Search Results for 1 corinthians 12

Found 544 Results for 1 corinthians 12
Is There a Difference between Religion and Spirituality?

Annette Griffin

These two words evolved so much overtime that their meanings now appear diametrically opposite. But back in the day, the difference between religion and spirituality was rarely considered....

What Is Purgatory, and Is It in the Bible?

Mike Leake

I do not believe that a simple reading of Scripture would lead one to believe that there is an extended time of purifying that a believer must endure upon their death. On the whole the Scriptures seem...

What Does Gideon Teach Us about Strong Faith?

Rev. Kyle Norman

Gideon’s defeat of Midian is instructive for our lives of faith. While we may never have to face a rival army, the story reveals how God uses us to fulfill God’s purposes in the world. Despite obstacl...

How to Ask God for Forgiveness

Stephanie Englehart

Through the gospel, we are now capable of forgiving others because Jesus has first forgiven us (Ephesians 4:32). Being forgiven by the risen Christ means we now have the power to fight the enemy’s tem...

How Is the Lamb Worthy in Revelation 5?

Jessica Udall

Just like the lambs had to be spotless to be worthy to sacrifice for temporary atonement for God’s people, Jesus was also sinless and pure, “tempted just as we are, yet without sin” (Hebrews 4:15). ...

Why Did Jesus Drive the Moneychangers out of the Temple?

Heather Adams

At first look, Jesus’ behavior might seem rash or out of character. But this was not a case of simply losing His temper - it was Him taking a firm stand for righteousness. ...

God Is Spirit, Is This True?

Britt Mooney

In the Gospel of John, while speaking with the Samaritan woman at the well, Jesus makes a bold declaration. “God is Spirit” (John 14:24). ...

How Can We Be Renewed Day by Day, Even though We Are "Wasting Away"?

Blair Parke

Some might see this verse and think that it should disappoint us in acknowledging that our bodies will fail, and we will eventually die. But the opposite is true; we should be encouraged to know that ...

Is it Wrong for Christians to Visit a Haunted House?

Candice Lucey

I’m not saying it’s ‘wrong,’ and my aim isn’t to ‘scare you.’ But maybe it’s best not to visit any haunted “Houses” this Halloween. Take advice from Philippians 4:8; fill your minds with “whatever is ...

What Will We Do in Heaven?

Jason Soroski

Heaven really is forever, and we will spend that eternity in a place of perfect joy, peace, rest, and hope. It is a house unlike any we have seen before. We will never have to wait for something to ha...

It Takes Courage to Follow God

Lisa Loraine Baker

It indeed takes courage to follow Jesus. But if we accept Him as Savior and Lord, how can we not fully devote our lives to Him? To do otherwise is to remain spiritually immature, missing the myriad bl...

What Does the Bible Say About Insecurity?

Tessa Emily Hall

In our performance-based culture, it's all too easy to have insecurity. Fortunately, the Bible presents some important tools for understanding and extinguishing our insecurity....

What Is Dunamis, and What Kind of Power Does Jesus Give Believers?

Annette Griffin

God’s plan and design, power can become a destructive force. But when God’s power, dunamis, lives inside us we can be used by Him as an unstoppable vessel for good....

Why is the Resurrection so Important?

The physical resurrection of Jesus Christ is the cornerstone of redemption—both for mankind and for the earth. Indeed, without Christ’s resurrection and what it means—an eternal future for fully resto...

5 Things You Won't Believe Are NOT in the Bible

Cindi McMenamin

Would you believe there are some secular sayings that sound so religious people often believe they came from the Bible?  These pieces of presumed Christian “wisdom” can sound bibl...

3 Important Lessons from the Book of Ecclesiastes

Jessica Udall

The book of Ecclesiastes provides relevant wisdom for Christians today who struggle with the seeming meaninglessness of life. Why are we here? What is it all for? Does what we do even matter? What is ...

Why Did Judas Betray Jesus with a Kiss?

Dawn Wilson

Such a kiss coming from Judas on the occasion of a betrayal was not only grievous, it was hypocritical. Proverbs 27:6 could almost be written of Judas: “Wounds from a friend can be trusted, but an ene...

What Is Envy vs. Jealousy in the Bible?

Cathy Baker

What separates envy from jealousy in the Bible? Can of them be good, or are they always sinful? You'll be surprised to see what the Bible really says about envy and jealousy....

Can God Actually Lead Us into Temptation?

Britt Mooney

A question naturally follows. Does God actually lead us into temptation? That seems opposite of a good God who cares about us. It makes us uncomfortable....