Search Results for but god

Found 534 Results for but god

David Jeremiah points out that, "The Dead Sea is so salty it contains no fish or plant life. Why? There are absolutely no outlets! A great volume of water pours into it, but nothing flows out. Many in...

Talents, Abilities

John Huffman observes, "God smiles when we use our abilities. You saw the movie Chariots of Fire. Remember the Scot Olympic runner, Eric Liddell, who declared,...

The Challenges We Face: A New Generation of Gospel Ministers Looks to the Future

Albert Mohler

Will this generation of gospel ministers finish the race? It will require gospel faithfulness at every turn....

Praise To God

Wrapping up Johnny Carson's Tonight Show 27th anniversary program was the Doxology, as sung by L.A. Dodger Orel Hershiser. Following last year's World Series, the pitching ace delighted the late night...

Giving To God

An old country preacher was earnestly exhorting his congregation to give more liberally. He was interrupted by a deacon who said, "Parson, you told us salvation is free - as free as the air we breathe...


In his famous autobiography, Seven Storey Mountain, Thomas Merton wrote of the death of Christ and used three little prases: He was sacrificed for us, by us and with us. We understand that it was for ...

Christmas: Incarnation

Kierkegaard told a parable about a prince who fell in love with a peasant maid. He had noticed her passing by on the street and was instantly infatuated. He knew that if he went to her as the prince a...


The American Clergy Leadership Conference - a group founded by Unification Church leader Sun Myung Moon -- announced recently that it wanted to to promote reconciliation among Christians, Jews and Mus...

Missions, Missionaries, Vision

When David Livingstone volunteered as a missionary with the London Missionary Society, they asked him where he wanted to go. He replied, "Anywhere, so long as it is forward." After he had reached Afri...

Corrie ten Boom's Immanuel

When Corrie ten Boom was a little girl, her father used to tuck her into bed at night. He talked and prayed with her, then laid his big hand on her little face. Later, when Corrie was imprisoned in a ...

God's Power In Us

Gladys Aylward rightly has been called the most noted single woman missionary of the 20th century. Her story has been told in a popular biography, a film starring Ingrid Bergman, and a BBC This Is You...

Study the Passage: The vital step in preparing powerful sermons

The first step in preparing a biblical message is to study the passage......

Justice, Influence

With God in the Crucible: Preaching Costly Discipleship is an Abingdon Press book that contains sermons by Peter Storey, former President of the Methodist Church of South Africa and Bishop of the Joha...

God Exisits

There is a wonderful story making the rounds about a man who went to the barbershop. While he was there he got into a theological discussion with his barber. The barber said, "I don't believe that ...


When the great Church of Holy Wisdom (the Hagia Sophia) was completed in Constantinople they hung thousands of lamps in it. The lights shone through a corona of windows in the dome, so that a sailor o...


Forgiveness Includes Fellowship A pastor once rebuked a Christian lady who had an unforgiving spirit toward someone who had offended her. After a moment's thought she replied, "Well, I guess I'll pard...

Result Of Sin

Ten Commandments Parents do many things because they want the best for their children in the long run. Some actions may feel restrictive or even harsh at the moment, but parents believe that fruit ...

Loving Our Enemies: A Divine Task

This ordeal left him blind in one eye so he could not take part in contact sports. Miraculously he suffered no brain damage and was fearfully aware that his abductor was still at large. He struggled w...

Child Of God

A preacher I know has a daughter who keeps a daily notebook. On one page she had drawn a picture of her father and written carefully his name and address. When asked why, she explained. She had been w...