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Found 664 Results for works
What Does it Mean to Be a ‘Living Sacrifice’ and How Do I Be One?

Rylie Fine

One of his puzzling phrases is found in Romans 12:1 where he says, “I appeal to you therefore, brothers, by the mercies of God, to present your bodies as a living sacrifice….” What is a livi...

How Hannah Found an Audacious, Extraordinary Hope in God

Frank Santora

God offers a different kind of hope than the hope people often latch onto. It is bold, daring, original, and supernatural! Whenever we judge a situation or a person to be “hopeless,” we are slamming t...

Why Does God Have Hosea Marry Gomer, a Prostitute?

Bethany Verrett

They say the Lord works in mysterious ways. That certainly seems true in the prophetic book of Hosea. Here we see the story of the prophet Hosea and his unfaithful wife, Gomer. God guides this marriag...

What Do We Know about Cleopas, the Man Who Saw Jesus on the Road to Emmaus?

Stephen Baker

Luke’s account of Cleopas is one of enlightenment. This encounter with Jesus took place on Resurrection Sunday. ...

What is Deism and Is It Influencing Your Faith?

Alyssa Roat

Though the word “deism” may conjure up vague ideas of Enlightenment philosophy or American history, it is more than just an outdated idea. Deism continues to affect our lives even today....

7 Daily Steps to Trust in the Lord with All Your Heart

John UpChurch

Perhaps you’ve been told that as a Christian you must learn to “trust in the Lord with all your heart.” But what does that mean each day? Follow these 7 daily steps to make sure you’re leaning on the ...

Does the Bible Encourage Us to Be Creative?

Bethany Verrett

The ultimate form of creativity, of course, was creation. While humanity takes things that already exist, like minerals, woods, and pigments, and makes something new, God took void, and created the un...

Why Do Christians Say "Church Family"?

Pamela Palmer

Believers are members of God’s household, or God’s family. The phrase “church family” captures the depth of life that people share when they attend the same church. Believers who go to the same church...

What Does Manifest Mean, and How Does It Help Us See God More Clearly?

Lisa Loraine Baker

Christians are to walk with Christ, manifesting His presence through our actions. Through the Spirit’s presence and work in us (John 15:26, Ephesians 1:13-14), we are able to provide unbelievers (and ...

How Can We Understand the Trinity?

Clarence L. Haynes Jr.

The Trinity is one of the essential doctrines of the Christian faith. While defining it and knowing what it means is straightforward, it is one of the most difficult aspects of God for people to compr...

What Does the Bible Say about Asaph?

Lori Stanley Roeleveld

Asaph is the psalmist you know but don’t realize you know. ...

How Can I Study the Bible More Deeply?

Clarence L. Haynes Jr.

Over the years I have had numerous conversations with Christians who said they don’t read the Bible because they just can’t understand it. While I understand some of the passages of Scripture may be a...

3 Proven Ways to Run the Race That Is Set before Us

John UpChurch

How exactly can we run this race that is set before us? Thankfully, we’re not left jogging in the dark. The author of Hebrews provides 3 proven ways to keep us on the right track....

Zerubbabel and the Temple of Jerusalem

Zerubbabel led the rebuilding of the temple in Jerusalem that Jesus would one day visit....

What Does it Mean to “Love Your Enemies”?

Danielle Bernock

Loving our enemies is a foreign concept. Love and enemies are words that seem mutually exclusive. Putting the two together raises questions. When the Bible tells us to love our enemies what does that ...

For Lent, Give Up Lent

Jesse Johnson

I can’t help but notice a growth in evangelicals who want to celebrate Lent by “giving something up.” I’ve heard of Christians giving up sugar, soda, Angry Birds, and Netflix (ok, I made up the last o...

7 Crucial Reasons We Need to Remember God's Word

Ruth Clemence

The Bible is a long and often confusing book, and it's hard to remember all of the truths found within. But when we take time to sit down and read these words, we are reminded of God's goodnes...

Are You Accidentally Committing the Heresy of Pelagianism?

Stephen Baker

Pelagianism emphasizes a person’s responsibility over their own sin nature. According to this view, people are not lost in their sin, but rather have the ability to control themselves. ...

What Are the Three Parts of the Trinity?

Ed Jarrett

The doctrine of the Trinity holds that the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit are one in essence. But within the one God, there are three distinct persons. These three persons are fully integrated i...

10 Ways to Be Sure You're Not Acting like a Pharisee

Kendra Fletcher

While reading the New Testament in particular, we often hear about the Pharisees, most notably when Jesus engages them during his life on earth. Who exactly was he talking about?...