 Encouraging Psalms to Help Battle Depression

Micah Maddox

Depression is not something that magically disappears when you slap a band aid on it. Sometimes the last thing you want to hear is another Bible verse or an encouraging word from someone who has not...

Is Self-Care a Christian Idea?

Mike Leake

The idea here is that if we want to be useful to other people, then we need to be able to take care of ourselves. There are times when we need to hit the pause button, get filled back up, and then go ...

What Does the Bible Say about Who I Am in Christ?

Lisa Brown

I hear this quite a bit from Christians, “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.” This is a popular Scripture taken from Philippians 4:13. I would argue that this verse is only powerfu...

Can Christians Use Crystals?

Clarence L. Haynes Jr.

If you think using crystals can help promote “good energy,” then the question you must consider is where is that energy coming from? I can assure you it is not the Holy Spirit....

10 Ways to Be Sure You're Not Acting like a Pharisee

Kendra Fletcher

While reading the New Testament in particular, we often hear about the Pharisees, most notably when Jesus engages them during his life on earth. Who exactly was he talking about?...