Search Results for mother

Found 197 Results for mother
Illustration: New Year's Resolutions

Are you making resolutions that you can keep within your own family...and marriage?...

Illustration: Confusion

A pediatrician in town always plays a game with some of his young patients to put them at ease and test their knowledge of body parts. ...

Illustration: Teamwork, Overenthusiasm

Sometimes parents need more coaching than their child athletes....

Illustration: Christmas, Santa

Sometimes children answer their own questions, then they realize even deeper truths and blessings that are best left unquestioned....


While taking a routine vandalism report at an elementary school, a police officer was interrupted by a little girl about 6 years old. ...

Sermon Illustration: God

It has been reported that a student was given a question, “Where do our rights come from?” He answered with one word: God. The teacher marked it wrong. ...

Illustration: Mothers Day Priorities

The impression of one's mother matters significantly to most of us....


Author and lecturer Leo Buscaglia once talked about a contest he was asked to judge. The purpose of the contest was to find the most caring child....

Gratitude, Thankfulness

The boy said, "What a wonderful day! I asked for one flower but got a beautiful bouquet." That's the thankful spirit. That's the gratitude attitude. It's that attitude that should guide our giving and...

Encouragement Can Transform

Fred Craddock tells of the time he and his wife slipped away to the mountains for a few days of relaxation. As they sat in a little restaurant, they saw a man going from table to table greeting diners...


In A Second Helping of Chicken Soup for the Soul, Rev. John R. Ramsey tells how in one church a certain person provided him with a rose boutonnière for the lapel of his suit every Sunday. At first he ...

Illustration: Mothers

Mom's reputation precedes her....

Illustration: Expectations, Children

After school one day, a young first-grade boy was sitting at the kitchen table, eating his afternoon snack, when he blurted out, "Mom, the teacher was asking me today if I have any brothers or sisters...

Illustration: Thanksgiving Blessing

Children are incredibly honest about that which they are thankful...and more so about that which they are not....

Illustration: Compassion

Author and lecturer Leo Buscaglia once talked about a contest he was asked to judge. The purpose of the contest was to find the most caring child. The winner was a 4-year-old child whose next-door nei...

Illustration: Vision, Failure

We never should give up on our dreams despite the condescending remarks of others; listen instead to encouragement and move forward....

Pain, Trouble, Relief

A guy walks into a shoe store and asks for a pair of shoes, size 8. The obviously well trained salesman says, "But sir, you take an 11 or eleven-and-a-half." "Just bring me a size eight." ...


In Java a unique wedding custom is observed. The day before the wedding the bride calls in all of her close friends. In their presence she burns her dolls, toys and other cherished tokens of her child...

Head, Not Heart

In England, when they caution you about a potentially dangerous step, the sign reads: Mind the Step. If it's a low overhead that demands caution, the sign reads: Mind Your Head. They use the word mind...